You Threw A Cushion At Me.

"So you were listening to me last night" Seungkwan said looking smug.

"What? I.... Uh... I don't know what you're talking about."

Seungkwan saw Vernon's eyes grow alarmed and his eyebrows twitching.

"Don't lie. You slipped. I caught you."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Hansol you're not a good liar. You always let it slip."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Alright so we're sticking to this?"

Vernon shrugged.

Seungkwan shook his head.

"Thanks anyway. For not making a big deal about the fight we had last night. I just said without thinking and then regretted it. Story of my life. Thank you for ignoring my apology last night. It'd just have made things awkward."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Hansol??!!!!!" Seungkwan burst out laughing.

Vernon just shrugged again.

They sat silently on the drive home and Seungkwan felt Vernon staring at him.

"What?" Seungkwan asked.

"What what?"

"Why are you staring at me?"

"No I was just noticing the colour retuning to your face. You were so pale back there at the police station."

"Then can I go to office?" Seungkwan said blinking and fluttering his eyelashes.


"Why am I even asking you? I don't need your permission. I can just go after we get home." Seungkwan shrugged.

"Ohh? I thought you'd want to buy my silence?"

Seungkwan slowly turned towards Vernon.

"You won't."

"I will."

"You won't. You can't."

"I can. I will."

"Hansol No. You can't tell hyungs at any condition!! The nagging and worrying will never stop."

"I know. I have an elder brother too." Vernon smirked.

"No. No. You don't get it. The way the hyungs treat you is different than the way they treat me."

"What do you mean?" Vernon frowned.

"It's just.... They think I'm fragile."

"You mean to say they pamper you more? Well that's because I wasn't here. I mean you live with them. Ofcourse they're gonna know your every weakness and they'll be more obvious than mine because I was faraway and you were near." Vernon shrugged.

"Honestly I don't mind the pampering. But it's more than that. When they made a plan for Paris, I was honestly amazed that how did they make up their minds to finally leave me alone, even for a couple weeks. I thought it was Coups hyung's influence. That he finally made my hyung see that I'm responsible enough. I was actually happy. Not that I have something to hide or anything from them... It's just felt nice thinking that they trust me to live on my own, you know, like they trust you.

But I was wrong. Coups hyung never planned on leaving me alone. He knew you're gonna be here. Even Coups hyung didn't trust me."

Seungkwan said glancing at Vernon.

"You overthink too much. I wasn't gonna live with you. Coups hyung wanted me to live with his father. Remember? It was Jeonghan hyung who wanted me to stay with you........ Ohh crap...." Vernon suddenly stopped talking.

"See?? Get what I'm talking about?? Even though Coups hyung trusted me. My own hyung didn't. He did his best to make sure you stay in our house. Now I'm not saying the only reason he wants you there is because of me. Ofcourse he'd want you there. It's your home too. But this way Jeonghan hyung killed two birds with one stone. He's so sharp. Ugh." Seungkwan facepalmed.

"Seungkwan I think you're overthinking this. Maybe he didn't think of all this. I mean he didn't know I'm gonna be here. It was a surprise for him. Yes he might've had a hidden agenda in making me stay with you but before that, he was fine leaving you alone."

"Yeah I guess. That's the silver lining."

"Come on. Let's get out."


Seungkwan finally noticed that they were home and the car had stopped. How long had they been sitting in the idle car??

Vernon got out and Seungkwan followed.

"Are you sure you'll tell hyungs about the accident if I go to office?"

"Yes Seungkwan."

"Are you sure you're gonna continue to blackmail me like this?"


"Ugh I hate you so much." Seungkwan stomped his foot and stomped towards the door leaving Vernon behind.

He put in the password and opened the door. He made his way towards the kitchen and got himself a glass of water.

He heard Vernon closing the door.

"So....... What do you wanna eat for lunch??" Vernon asked.

Seungkwan groaned and rubbed his eyes.

"Why are you always talking about food??"

"Because I have a healthy appetite. Unlike you? Do you have an eating disorder or something? Have you visited a doctor?"

"Ughh no. I don't have an eating disorder. I just don't feel hungry."

"That's a symptom of eating disorder. And you've lost so much weight. Where are your cheekies?? There are no cheekies to tease you now." Vernon frowned.

Seungkwan rolled his eyes and got comfortable on the living room couch.

"Anything edible you can cook is fine. I'll just take a nap. Wake me up when it's ready."

"Ohhkaayy.... It was kind of my actual sleep time. But I'll just cook first then." Vernon shrugged.

"You should stop sleeping in the broad daylight. You're never getting over your jetlag otherwise." Seungkwan yawned and turned to his other side, his back towards Vernon.

Seungkwan was feeling tired. Feeling tired had become a part of Seungkwan now. The tiredness has seeped into his bones and he felt weak all the time.

But he was also feeling sleepy, which was a win because he never felt that. Not naturally. Not easily. Maybe it was the adrenaline rush followed by crash. He thought. Whatever was the reason Seungkwan felt grateful and wouldn't let this chance go. So he decided to sleep.

Seungkwan woke up with slight pain in his neck because of his sleeping position. He sat up gingerly and didn't see light through the windows.

I slept through the afternoon??? Way to go now I won't be able to sleep at night. Why didn't Hansol wake me up??

He rubbed his eyes and sat there scratching his head. After a while he got when his stomach grumbled and went to the bathroom to freshen up and then went to the kitchen to get some water.

He stepped inside and saw a note on lidded dish on the dining table.

I made Mac n Cheese. Eat up and make sure to microwave before eating. Juice is in the fridge. I tried to wake you up but you threw a cushion at me.
I'm going out with my friends. Don't wait up for dinner.


Seungkwan removed the lid and sighed.
"You can take a man out of America but not America out of the man." He said out loud.

Threw a cushion??? Well sounds like me.

He heated up the food in the microwave and took out the juice from the fridge.

He was on his way to his room when the doorbell rang. He put his food down and rushed to the door.

As soon as he opened the door, the smell of black bean noodles hit him with full force.

"Woahhhhh amazing!!"

"Hello to you too." The visitor smiled.

"Aaahhhh soobinah you're the best!! Come on in!!" Seungkwan chuckled.

"Did you eat??" Soobin asked.

"No you're on perfect time. I was just about to eat."

"What were you having??"

"Uhhh do you like Mac n Cheese??"

"Yeah sure. Bring it too."

"Wait a sec. Do you wanna eat in living room with television or the dining table?" Seungkwan asked vetoing the option of his room in his mind after reminding himself of his room's condition.

"With television. It's like you don't know me." Soobin whined.

Seungkwan laughed and took the food package from Soobin to serve it properly in the kitchen.

They ate their food watching the new variety show and discussing it.

"Aaargghhh I ate too much." Seungkwan said massaging his stomach.

"So can I have the juice??" Soobin said taking hold of the glass.

"Noooo it's mine don't touch it!!" Seungkwan said intercepting Soobin and trying to take the glass from him but instead ended up spilling it.

Both of them stopped in their positions and stared at each other.

"I'm so dead." Seungkwan whispered.

"Yes you are."

"Shit Jeonghan hyung would kill me. This rug was gift from the new designer in his company. God help my poor soul."

Seungkwan looked for a tissue or a cloth to wipe the juice off but he couldn't find anything. So he whipped off his tshirt to soak the juice from the rug.

"What are you waiting for??? My funeral?? Go get water!!" Seungkwan snapped to wake Soobin up from his reverie.

Soobin got back with water and they tried to clean the rug but it was already ruined.

"I think we messed it up even more...." Soobin said slowly.

"You think?" Seungkwan said glaring at him.
They just sat there on the floor like that with their back supported by couch.

"Well, a trip to the dry cleaner is fixed in my itinerary tomorrow." Seungkwan sighed. "Today was something else...."

"Ohhh right I forgot to ask.... How are you??? Did you get hurt???"

"I'm fine..... Well physically...." Seungkwan shrugged.

"It might have been so stressful for you..." Soobin said pulling Seungkwan with a hand in a side hug.

Seungkwan wrapped his arms around Soobin's torso and put his chin on Soobin's shoulder.

"You should've gone to the hospital."

"I'm not having another fight on this topic. I'm fine."

"Only if you say so." Soobin sighed.

"Did you tell your hyungs??"

"I'd tell them when I'd like to be imprisoned."

"And whose fault is that??

"Mine." Seungkwan sniffed.

"Do you want me to spend the ni-" Before Soobin could complete the sentence, they heard another voice.

"I hope I'm not interrupting something???"
