You provoke me so much.

Vernon let out a yell of frustration. He grabbed his hair and tousled them aggressively.

What is wrong with me??? How am I going to be a therapist if I can't even talk to someone patiently??

But Seungkwan isn't 'someone'.

He means something to you.

Doesn't make the situation any better that we fought. Again. We never fought when we were together.

That's because Seungkwan let you do anything you wanted without arguing because he loved you. And what did you do in return??

Vernon sighed and continued unpacking which he had finally started.

He put clothes in hangers and folded others neatly and put them in a bundle in his closet.

This reminded him of Seungkwan's room and he cringed.

He wanted to clean Seungkwan's room but he knew the man would never approve of it and they would end up fighting again.

He closed his eyes tightly and tried to relax. To release all the pent up frustration. He had never felt this way before Seungkwan dumped him. He had never felt like this before he cheated on Seungkwan.

Vernon didn't know how to get rid of the guilt even though Seungkwan had relatively forgiven him.

This was the biggest reason he moved to NYC. Because seeing Seungkwan's face everyday and not being able to touch it was a punishment in itself.

He thought moving away would have helped him forget about him. He thought he was over Seungkwan. But hard chance of that.

The moment he saw Seungkwan at airport he knew was screwed. Distance had done nothing but only made Vernon miss Seungkwan more.

Vernon was under no illusion that Seungkwan would ever take him back but they could be friends. They could spend time together. They could not fight every chance they get.

He sat down on the floor beside his bed and rubbed his eyes. Jetlag was a bitch.

He heard his phone blasting mission impossible's theme song and looked at the caller ID. It was Seungkwan.

Vernon fumbled the phone before pressing the answer.

"Hello? Seungkwan? I'm sorry about earlier-"

"Hansol?" Seungkwan sounded unsure.

"Seungkwan are you alright? You don't sound good."

"Where are you?"

"I'm home. Why?"

"Hansol I..... Can you..... I- I forgot my wallet at home. Can you bring it to me? Please?"

"Sure. Where are you? I'll be right there." Vernon said standing up and looking for Seungcheol's car's key.

"At the police station."

"Which police station? Wait what? Police station? Are you okay? What happened? You aren't hurt right?"

"Just come here alright. And make sure my wallet has my driving licence. I'll text you the address." Seungkwan hung up.

"I hope he's not hurt." Vernon said out loud as if letting the universe know and quickly left.

Vernon reached the address that Seungkwan texted him.

He saw a couple of ambulances and EMTs loitering around in the courtyard and immediately looked for Seungkwan.

When he couldn't find him in ambulances he made his way inside.

It was like entering into the shopping mall during sale, it was so chaotic inside the police station. A few people sitting on benches, a few talking, arguing, with the officers and Seungkwan was nowhere.

Walking a little deep inside the huge room and looking at everyone with cursory eyes, Vernon double took when he saw a guy in same outfit that Seungkwan had worn earlier.

He looked pale. And lonely. So alone.

Vernon made his way towards Seungkwan, swimming through the crowd.

He knelt down in front of Seungkwan as a way of greeting putting his hand on his knee.

"Hey" Vernon said looking into his eyes.

"About time." Seungkwan let out a breath.

"Are you okay?"

"I... I-uh.... I'm fine." Seungkwan said scratching his eyebrow.

"What happened?" Vernon asked softly.

Seungkwan sighed and started speaking.
"There was a steady stream of traffic on the highway. Two cars somehow ended up colliding starting a chain of collisions. It was horrible."

"What? Where are you hurt? C'mon let's go to the hospital." Vernon said taking his hand and trying to drag him.

Seungkwan protested by jerking his hand free.
"I'm not hurt. I just rammed my car into the divider so that I don't hit the car in front of me. The driver in the car behind me wasn't that quick though. My car is severely tailless now." Seungkwan said rubbing his face.

"Seungkwan... We gotta go to hospital. Everyone should be at the hospital. I don't know why they brought you here."

"Because it was a freaking accident Hansol. Just... Just.... Follow me."

Seungkwan stood up unsteadily.

He grabbed Vernon's hand so as to not lose him in the crowd and started moving.

They reached an officer who was busy arguing with a guy.

"Officer can you please listen to me now? You've been trying to talk sense in him for a while now I don't think he's capable to understand what you're saying." Seungkwan said.

"What do you want Mister?"

"Just wanted to show my license to you so that I could go about my day. I have a job, you know, unlike some people." Seungkwan said side eyeing the guy.

"Alright give me your licence." The officer said.



"My driving license??!!!" Seungkwan said.

"Ohh..... Here." Vernon said getting the licence out of his pocket.

He gave it to Seungkwan who passed it on to the officer.

The officer checked of the photograph matched Seungkwan's face.

"So you weren't lying when you said you were 23."

"Ofcourse officer. Why would I lie?"

"No reason. A lot of people lie here for no reason."

"Just.... Can I go now?? Where do I need to sign?"

"Here. Also I know there wasn't any fault of yours in the accident but be careful while driving right? You're young. Take care of your life. Your parents will be so devastated if something happened to you."

"My parents are dead."

"Seungkwan??!!" Vernon interrupted. "Thank you so much officer. We will be extra careful while driving. We don't wanna waste your precious time anymore so we're gonna get out of here. Thanks again." Vernon said taking Seungkwan's license and dragging Seungkwan out of the room.

Vernon stopped when Seungkwan stumbled and almost fell down.

"Hey are you alright?? Let's just go to the hospital Seungkwan. Why take the risk? There could be some internal injury and we wouldn't know about it."

"I'm fine Hansol. It's just low blood pressure and my adrenaline is crashing after all this drama. Just.... Just drop me at my office. I'll take a cab home in the evening."

"You are not going to office. You're so weak, you're in no condition to work. I'm taking you home. Take a leave. Or just take a sick leave. I don't care."

"Hansol....not this again. I don't have the energy to fight you."

"Exactly my point. You're not well. Come on. Let's go home."

"Hansol please......"

"No." Vernon grabbed his arm and dragged him towards the car.

As soon as Vernon let go of his hand, Seungkwan started walking towards the courtyard exit.

"Seungkwan?? Where are you going??" Vernon yelled out.

"To call a cab." Seungkwan replied.

"NO. Wait. You sneaky shit. Come back here." Vernon ran after Seungkwan and unfortunately for the latter, he was somehow faster and manhandled Seungkwan to come back to the car.

"Ugh leave me alone." Seungkwan said struggling profusely against Vernon's grip.

"You wish. Please you're so weak you can't even fight me off. You're not going anywhere but home. Probably hospital too." Vernon said putting him in the front seat and doing his seat belt.

"Not hospital please. I am fine. Seriously. I didn't bump anywhere. My car sure did but I didn't I promise."

"How can I trust you when all you've done since I reached here is you trying to avoid everything I suggest?"

Seungkwan stopped Vernon who was fumbling with the seat belt by putting his hands over his.

"Hansol. I'm fine. Seriously. No need for the hospital." Seungkwan said making eye contact.

Vernon could only nod. He pressed Seungkwan's hand slightly and quietly closed door after doing the seat belt.

He got around the car and got into the driver's seat. He started the car and put one arm on the Seungkwan's headrest while backing up the car.

He could feel Seungkwan staring at him but he concentrated on getting out of there.

"Stop frowning." Seungkwan said.


"I said stop frowning. You'll get frown lines." Seungkwan said pressing his fingers on Vernon's forehead.

"So you're allowed to flatten my frowns but I'm not allowed to make you breakfast?" Vernon shook his head.

"Hansol!!!! You never give up do you?" Seungkwan said smiling ruefully.

"Nops" Vernon said popping the P.

Seungkwan sighed and said, "I'm sorry about this morning. You were only trying to help. Thank you for that. Seriously I'm grateful."

Vernon just kept on looking forward.

"I feel like all I've done as a way of welcoming you is apologize again and again."

"You think?" Vernon raised an eyebrow.

"Ohh shut up. You provoke me so much."

"I just asked you to eat." Vernon shrugged.

"I don't want to eat!"

"Fine by me. Get malnutrition and die for all I care. But please wait till hyungs get back. You cannot die on my watch."

"I'm not on your watch. I'm not your responsibility."

"Ohh really? So if I eat poison and die you won't feel guilty about it? About how you let the hyungs down by not checking on me?"

"Hey that's not fair."

"That's what I'm talking about. I don't care at all what you want or don't want. You're eating atleast three meals a day if you're living in that house with me. End of discussion."

"Or else?"

"Seungkwan you've apologized to me thrice in last 12 hours. I think it's for the best if you listen to me." Vernon looked pointedly at Seungkwan.

Seungkwan looked at Vernon carefully with a smirk forming on his face.

"So you were listening to me last night."
