And What About My Heart Hansol???

Seungkwan woke up surrounded by Vernon's smell. The citrusy smell had always been a bit strong for his liking but he liked how it was unique and synonymous to Vernon. Strong. Unique. Stubborn. Not everyone's cup of tea.

He tried to pull the blanket up till his face so as to prevent sunlight streaming in from the windows from disturbing his sleep but was disappointed to figure that there was no blanket.

He groaned and stretched his arms, one of which hit something, or rather someone, in the chest.

Seungkwan paused and very slowly turned his head to the side, praying that he didn't hit whom he thought he did which only ended in disappointment because who else was he sharing the house with.

He sat up and rubbed his face. He looked at Vernon who was sleeping peacefully. His hand on his forehead made his tshirt ride up.

He looked at his face. It was everything he could do to stop himself from tracing that perfection. Well whatever was visible of the face which was only chin and lips but goddamn were they exquisite.

He'd almost tasted them again last night. Almost.

Last night was something else. His brain had stopped functioning the moment he felt Vernon's fingers on his bare skin. He felt as if his fingers were scorching his skin and still he wanted more. He didn't know he should be thankful to Soobin and his clumsy ass to break the moment or not because if not for that, something might have most definitely happened. Seungkwan just wasn't sure he wanted something to happen or not.

Well he'd accept that he wants Vernon if not for a teeny tiny inconvenience that his subconscious wasn't ready to forget that Vernon had cheated on him.

But it was only once. And he was drunk. I can work with that. Right?

Get over him Seungkwan. He did it once, he might do it again. And do you really think you'd be able to handle if it ever happened again??? You'd fall apart. His subconscious screamed.

He shook his head as if to disspell such thoughts and searched for his phone to check the time. When he couldn't find it he remembered that it was still on the couch downstairs. He saw Vernon's phone in between them.

Seungkwan had fallen asleep in middle of the live Louvre tour Jeonghan and Seungcheol were giving them. He didn't know how long Vernon held himself up before finally going down because, boy, was Louvre boring on screen.

He could only hope Jeonghan understood that they'd had a long day and chalked it up to tiredness instead of the bore the video call was.

He checks the time in Vernon's phone and slapped his forehead. 8:36 am. He was late for the office.

Skip the office. A tiny voice from inside Seungkwan said.

I can't. I can't let my reputation of being a hard-working and reliable employee go down the drain like this. Seungkwan reasoned.

Nobody cares. You didn't go to office yesterday and nobody even called. They didn't even check in to see why didn't you go. The voice was getting bolder.

I don't work for people to take notice. I work for myself. I don't need constant supervision to work like a responsible employee.

Cut the crap Seungkwan. You and I both know you need rest. It's almost a year. You've collected sick days and vacation days like crazy. Use them. No one will think you're unreliable just for taking a couple days off. The voice has started making sense.

Seungkwan sighed.

Just think about it. You took yesterday off and in last 24 hrs, you slept twice. Without the pills. What would happen if you actually took a couple days or a proper week off? The voice made its final argument.

Now you're reaching with a week. A couple days off are enough.

"Okay! I'm not going to office today." Seungkwan said out loud.

"Good. I was hoping we could go out for breakfast today. I'm sick of scrambled eggs." The voice came from beside Seungkwan.

Seungkwan flinched, surprised by the sudden comment.

"You're awake." Seungkwan said.

"Have been for a while. For a second there, I thought I'd need to call an exorcist. You were in over your head. Now I know what you were thinking about." Vernon said yawning.

"Do you wanna take a shower before going out for breakfast??" Seungkwan asked.

"What do you think?"

"I think I can cook if I'm not going to office." Seungkwan shrugged.

"Oooohhhh nice. What are you gonna cook??" Verno said sitting up and stretching.

"Depends on what we have in the refrigerator."

"Then, sadly, you can't cook anything. It's basically empty. How do you guys survive here?"

Seungkwan laughed.

"It's not like that. The hyungs were just busy running errands before the trip so they didn't have time for the grocery run." Seungkwan explained.

"Makes sense. Also I'm not that hungry so let's take a shower before leaving."

"Can we go grocery shopping after breakfast?? I can make the lunch then."

"Whatever you wish for sweetheart." Vernon winked and got up to go shower.

And what about my heart Hansol???

Seungkwan left in a daze to take a shower, stumbling and almost falling down the stairs.

He entered his room and the rotten smell hit his nostrils. He ignored it and got ready for the day. He showered and tried to find something to wear in the mess his room was but couldn't find anything clean or appropriate for a breakfast run.

So he decided to borrow clothes from Jeonghan's wardrobe. He wrapped a towel around his waist and went towards the stairs.

He quickly ran up and he must not have paid attention because as he turned midway up the stairs he bumped into something and fell on the landing.

And that something was none other than Vernon. Not Again.

"Owww... Watch where you're going..." Seungkwan said rubbing his butt.

"I'm so sorry.... I didn't hear you" Vernon said removing his earphones.

"Why do you always have those on??"

"I don't wanna disturb you."

"Disturb me? Gee thanks for the concern but I definitely got disturbed...... Now help me up!!!" Seungkwan gritted out.

Seungkwan took the Vernon's extended hand but lost his balance as he was single-handedly getting up, making him lean a bit more on Vernon.

Seungkwan winced as Vernon put his hand on his bare back to steady him.

"Where does it hurt??" Vernon asked.

"My tailbone.... I think...."

Vernon slid his hand and pressed the towel covered skin of his lower back. "Here??"

Seungkwan winced again. "Yeah there... Damn it I gotta hit the gym.... I can't afford injuries from random falls." Seungkwan said sighing and putting his head on Vernon's chest.

He felt Vernon going rigid but then he felt an arm around his shoulder and another around his waist.

Vernon was hugging him.

They stood there like that for a while before Vernon broke the silence.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah" Seungkwan sighed, getting out of Vernon's arms and stepping away.

"Why are you always naked??? Don't you have clothes??"

"Yaaah Chwe Hansol, it was only twice and I was going to get clothes from Jeonghan hyung's room but you pushed me down the stairs."

"Woah woah calm down, you can't exaggerate so much. I didn't push you down the stairs. We just collided. It was nobody's fault."

"It was yours. I was loud. If you didn't have earphones on, you would've heard me coming up." Seungkwan pointed his finger towards Vernon.

"And what about you?? Why didn't you hear me??" Vernon countered.

"Because you walk like a ghost without making a sound... How was I supposed to know you were coming downstairs??"


"Ohh move aside, I gotta get dressed. I don't know about you but I'm hungry.' Seungkwan said pushing Hansol to the side and climbing rest of the stairs to Jeonghan's room.

Seungkwan didn't know what was it about Vernon that always made his anger flare up.

Why do I always end up having petty arguments with him?? How were we even in a relationship for years?? It's as clear as a day that our personalities don't match.

What was I even thinking, considering getting back with him?? Such a bad idea. Stay away from him. All he does is rile me up.

But when was the last time you felt yourself being that alive? The damned voice was back at it again.

Riling up means you're finally living, reacting, fighting back. For how long are you going to let life strike you down.

If he makes you feel alive, isn't that a fabulous thing??

And for that question, Seungkwan had no answer.
