Don't Overthink This.

As soon as he saw Seungkwan going towards his room, he dashed to his room to get ready because he knew it would take Seungkwan a maximum of ten minutes to dress up whereas he would need atleast twenty minutes wash up.

Not everyone is as naturally beautiful as Seungkwan.

He took out the first shirt that came into his hand and put it on pairing it up with baggy jeans. He washed his face and gelled his hair. And he tried to do all this as fast as possible.

He heard Seungkwan calling out his name so he took his shoes in his hands and ran down the stairs.

"Yeah yeah I'm ready let's go." Vernon said, panting.

"What are you wearing??" Seungkwan said standing up from the sofa.

Vernon looked himself up to down and didn't find anything out of place.

Not until he saw Seungkwan.

Seungkwan was wearing the exact same shirt. The only difference was that the stripes were horizontal on Vernon's but vertical on Seungkwan's.

Seungkwan groaned.

"Hyungs gifted it to you, right??" Vernon asked.

"Who else?? They're so lazy. Just buy from some designer's collection and divide it between Kwannie and Sollie. Done." Seungkwan facepalmed.

"It's okay. You look good in that."

"I know!!!! That's why I wore it." Seungkwan whined.

"Then what's the problem??"

"Now everyone's gonna think we're together again because we're twinning."

"Don't be ridiculous, nobody's gonna think that." Vernon deadpanned.

"As clueless as ever, Hansol Vernon Chwe, as clueless as ever. Go change, I'm not changing."

"I'm not changing either. You know it takes me time to dress up and I'd have to change my whole look because of the shirt." Vernon said.

"Well I'm not changing either. I don't have anything nice to wear except this and I actually look good in this."

"YOU?? You don't have anything nice to wear?? You've got to be kidding me!"

"What?? You saw my clothes today..... They're all formals. There's nothing that I can wear to a party. I mostly borrow from the hyungs." Seungkwan shrugged.

"Come on we'll be late. Let's go."

"But our clothes??"

"It's fine. Nobody's gonna think that. And if they do, let them."

"Are you sure?? People will think we're together and they won't hit on you. I don't know about you but I don't wanna be single forever."

"Call it an ulterior motive then." Vernon murmured.


"Nothing." Vernon said and pulled Seungkwan out the door.

They got in Jeonghan's car. Vernon in the driving seat.

"Can you read the directions from my phone or do I need to put it in the GPS?" Vernon asked.

"No it's fine I'll tell you."

Vernon started the ignition and followed Seungkwan's directions.

They drove for a while before Vernon realised where the address Woodz texted him led to. He just didn't want Seungkwan to realise it too.

"Ohhh no no nonooo........" Seungkwan facepalmed.

Vernon cursed mentally. Seungkwan knew.

"What?" Vernon decided to play dumb.

"Do you not know where this street is leading us, Hansol??"

"Uhhhh no...." He lied.

"Just to let you know, I can still tell when you're lying.... So don't lie."

"Alright fine. I just realised we're going to Harhan's. I didn't know. It's totally Woodz hyung's fault cz he did it on purpose. He texted me the address instead of just telling to come to Harhan's."

"I thought we were just going to hang out at a cafe or someone's home..... I did not want to go to a club." Seungkwan sighed.

"Nor did I."

They both sat silently as they reached Harhan's and Vernon parked in front of the valet.

They got out and before Seungkwan could react, Vernon put his arm around Seungkwan's waist.

If I want Seungkwan back, I need to let him know that he's safe with me.

Seungkwan whipped his head towards him but didn't remove his arm. Vernon counted that as a win.

But Vernon's happiness was short-lived as Seungkwan distanced himself as soon as they entered elevator.

But he didn't say anything. And that scared Vernon.

"Don't be nervous. They're not gonna eat you." Vernon softly said.

Seungkwan sighed.

"I know..... I just.... I just hope they still love me. Like me like they used to. I know it's too much to ask after I cut all of them out of my life but I had my reasons-"

"Sshhhh" Vernon cut him off midsentence with a finger on Seungkwan's lips.

"They invited you. They like you. Don't overthink this. And........ you're amazing. Don't forget that." Vernon said kissing him on the forehead.

Before Seungkwan could react, the elevator doors opened and they walked out to the hallway leading to the club.

Vernon entangled his hand with Seungkwan's and led him.

He could feel Seungkwan's hand growing sweaty, the pulse fastening. He just tightened his grip on Seungkwan's hand.

As they reached the queue outside, Seungkwan pulled them to a stop.

"Hansol...... I- I can't.... I thought I could but I can't."

"Why?? What are you so afraid of??"

"I don't know anyone in there. Plus it will be so crowdy and people will be drunk and if you get drunk, I'd have to take care of you and I'll do it happily, it's not like I'm refusing to but it will be so difficult for me alone..."

Vernon realised Seungkwan was rambling so he held Seungkwan's shoulders and held his chin so as Seungkwan was facing him.

"I don't drink. Not anymore. Not after...... Not after I got drunk and cheated on you." Vernon said.

Seungkwan took in a sharp breath. He started blinking fastly and Vernon realised he was blinking back tears.

"I'll take care of you. You just have fun. You're not the responsible one today, I am. Okay??"

"Are you..... Are you sure??"

"I've never been more sure of anything in my whole life." Vernon said and took Seungkwan in his arms.

Surprisingly, Seungkwan hugged him back.

Vernon took Seungkwan's hand and entered the club.


Okay so I'm back and now I'll update regularly.

Hope this finds you happy and healthy.

Thank you so much for sticking around for so long and waiting for this to be updated.
