Don't Know. Don't Care.

Seungkwan raised the last spoonful to Minji's mouth.
"C'mon Minji eat up. It's the last bite..... No don't say no. Eat it. No no no don't cry!!!!"

Before Minji could start full on crying they heard noises from the backyard. Seungkwan shook his head and took this chance and fed the distracted child her food.

"There you go. Good girl. Now let's get you cleaned up....." He said picking her up in his arms when the trio returned.

Vernon looked like as if he's seen a ghost whereas Seokmin and Jisoo were flushed and looking meek.

"Do you want me to warm up your food??" Seungkwan asked the older men.

"Don't bother. They already ate..." Vernon mumbled sideeyeing them.

"What do you mean??" Seungkwan asked.

"I'm sorry Vernon you had to see that......" Joshua started.

"Tell that to my brain who's never going to forget it." Vernon shook his head.

"Yaah Hansol-" Seokmin interrupted.

"Your pants are unzipped." Vernon pointed and Seokmin shuffled.

"Ohh so.... You guys were..... making out??" Seungkwan tried to ask for confirmation.

Vernon groaned.

"Hyungs' room is empty right now you know...." Seungkwan chipped in with his two cents.

"Seungkwan please....." Vernon said patting his own chest.

"What? It couldn't have been that bad Hansol stop overreacting."

"You weren't there. You didn't see what I saw." Vernon shuddered.

Before Seungkwan could reply back he was thrown off kilter because Minji decided to lean at the exact same time. He held her tightly so as she doesn't fall from the imbalance and realised that she was leaning and making grabby hands towards Vernon.

"Hansol..... Take her......"

"Ohhhh baby.... Come here sweetie....." Vernon said taking her from Seungkwan.

"Vernon do you mind giving her to me?? I gotta clean her up." Joshua said.

"No we'll do it. You guys should finish dinner. It was delicious by the way."

"Seokmin made it. All of it." Seokmin looked towards Joshua as Joshua made eye contact with him. It felt like as if they were communicating wordlessly.

Seungkwan gestured Vernon to get out of there and went towards the kitchen.

They stood beside the kitchen sink and Seungkwan took Minji's hands to wipe with a wet cloth while she talked in gibberish with Vernon.

After they washed up, Seungkwan stopped Vernon.

"Don't tease them anymore."

"I wasn't teasing them. I'm traumatized."

"Stop overreacting. Have you never lived with a couple who is madly in love with each other??? If not, it's going to be difficult for you to live here. You're forgetting that this is hyungs' house and when they'll be back this would be a daily thing."

"I...I thought they were fighting. I just didn't expect it....."

"Just give them space."

"If they wanted space why did they come here?"

"Aren't you the one with the degree in psychology??? They just needed to be somewhere they found comfort without actually talking to each other. They came here because they knew they wouldn't have to talk or think about their issues here you dumbass."

"Why don't they just talk it out??"

"That's why they need space. And- let her down she wants to walk."

"She can walk??????"

"She's two years old. If she couldn't walk, she'd need to see a doctor."

Minji looked backwards making sure Seungkwan and Vernon were following her and ran towards the backyard giggling.

They played with her for a while before Seokmin and Jisoo reappeared again.

"Guys...... We cleaned everything up. We should go now. It's her bedtime soon and she'll get fussy." Jisoo said picking Minji up from the ground.

Seokmin stepped forward and engulfed the youngers in a hug.

"Thank you guys." He said in a muffled voice.

"For what?" Seungkwan asked.

"For taking care of her while we were occupied with something absolutely trivial. Also for tolerating us. You know we love you guys right?" Jisoo said.

"Ofcourse we know that." Vernon replied.

"And we love you back." Seungkwan added.

"Only when you're fully clothed." Vernon said.

"Hansol Shut up!!!" Seungkwan groaned making everyone laugh.

"Alright we're leaving and I've put the leftovers in the refrigerator. Make sure to eat them tomorrow." Seokmin said picking Minji up from the ground who wrapped her arms around his neck and put her head on his shoulder.

"Minji say bye to Samchons" Jisoo said to Minji.

But she just turned her head in the other direction and ignored them.

"Now I know why she loves Seungkwan." Vernon said making the couple laugh while Seungkwan glared.

Seungkwan went outside to say bye to the family.

While Seokmin was busy with the carseat, Jisoo pulled Seungkwan aside.

"Hey Seungkwan, how are you holding up??"

"What do you mean??"

"You know...... Vernon and you..... You've got history so I was just asking." Jisoo shrugged.

"You're too cute hyung. We're fine. And to be honest we could never be on bad terms because, well, our hyungs are together. It's like this unsaid pact between us to keep things civil. We love them too much to create mess you know."

"Well you guys are very mature..... If it were me..... I wouldn't have survived." Jisoo chuckled.

"Bye." Seungkwan said while Joshua was getting in the car.

"Bye Kwannie!!" Seokmin said and drove away.

Seungkwan sighed and made his way back inside. He didn't feel tired because of the nap. Now he'd have to find something to do.


He stepped inside the door when he was dragged inside roughly.

"What are you doing??" Seungkwan said jerking Hansol's grip on his arm loose.

"Trying to make you hurry the fuck up." Vernon replied.

"Have you gone mad or what??" Seungkwan said rubbing his arm.

"Don't know. Don't care. C'mon dress up. We're going out."

"It's like 10 o'clock. I'm not going anywhere."

"C'mon Seungkwan, Woodz hyung invited you. Are you going to say no to him??"

Seungkwan facepalmed.

He liked Woodz. He was always nice to him. Vernon's friends have always been fun and kind. And if Seungkwan had to be honest, he missed them. After they broke up, it just turned awkward for Seungkwan to hang out with them. It wasn't like they said something, but Seungkwan just felt like an imposter.

"Do you think he'll mind if I won't go?"

"He said don't bother coming if you don't bring Seungkwan."

Seungkwan groaned.

"C'mon it'll be fun. When was the last time you went to just party or hang out with your friends??"

"You know I don't have friends."

"Yes you do. You just think that they think you're not their friend."

"What have I told you about psychoanalysing me??"

"That you don't appreciate it??"

"Yes that. So stop it."

"I'll stop when you'll go dress up."

"Do I have to go??"


Seungkwan stomped towards his room as an answer.

"Don't wear a sweatshirt. Try to wear something fancy."

And it just got better.
