Home is where the heart is.

Vernon got out of the airport in a rush and tried to catch Seungkwan before he leaves.

When he couldn't find him anywhere he took out his phone and called Seungkwan.

But Seungkwan didn't pick up.

Vernon let his shoulders go down in a sigh and decided to go towards the taxis lined up.

Before he could reach someone tapped him in his shoulder and turned around to see Seungkwan.

He felt relieved and got nervous at the same time.

"C'mon let me drop you on my way to office." Seungkwan said and walked towards his car.

Vernon hastily followed him somehow dragging his luggage behind.

They got to the car and Seungkwan helped him put his stuff in the trunk of the car.

Vernon smelled the faint lime scent and it brought a smile on his face. It felt good to be near Seungkwan after such a long time. To be able to smell the scent of his bodywash again. It brought back a lot of memories.

"REMOVE YOUR HANDS!!" Suddenly he heard Seungkwan shouting. He quickly removed his hands from inside the trunk and backed away.

"What is wrong with you?? How many times do I have to say something for you to really listen to me?? I could've snapped the trunk shut and you would've lost your pretty hands." Seungkwan shouted.

"You think my hands are pretty??"

"Seriously?? That's what you stick to out of all that I said??"

"No.... Yeah I just got lost wondering something.... I'm sorry I didn't hear you."

"Fine. Fine. Now get in the car." Seungkwan said getting into the driver's seat.

Vernon got into the car and waited for Seungkwan to start.

Seungkwan turned his head towards Vernon and gave him a look.

"What?" Vernon asked.

"What what?? Where should I drop you??" Seungkwan said.

Vernon sighed and facepalmed himself.

After spending six months away from here and his brother, Vernon was badly craving home but the fact that Seungkwan is living in the house he called home was the only thing stopping him.

One part of the reason he chose the internship in NYC instead of here was Seungkwan. It had took Vernon two months to realise that if he didn't move away, they would be ruined forever.

If Vernon had any chance to win him back, then he had to give both of them space. And that's what he did. Packed his bags, informed Coups hyung and Hannie hyung about it and left the next week.

Not to mention that the constant tension between them was ruining Seungcheol and Jeonghan's blissful life. Both of them were responsible older brothers and making their brothers stay with them was their way for saying 'we got you. We're here for you.'

It was ironic in a sense that the hyungs met each other again after 7 years because their younger brothers were dating each other. And when they finally decided to rekindle their relationship, Vernon screwed up and ruined their relationship.

He really wanted to go home. Even though he had only lived there for two months before leaving but his home is wherever his brother lives. The only problem was that Seungkwan was living with his brother. And he didn't want to make it uncomfortable for Seungkwan. Or the hyungs when they get back from Paris. That was the reason they were at the airport. They were seeing them off. He had to survive two weeks in that house with Seungkwan alone. Thinking about hyungs was a stretch since he wasn't even sure he'd be able to make Seungkwan tolerate him for even two weeks.

Vernon sighed.

"Are you really okay with me staying at home like you said in front of Cheol hyung??" Vernon asked.

"Ofcourse I meant it. You think I was just saying it in front of Coups hyung just to get brownie points?" Seungkwan raised an eyebrow.

"No. I just wanted you to be sure." Vernon said.

"I'm good. And I shifted in one of the two rooms on ground floor so our rooms are on different floors. It'll be like we're alone at home." Seungkwan said as if he was assuring Vernon.

"You didn't need to change your room because of me."

"Easy mother Teresa, I didn't do it for you. I changed it months ago because those two were really loud." Seungkwan shuddered.

"Ohh...." Vernon let out.

"So.... Home?"

"Yeah.... Home." Vernon smiled.

Seungkwan started the car and got out of the airport. He looked straight ahead while Vernon glanced at the city after 6 long months.

"Woah.... That's going to be one huge building.... What is that for???" Vernon exclaimed after seeing a construction site.

"I know right. Rumours are that it's going to an Olympic level stadium for atleast 15 sports."

"15?? Are you kidding me??"

"Nops. Swear to god I'm not kidding you." Both of them laughed.

"So... Are they really that loud??" Vernon asked.

"No.... I was kinda overreacting. They're just so into each other they just don't notice when I'm around. I can't count how many times I've watched them making out in the hallways and practically humping each other on the staircase. Only I know how I survived. You really dodged a bullet when you left." Seungkwan shook his head.

"Are they happy??" Vernon asked quietly.

Seungkwan briefly looked at Vernon.

"Yeah. Yeah they are..... I.... I've never seen Hannie hyung this happy and I've lived with him my whole life. Coups hyung is good for him." Seungkwan sighed.

"So is Hannie hyung for Cheol hyung." Vernon added.

"Yeah." Seungkwan got quiet after that.

Vernon took out his headphones and blasted music in them. He kept gazing out the window and sighing as if reminiscing.

The scenery changed into something familiar and Vernon knew they were close. In a few minutes Seungkwan stopped the car at the curb outside a house.

"There you go Hansol. Let me just help you with the luggage. You can take it inside on your own, right?" Seungkwan said getting out of car.

"Yeah... Thanks for the ride."

"It's fine.... It was on my way anyway." Seungkwan shrugged.

He pulled out the luggage out of trunk and got back inside the car again.

"Wait.... Aren't you coming inside??" Vernon scratched his head.

"Why would I do that?? You know the passcode. You know the house layout. You know where your room is. And I'm late for office. So bye." Seungkwan shrugged and started the car.

"When will you be back??" Vernon asked but it was too late as Seungkwan had already driven off.

"Well..... you're on your own kid...." Vernon said to himself and dragged his feet and the luggage inside the house.

It felt same. It's like time had stopped and nothing has changed inside the house.

Well what did I expect?? Jeonghan hyung and Seungkwan live here. They would never let anything change once they think it's perfect. Vernon chuckled and headed upstairs to his room.

On the stairs he saw the smiling faces in the photo frames hanging beside the staircase. He also saw himself in them. What stopped him was a pic that Jeonghan had clicked of them when they used to live in the apartment and Vernon used to visit them to meet Seungkwan. It was a candid shot of them cuddling on the couch, sleeping late at night bathed in the light from the tv which was still on. Jeonghan had clicked it when he had come late from the office and saw the boys sleeping. He said he clicked it because the boys looked cute.

Vernon felt a pang. Seungkwan had felt so comfortable around him and now? He wouldn't even look at him and spend more than the time than he actually has to. At times like these, he cursed himself the most. Why did I do it??? Why did I had to get stupid drunk and sleep with someone else???? How could I????

Feeling overwhelmed with the guilt, Vernon sat on the stairs and facepalmed.

Does Seungkwan really need this kind of drama again in his life??? He's happy. Atleast that's what it looked like. Screw the winning him back plan. He deserves someone better than a cheating scum like me. And if I ever felt that he needs me in any way..... I'll always be here as his friend. Or the brother of his brother's boyfriend. Well soon to be fiancé. He doesn't need to be in a relationship with me for me to care about him and his well being. All I want is for him to be happy.

He decided, sighed and got back up to go to his room.
