Stay For A While??

Seungkwan had been gone for longer than it took him to pee.

Don't ask me how I knew that information. It wasn't like I pay attention to everything he does and remember every detail about him. No. Not me. Never.

"Guys.... I'm leaving. Text me when y'all hangout again. We'll be there."

"Wait, he's not back yet."

"I'll pick him up on my way. It's getting late and he's drunk."

"Alright, and Vernon.... He's started to trust you again. Don't mess it up. I know you want to date him again but don't push him. You'll lose him forever." Jamie said standing up and hugging him.

"Yeah. I'll..... I'll take care. Bye." Vernon said and made his way towards the restroom.

Vernon entered and was about to call out for Seungkwan when he saw him.

Them. To be exact.

Why is he always shirtless wrapped around some guy????

He cleared his throat but neither of them paid attention. Vernon wanted to leave, jealousy clawing his insides but he knew Seungkwan was drunk and he should make sure he knows what he's doing.

"Having fun??" Vernon spoke aloud.

Both of them turned their heads towards him.

But something didn't seem right.

Seungkwan was.......crying??

Are those tears???
And is that a handprint on his face??

"Get out!!" The guy pushing Seungkwan against the wall said.

Before Vernon could do anything, he saw Seungkwan pulling his knee back and hit the guy's crotch. Hard. His hard crotch.

He moved towards Seungkwan and hugged him. Pulling his shirt over his shoulders and rubbing his back.

"Are you okay??" Vernon asked.

Seungkwan sobbed harder and shook his head.

"Let's get out of here." Vernon said pulling Seungkwan close and out the restroom.

He took a last glance at the guy writhing in pain on the floor and kicked him in his face just so he can hear that satisfying crunch of his nose breaking.

"Hope you die." Vernon spitted out and finally stepped out.

He took Seungkwan out of the club and towards the staircase.

As soon as they were out of crowd and alone Vernon made him sit down on the stairs and take a look at his face.

He traced the handprint that had started to bruise Seungkwan's perfect skin and his blood boiled.

He saw red. He stood and turned to go inside the club again but Seungkwan caught his jeans clad leg and stopped him.

He shook his head, tears flowing down his eyes and Vernon wanted to burn something.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, Seungkwan. I said I'd take care of you and look how irresponsible I am. Look what happened to you. I'm going to fucking kill that bastard."

"NO..... Don't go. Please." Seungkwan sobbed.

Vernon cupped Seungkwan's face wiping his tears.

He kissed Seungkwan's cheek. His lips touching the bruising skin.

"I'll kill myself before I let something like this happen to you ever again. I promise, Seungkwan, I promise." He took Seungkwan in his arms and pressed his head against his chest. He enveloped his trembling body wrecked with sobs and let him ruin his shirt.

He didn't know how long they sat there. It could have been a few seconds, it could have been a few hours. He didn't care. All he wanted was for Seungkwan to stop crying. To stop his pain. To stop his suffering. He'd do anything, anything for Seungkwan's happiness.

When he felt Seungkwan's sobs calming down he made Seungkwan look up and wiped his face with his handkerchief. He helped him stand up and led him outside the building.

They got in the car as soon as valet brought it around and Vernon started the car.

Seungkwan stared out his side window, sniffling every few minutes.

Vernon felt helpless as he saw Seungkwan so broken. He wanted to his Seungkwan to be back. He needed to see his smile again.

As they passed a Taco Bell, an idea struck Vernon and he veered the car as soon as he found a gap in road for a U-turn.

"Where are we going??" Seungkwan asked.

"Don't worry, you'll like where we're going." Vernon looked at him sideways and gave him a smile which he tried to return but it didn't reach his eyes.

Vernon stopped the car in front of the tiny takeaway shop.

"The Fusie's!!!!!" Seungkwan exclaimed.

"The Fusie's." Vernon nodded.

"How did you know I was hungry??"

"I didn't. I knew I was hungry. And that you like The Fusie's fries. Wait here. I'll get the food."

The Fusie's had been a huge part of his and Seungkwan's relationship. Whenever Seungkwan used to get stressed, he'd come here and started gobbling the milkshake and fries. It was here where they sorted out their first fight. It was here where they called each other best friends for the first time. It was here when they said their I love yous to each other for the first time. This place had given them only happiness. This was their heaven.

Vernon placed the order and it didn't take long for it to be prepared.

He took the bag of food and slipped inside the car.

"Here." He said giving Seungkwan his cheeseburger.

"That was fast."

"Believe it or not Kwannie, it is, infact, the middle of the night."

"Whatever." Seungkwan replied. Or that's what he thought Seungkwan replied because his mouth was full of food.

"Slow down!! Or else you'll either choke or get bloated and then you'll get upset and I can't handle upset Seungkwan anymore than I absolutely have to."

Seungkwan gave him the finger which made Vernon laugh.

He started the car and got on the road again.

"Why aren't you eating??' Seungkwan said while chewing.

"We have someplace to be."


"Don't talk. Just eat."

After driving for a while, they reached the cliff overlooking the city. The twinkling lights of the city below them and clear, cloudless sky filled with twinkling stars above them.

The cliff was where Vernon used to go everytime he was stressed, which wasn't much but he had his moments of doubt. Like how when his brother had fought him over his decision to go the psychology route instead of the safe business one. Seungkwan had found him here bawling his eyes out and hugged him till he fell asleep in his arms. He didn't say anything. He didn't have to. He was just there holding Vernon close, letting him know that there was atleast one person in his corner and that was enough for Vernon.

"Ohh wow!! I can't remember the last time I was here."

"Get out."

Seungkwan scampered and got out of the car, making his way towards a patch of grass. He sat cross legged and kept eating.

Vernon sat beside him facing the city lights and took out his own food.

They sat there, each of them lost in thier own thoughts. Not ready to share them with the world yet.

"How much did you order??? I'm so full and there's still food left."

"That's our breakfast. Pack it up. Let's go."

"Nooo. Let's just.... stay for a while?? Please."

As if I can say no to you. Vernon thought.

They sat there for so long that the sun's first rays made their way to them over the horizon.

"Do you remember when we......" Vernon started.

"How can I forget??" Seungkwan replied, his eyes set on the rising sun.


"God it was so painful but I didn't care. I was sore for days." Seungkwan shook his head.

"I know right. I wish hyung kept lube in his car then too, like he does now." Vernon chuckled.

"Ohh god!! How cliché was that?? Losing our virginities in the back of your brother's car on a cliff looking over the city and that too lubeless." Seungkwan covered his face and Vernon kept on laughing.

"Stop laughing!!" Seungkwan tried to hit his arm but missed it and that made Vernon howl with laughter.

Seungkwan got up on his knees trying to grab Vernon but Vernon wouldn't sit still. Seungkwan stumbled, lost his footing and fell on top of Vernon.

Vernon's breath left his lungs and he found himself not even an inch away from Seungkwan's nose.

He could feel Seungkwan's breath on his cheek.

Seungkwan was staring at him wide eyed. No thought behind those beautiful eyes, Vernon was sure. He was confused too.

But wait, didn't that mean too many thoughts??

"I'm sorry." Seungkwan squeaked out and put his hand on Vernon's chest to lever himself up.

Screw it.

Vernon grabbed his waist and pulled him closer preventing him from getting up.

"What for??" Vernon whispered.

Seungkwan opened his mouth to say something but no sound left his mouth.

As Vernon kissed him.


I know I said I'll update on Sunday but I was really happy writing this and I can't wait to share this with you all.

Also, hopefully, I'll update on Sunday too.

Be happy, pookies. Cz honestly?? no one else cares. Be happy for yourself.
