But Seungkwan, I Love You.


Vernon woke up with a delicious warmth
surrounding him. He couldn't help the smile that broke free on his lips and tightened his arms around Seungkwan.

It was probably midday and sunlight from the window was very bright and on their faces.

Vernon groaned and got out of bed to set the curtains. He should've done that before sleeping but he was so damn tired he didn't care.

Also if he had gone to sleep even a minute late, he would've burst in his pants.

Seungkwan just looked so damn fuckable that it had took Vernon everything in him to stop himself from getting Seungkwan on his knees and thrusting into him senseless.

But he had promised himself he won't hurt Seungkwan again. Never Again.

He was sure this all would be so confusing for him, for them, but he knew they'll power through it. He'll make sure of that.

He got back inside the bed and inhaled Seungkwan's sweet scent. He kissed Seungkwan on his nose and cuddled himself into a comfortable posture and let sleep take him in.

He woke up again but the bed was empty beside him. He carefully listened for the sounds coming from bathroom but it was empty.

He really, really hoped Seungkwan hadn't freaked out waking up beside him. He was drunk last night. Well Kinda. Vernon was sure he was pretty sober after everything that had happened but still, one can never be too sure.

He sat up and ran a hand down his face. He sighed and got out of bed. His stomach grumbled and he looked for his discarded clothes from last night. He put them on and made his way out of the room.

If his hunger was anything to go by, he knew where he would find Seungkwan.

He smelled the food in the kitchen before he saw Seungkwan. He leaned against the doorway watching Seungkwan bustle around.

Seungkwan might've felt his gaze as he turned around and gave him a small smile.

"Hey." Seungkwan called out.


"It's afternoon."

"I don't care."

"Are you hungry?? I'm cooking."

"Yes. Very. And I can see that."

"Coffee or juice??"

"Both??" Vernon replied.

Seungkwan made a face and shook his head.

"Go wait at the table, it's almost done."

"Naah. I'll wait with you." He shrugged and leaned against the counter.

Seungkwan quickly finished up and Vernon helped him get the food to the table.

Seungkwan sat down and Vernon sat beside him. As close as possible.

They ate and shared quietly.

"What happened to the burgers??" Vernon asked suddenly, remembering his promised breakfast.

A blush spread across Seungkwan's face.

"I think we left the bag at the cliff."

"Well crap, I was really looking forward to them."

"I don't really miss them. I mean, the reason I forgot about them kept me very occupied and honestly? I'd pick that over burgers anytime." Seungkwan said looking into his eyes.


Seungkwan nodded.

Vernon dropped his spoon and took Seungkwan's neck in his hands and kissed him on his lips.

Seungkwan kissed him back but broke it too soon for Vernon's liking. He had missed this so much.

"I know I said I'd pick you over food anytime but I was lying. I'm very very hungry. Let me eat first??"

Vernon groaned and Seungkwan laughed.

He fed Vernon and himself single-handedly because all Vernon wanted was to grope Seungkwan and that's what he did.

After Vernon saw Seungkwan eat atleast half his breakfast, he deemed it enough to satisfy the hunger and focused on satisfying his thirst for Seungkwan.

He stood up from his chair pushing it back grabbed Seungkwan's dark strands.

He tilted Seungkwan's head upwards and and bended to take his lips into a searing kiss.

He'd promised Jamie he'd take it slow but this was as slow as he could get. The urge to feel Seungkwan skin to skin while he chanted his name was overwhelming and Vernon could only restrain himself so much.

He grabbed Seungkwan by his shoulders and made him stand up. Vernon then grabbed his ass and lifted Seungkwan and walked to the side of table where the surface was clear with no food dishes.

He settled Seungkwan on the table and nuzzled his neck. He dragged his hand inside Seungkwan's soft thighs parting the robe he was wearing.

He kept going upward trying to figure if there was some barrier in the name of clothes but his hand hit Seungkwan's wet hard leaking head making Seungkwan hiss.

Vernon smirked and grabbed Seungkwan's dick. "You owe me an orgasm." He whispered in Seungkwan's ear making him shudder.

"I can suck you, you know." Seungkwan tried to shrug nonchalantly but him licking his lips and focusing his gaze towards Vernon's crotch with heavy lidded eyes gave him away.

"As you wish but you know this guy doesn't go down until it gets to fuck your butthole." Vernon said tapping his tented crotch.

"Get the lube." Seungkwan said finally meeting eyes with Vernon and Vernon sweared at the look in his eyes. The hunger in his eyes made Vernon pause for a second.

"GO." Seungkwan urged and Vernon didn't waste a second.

When he got the lube from the nearest bathroom, he came back and found Seungkwan stroking himself on the couch.

"Getting comfortable, are we??"

Seungkwan grabbed Vernon by the neck and pulled him down to capture his lips in a kiss. He sucked Vernon's lower lip, then bit it to gain entrance. Then he sucked his tongue. Meanwhile Vernon untied the sash of Seungkwan's robe.

Vernon broke the kiss and clamped his mouth on Seungkwan's taut nipple as he opened his robe.

He alternated pinching and biting and licking and nibbling on both his nipples as Seungkwan got wrecked under him.

His whimpers were getting ridiculous and he was nearly crying. His angry red dick begged for attention and Vernon stroked him, fingering the slit making Seungkwan thrust his hips in search of more friction. Sweat dripped from his hair and his breaths turned quick.

Vernon opened the lube bottle and dripped a generous amount on his fingers.

Then his fingers caressed Seungkwan's opening, making him shudder violently.

Vernon carefully spread the lube and entered one finger inside Seungkwan and groaned. He was so tight. He was clenching on his single finger and it felt so good. Vernon couldn't wait to sheath his cock inside Seungkwan.

He rubbed the inside walls with one finger, adding second, then a third. And Seungkwan raised himself on his elbows to watch his fingers go in and out of himself. Seungkwan moaned and Vernon's cock jumped.

Vernon kissed Seungkwan and muttered, "I'm so happy that you forgave me and we're back together."

He knew it was the wrong thing to say the moment he said it because Seungkwan's body went rigid. His relaxed body from a few seconds ago turned stiff.

"Back together?? Forgave??"

"I ... I missed you." Vernon shrugged.

Seungkwan slapped Vernon's hand which was inside him away and sat up tying the sash after correcting his robe. Vernon instantly missed the warmth.

"We're..... You and I.... There's nothing between us. Between you and me. I've been busy. I haven't had the time to think about you."

Every word Seungkwan was saying, Vernon knew he had every right to say but that didn't mean it wasn't hurting him.

Life without Seungkwan was boring. To say the least. Seungkwan made everything better. His kisses and hugs were legitimate medicines for Vernon. He had done his sentence living in New York without Seungkwan. He knew what it was to live without a purpose in life. Seungkwan was his purpose. Seungkwan was air to his lungs. He had always known Seungkwan had the power to destroy him. He just didn't want Seungkwan to use that power.

"But Seungkwan, I love you."
