Keeping My Distance.

Seungkwan woke up when he heard the shrill sound of his alarm. He let it ring, to punish himself for taking the pills again last night, to remind him that neither the pill induced sleep was natural, nor the alarm.

He stretched a little to wake up his body. He had a dreamless sleep but he was feeling far from rested.

He had thought of taking Vernon to the fair which had been a fixture in the city on Sundays for quite a few months but it wasn't possible now.

Seungkwan can't lead Vernon on like this. Vernon still loved him and somewhere deep down, Seungkwan was happy about it but he was in no condition to take him back. Giving him hints like cute fair dates was just going to make it more difficult for both of them. He needed to keep his distance from Vernon.

He wasn't angry at Vernon. Not really. He was just tired. Of himself. He wanted Vernon. He always had. He wanted Vernon's love, his care, his support. But he knew what was at stake. His mental state. Which already wasn't in such a great condition.

He had tried to sleep last night but the thoughts of Vernon kept him awake. What would he say when he found about Seungkwan's overdose?? What would he say when he realises Seungkwan has been lying to him?? Would he still love him??

Insomnia. Vernon had said. How was Seungkwan supposed to tell him the whole truth??

Or would Vernon run for the hills as soon as he realises that Seungkwan was damaged goods??

When this had gone on for too long, he had gulped half a dozen pills down his throat. He knew it was more than what was healthy but he desperately needed to stop the voices in his head and sleep was the only option.

He got up from the bed and went to his bathroom. As he turned to take the brush he saw a sticky note stuck on his mirror.


Seungkwan smiled and caressed the note. He had been harsh on Vernon ever since he came back. He should've informed hyungs he was coming back. He deserved a nice and warm homecoming. And Seungkwan had given him nothing but attitude and barbs.

He got ready and went to the kitchen and found a similar sticky note stuck to the refrigerator door.

Seungkwan chuckled and pulled out the food to heat it. He also found the Fusie's milkshake and his stomach grumbled. This was his dream meal.

He chastised himself for not waiting up for Vernon last night. He could've had the food fresh and hot if he had waited up.

Hansol should've had texted me to wait up.

Yeah, right. Is he your servant??

Seungkwan quickly shut the voices in his head and proceeded with the food.

He cleaned up and was on his way out when he got an idea. He took out the pen and paper from the drawer and wrote his thanks and stuck it to the refrigerator for Vernon to see. This was the least he could do.

He reached office and as expected it was deserted. It was Sunday after all. Seungkwan sighed and made his way inside.

The floor he worked on was as deserted as the lobby and the parking lot. He switched on the lights and started working. He poured himself into it and caught up on whatever he had missed the last few days.

He heard footsteps and turned around to see his boss.

"'Morning, Jessi!"

"Morning?? Honey its way past afternoon."

"Ohh I hadn't noticed."

Jessi groaned.

"What are even doing here??" Jessi frowned.

"Working?" Seungkwan replied, shrugging.

"No but you were on a leave?? You had an accident, right?? I'm sorry I didn't call to check up on you. I was busy. You know how it gets here. Are you okay?? Did you need any help?? Do you need any help??"

"I'm fine, really I'm fine. Thanks for the concern." Seungkwan smiled and turned towards the monitor.

"You didn't answer my question. What are you doing here??"

"I'm working, Jessi."

"On a Sunday??" She raised an eyebrow.

"I always do that." Seungkwan crossed his hands on his chest.

"And here I thought you were finally taking the well deserved rest days off. I thought you went on a vacation." She shook her head and found a chair to sit nearby.

"Yeah, well. I missed work."

"In my opinion, only people who are running from something miss work. Unless you love what you do. And I don't think you love what you do. I don't think anyone loves being the marketing research analyst. It's just a fancy way of saying you stare at numbers all day."

"Don't project your fear of numbers on me, boss."

"You got me." Jessi laughed out loud and it echoed on the empty floor.

"What are you doing here??" Seungkwan asked back.

"My son is with his incompetent father and the house seemed suffocating. So here I am." She shrugged.

"Do you.... Do you ever regret... marrying him??"

"Marry??? Thank god it never came to that. It was just a fling. As if I'd ever settle down with someone like that bastard. He's a real piece of shit. And the best thing he ever did for me was to get me pregnant. So no, I don't regret that."

"Why aren't you relaxing at your home??"

"I told you, it isn't relaxing without my baby."

"You're scared your son likes his father more." Seungkwan said.

Jessi sucked in a breath and glared at Seungkwan.

"Don't fire me."

"Maybe I will."

Seungkwan groaned.

"You look better, you know. There's this sheen on your face and your eyes are shining."


"Go back home, Seungkwan. Stop running from whatever you're hiding from. It's not gonna help. Trust me." Jessi said and looked towards her office door and sighed.

"I don't regret anything except trying to build a healthy relationship with the father of my son. Maybe if I had done that, then my son would've get to spend time with both his parents at once."

"Atleast he's got two present parents. He's luckier than so many kids out there."

Jessi smiled crookedly. She walked to Seungkwan and patted his shoulders.

"Complete whatever you're doing and go home and make sure you make it permanent whatever's got you glowing like that." She winked and went inside her office.

Seungkwan blinked.

It really were just noodles and milkshake. And I can't eat that on a daily basis. That won't be healthy.

Yeah, right. As if gulping sleeping pills down is healthy.

Shut up.

He concentrated on his work again for a while before his phone buzzed. He looked at the text.

Give me the address of the repairshop your car is at?


Cz you took the only car I can drive. You're not the only one who's got places to be.

Right. Sorry.

Seungkwan texted the address to him and texted Soobin to ask if the car was repaired.

When Soobin replied yes, he gave the go ahead to Vernon.

When his stomach grumbled he realised it was evening and sun was gonna go down soon. He pulled out the desk drawer and took out the cookies he had stashed there months ago.

It's better than nothing.

He kept working and sun went down. Suddenly the ring of the telephone down the corridor made him flinch. Jessi came out of her cabin and headed towards the phone. Normally there was someone present whose job was just picking up the phone but since it was Sunday, he and Jessi were on their own.

Jessi picked and murmured greetings. Then she called out his name.


"The guard says there's someone in the lobby waiting for you. Been there for hours." She covered the receiver and whispered yelled at Seungkwan. "I think he's creeping the guard out."

"Who is it??"

She murmured more on the telephone and yelled out.

"Hansol Vernon Chwe....."

"What is he doing here???" Seungkwan stood up and moved to the telephone.

"Hello? Can you put Hansol on the phone??" He said to the guard taking the phone from Jessi.

"Heyy." He heard Hansol's voice cracking due to static.

"What heyy?? What are you doing??"

"Waiting for you. What else?"

"Why are you waiting for me?? And who gave you this address??"

"Soobin did. I asked him to send the car home and I just walked around the city. Do you think we can go home together??"

"I...." Seungkwan looked at his desk and sighed.

"Go home.... It's already six..." Jessi said.

"I'll be there in five. Wait for me."

"No prob." Vernon said and hung up.

Seungkwan put the receiver down and sighed. He shook his head.

So much so for keeping my distance from him.

"Is he the reason for your glow??"

"Yeeahhh.... What?? NO!! He's like, the opposite, I'm so stressed because of him. I'm losing my sleep because of him."

"You can't even lie properly, you must have said everything true on your resume since you passed the interview. You must have some skills....."

"I'm not lying."

"You're smiling. I've never seen you smile. You look good, Seungkwan. Keep the boy. He's good for you. Come on, pack up. I'll leave with you too."

They packed their bags and left together. As they got out of the elevator, they saw Vernon chatting with guard.

Seungkwan shook his head.

His extroverted ass.


"Ohh you're here.... Come on... I reserved us a table at The Vine of Myth."

"How did you even get a reservation there??"

"I have my ways." Vernon shrugged and smiled smugly.

"You should've texted me when you got long have you been waiting for??" Seungkwan frowned.

"It's okay. I can wait for you."

Ohh to hell with keeping the distance.
