When I'm hurt, so is he

*Jade's P.O.V*

A few months later

"You're telling me that Harry paid for the hospital bills?" I asked Zayn in disbelief. He nodded before helping me grab Brooklyn's baby blanket that had fallen on the floor. "Why didn't you tell me? He can't just come out of nowhere and pay for my bills" I said annoyed. Well more like angry and annoyed.

"I'm sorry to break it to you but your fiancé is an idiot" Zayn said. Truth. Alex had basically forced the engagement ring on me as soon as Brooklyn got home with me. He said his parents don't want him to get a random girl pregnant...

"And he didn't even bother asking the doctor about your bills" Zayn continued. I sighed before caressing Brooklyn's soft cheeks. My little joy.

"But that's aside. You're happy right?" He asked a little more cheerful this time. I looked up at him and smiled. "As long as Brooklyn's with me, I'm happy" I said. They do say that a mother's love is endless for her children and a woman can finally learn what love truly means when her child is born.

"I better get going, Perrie must be waiting for me at home" he said before getting up. I nodded and got up with him as I carried Brooklyn with me to say goodbye to Zayn at the door. And as soon as Zayn left, I shut the door and walked to Brooklyn's room and placed him in the crib to let him sleep peacefully.

There was plenty of time before Harry arrived so I decided to go to the nursery and fix some final touches. The room was painted in a light brownish creamy color with a silver crib in the middle of the room with a beautiful net around hanging over the crib with soft plush toys. I made sure the sheet of the crib was white. Everything looked bright and happy. Just to make it a little bit more exciting, I ordered a baby dresser for the room to place all of Ivanna's clothing. Trust me, it was filled up already with all the gifts from friends, mum's shopping and Harry's continuous "oh-this-is-a-souvenir-from-here" clothes from the places he did the concerts at. The carpet on the floor was also a pastel pink color with plush toys spread in the corners. I couldn't wait for Harry to see it. I'm sure he'd add his little touches to it before Ivanna arrived.

I smiled at the memory, only to be frowning again when I snapped back to reality. How Harry and I desperately got everything ready as soon as we got to know the baby's gender. There was so much happiness filled back then. This time?

It was me and Jia going out on shopping trips trying to find different things for Brooklyn hoping that he could've gotten his father's love before his arrival but I was wrong. He doesn't even get his father's love right now let alone before he arrived.

"Jia?" I called out. I hadn't seen her since Zayn came and she isn't even out of her room yet. I had given her a room to rest in when she didn't have anything left to do before her shift for the night and so she must still be there. "Jia?" I called out for her again before I heard her voice coming from her room.

I walked towards her room and stopped abruptly when I heard Harry's name. What?

"No, Harry. I didn't tell her. I overhead Jade and Zayn's conversation. He told her everything about how you paid for the hospital bills"

She talks to Harry? How on earth does she know Harry?

"I know. She wouldn't know. You pay me for a reason and how would even Jade know about me working for you when she doesn't even kno..."

I heard her voice fade away as I walked into the room clearly because she knew I heard by the look on my face. I couldn't believe she lied to me. And more importantly I couldn't believe Harry could get so low.


Harry's voice spoke in the phone calling out for Jia and asking her what's wrong and if she could hear him when Jia just stood there with a sympathetic face. She then quickly cancelled he call and sighed.

"I'm sorry, Jade" she said. Sorry?!

"You're sorry for what? For looking out for everything that's being done in my house or sorry for telling all of that to someone I kicked out of my personal matter years ago?!" I released my frustration on her. I can't believe this.

"Jade. Look I'm sorry and I understand how you feel right now. But you have to trust me. All Harry wanted was for you to be safe.. From Alex" she said. At this point I sobbed. I didn't know if I was sobbing at the fact that my life is a mess with Alex constantly nagging me, at the fact that my first actual born child doesn't have a father's love, at the fact that I can't forget my first love or the fact that Harry still wants the best for me while he himself clearly kicked me out of his life...

"Jade..." Jia said softly and gently pulled me towards the couch in the room and made me sit.

"You know all the 9 months Brooklyn was still growing" she started. I knew she was going to tell me something about Harry. I didn't want to hear a thing about him yet I didn't stop her. I couldn't.

"The first time I brought those baby clothes when I said Alex had given my me salary?" She spoke. I remember when she brought back adorable little baby boy clothing and I was hesitant to keep them since Jia was in need of money at that time yet she paid for the clothes for my child.

"It wasn't me who bought them. It was Harry" she said.

"And the time I said Alex had given me money to get those little decorations for the baby's room?" She continued as I looked at her with complete confusion. I didn't know how to react to this.

"That was from Harry too..." She said.

"He said to me that he wanted the best for your child since that was his intentions when Ivanna was going to be born" she said. That stabbed me...

"Harry cares about you so much. He died inside every time I used to tell him about how Alex would shout at you and hurt you... Even during your pregnancy" she continued. I wasn't mad at her for telling all of this to Harry anymore... It was something bond to happen. Maybe I felt at ease that she told him.

He said it hurt to see me cry. And if he's hurt hearing about me being hurt by Alex, I'm succeeding in a way. He will move on. He will give up being hurt and move on to someone happy. That's what Josh once told me.

"I mean who would want a sad and sappy girl with him for the whole time as he looks for his old love? It would be annoying, don't you think, Jade?"
