I suppose

*Jade's P.O.V*

"Jade, I can't find my tie. Where'd you put it?" Alex asked as I was quickly making breakfast. "I'm coming. Hold on" I replied back, placing the toasts on a plate and putting it on the dining table.

I wiped my hands with the kitchen towel and tied up my hair, walking towards our bedroom. Alex stood there with his perfectly ironed suit fitted on his body as sat on the edge of the bed, wearing his shoes. I opened his closet and reached for the back to take his tie out.

"Here." I extended my hand out to him to get the tie after he had worn his shoes but he stood up and placed a childish grin on his face. "Alright, little boy" I sighed with a smile and helped him as his gaze was fixed on me. A familiar feeling rushed over me. I've never helped someone I loved to tie a tie. He used to keep half his buttons unbuttoned.. "Done." I said shaking off the thoughts.

He smiled mumbling a thank you but took my hand and intertwined it in front of us. I looked up at him with a questioned look. "I'll never fail to love you." He whispered looking into my eyes. I was speechless. To be loved. It's an odd feeling. Two years ago, I thought love never existed in my life. I thought my life would always end up in misery. But here I am, with Alexander Smith. Someone who made me feel alive again. "I believe you." I replied.

With that, he placed a kiss on my forehead and headed out to the garage to get his car and drive to his office not forgetting to grab a toast from the dining table. I watched him drive away next to the ocean that I grew to love more and more each day.


"Excuse me, are you alright?" I heard a male speak up from next to me. I quickly wiped my tears and looked at him, nodding. "I don't think so." He replied back. "I'm Alex by the way. Short for Alexander." He said extending his hand out from his plane seat next to me. I shook his hand mumbling my name.

"Now why would you be crying on a plane?" He asked trying to enlighten the mood. I chuckled at the thought of stupid me crying. "You wouldn't believe." I told him. "Oh yes I would" he protested.


And that was the beginning of our life journey together. Spending 8 hours next to him on the plane relieved me. It was odd how I trusted him by telling him everything. He didn't complain one bit and continued to listen.

That's when we started going out on dates. He took me to calm places to make me forget about the sadness. 4 months and he asked me to be his girlfriend. I wanted to move on. Move on from all the derision. So I accepted. He knew about Harry and I. He knew about Ivanna yet he accepted me as if I were a saint.

Mum, dad and Brooklyn wanted me to be happy so they accepted Alexander almost immediately after I introduced him to them. I stayed with mum and dad for the time being before Alexander asked me to move in with him. It didn't believe him when he told me that he got a new house based on what I loved. He bought a house next to the ocean. It was far away from his work yet he still bought it for me.

That's how I knew. He was the bigger happiness God had blessed me with by taking away my previous one. Everything happens for a good reason and this reason.. was the best.

I left my old life back in U.K. Zayn and I kept in contact regularly while Niall, Liam and Louis would often Skype me. They never mentioned about Harry. They knew I wouldn't want to hear about him but a part of me wished they did. They would Skype me on stage and I would catch a glimpse of him. He sang with no emotions yet he plastered a smile on his face for the fans.

He called. A lot of times but I never answered. So I suppose he gave up too. The last time he called was 6 months ago.. and it was just a single ring. That's it.

I thought I'd break. Bit by bit. Everyday. That's what I thought. It's true that you would never forget your first love. But that's only when you think too much. I've stopped thinking too much and I'm sure Harry... did too.
