12th October, ray of hope

*Jade's P.O.V*

4 months later

Endless months of complete ignorance. I thought I would've been numb to it yet a part of me wished everything could be back to normal. Back to the day when I was at ease.

Alex has been ignoring me as much as he can till today. All he says is good morning, I'll be home tonight... I won't be home tonight or goodnight...

All these months that I needed support. Not that I wanted because what I want is something that doesn't exist anymore. But I needed to take care of the little child growing inside of me. The boy who deserves just as much care as Ivanna got when she was growing.

This boy needed just as much love from his father Alex as Ivanna was getting from Harry. But on the other hand the positive is that he actually got to see this world. Here I was on the hospital bed surrounded by people who are genuinely happy.

12th October  4:40am

I had only remembered the pain that erupted in my stomach a few hours ago with me desperately trying to call Alex to take me to the hospital, which resulted in a fail as he never picks up my calls. As if Gemma knew, she was on the way to my house and found me, rushing to the hospital.

She must've called everyone... Niall, Liam, Louis, Zayn, Eleanor and Sophia were just a few people I could name in front of me with sympathetic smiles on their faces.

"She's awake" I heard someone say. I winced as the bright lights hit my eyes but soon got used to it as I felt Gemma help me sit up. "Where's Alex?" I asked with some hope in my heart that he would've found out that his child has been born and would've been by my side...

"I uh called him, he said he'll be here soon" Gemma hesitantly spoke up. I nodded and took a deep breath.

"How are you feeling, love?" Louis asked making me smile. "Tired" I said making all of them chuckle. "Alex is here" Niall spoke snapping my attention towards the door.

He came in and sat next to me with a serious look on his face without saying anything. "Where is i.. I mean him?" He asked making me cringe at the fact he still calls the baby an it...

"Mrs. Smith, here's your charming little boy" I heard the doctor hum as I heard little cries erupting in the arms of the Doctor. I felt tears forming in my eyes and a smile finding its way on my face. I heard awes from the girls and especially Niall who made me chuckle. His face lit up like a little child at the sight of the baby.

The doctor soon placed the baby in my arms and I finally let the tears fall. He was beautiful. Little cries giving me the happiness that Ivanna would've given me. His brown hair resembling me and his blue eyes resembling his father. His little button nose making me melt at the sight of his adorableness. He was my happiness. My new hope. My new life.

"What are you naming him, Jade?" Sophia asked as she caressed the baby's little cheek making him flutter his eyes close in calmness. I hesitated at first but soon Zayn spoke up making me nervous. "Isn't Alex going to name him? What do you say?" He directed his question to Alex mocking him.

"Huh?" Alex was caught off guard apparently. "I uh... I don't know what to name him. Jade will" he replied. I sighed and spoke up before anyone else could. "Brooklyn" I said out loud. "He's Brooklyn Alden Smith" I finished off. Taking all the other responsibilities of life, naming my child wasn't any new.

"You're naming him after your brother?" Eleanor asked smiling. I nodded giving her a brief smile. "You love him a lot, don't you" she said directing towards my brother and reaching for my hand. "He's been my guardian angel no matter what in life. It's only so little I can do to make him happy" I replied.

I was interrupted by the nurse coming in again. "Mrs. Smith. You and your baby are able to be discharged after the doctor takes some blood samples for clarification. Here are your clothes and could your husband please sign these documentations?" She asked.

Husband... She said. I looked over to Alex who was listening carefully to the nurse as well. He met my eyes and sighed before speaking up. "I'll be filling in the documents. I'm the baby's father" he said. The nurse soon gave the documentations to him and went out.

With that the boys and girls left, only agreeing when I told them I didn't need their help to take care of Brooklyn. I had Jia and myself. Gemma insisted she would come with me but I told her to go since she was awake the whole night with me. I felt guilty for keeping them occupied with me. They didn't sign up for taking care of some random man's child only because his child's mother was someone who was involved with their best mate in the past...

Whatever that's going to happen in the future. I just hope it's something that wouldn't be bad for my child. I can't wish for something good because what's good is already here. My first child who's in my arms ready to be grown in a world full of sorrows and it's my responsibility, no matter his father will be here for him or not... To give him what he deserves and take care of him as I would've with Ivanna. I've promised that... to someone I've loved so much.

"Promise me that you'll take care of the baby just as if he or she were Ivanna. And that you'll make sure to make wise decisions for him or her"
