Longing for more

*Jade's P.O.V*

1 month later

No. No. No.. No. Gosh. No. I paced around the room with anxiety literally eating me alive. "Jade, please calm down." I felt Alex wrap his arms around me to stop me from pacing and placed his chin on my head. "What else am I supposed to do? He's going to be there." I replied him. "Well, you don't care about him right?" He asked as I backed off with my hands still held by him. "No." I replied him. He let out a breath. "Phew. Well you better not care about him. And if you don't care about him, we should go, show him you're better than this and enjoy Gemma's wedding" he encouraged me.

He's right. I took a deep breath and nodded. "Let's get this over with" I sighed hooking my arm with his and leaving the hotel. Alex and I arrived London 2 days ago and booked a hotel for the time period until Gemma would leave for her honeymoon. I never realized who she was getting married to. I didn't ask her when she told me back in LA. Luckily, now I know. His name's Liam. When I found out his name, I freaked out thinking it was Payno and freaked out for days before Liam called me himself saying he wasn't the Liam.

I had worn the same black silk dress that was buried in my closet full of memories of London. Memories that I'd never be able to forget. Memories that have engraved themselves into my heart.

We drove to the venue that was near Cheshire. It was beautifully decorated with flowers. I felt Alex's arm wrap around the silk on my waist as we walked inside to reveal a beautiful lavender and white color combination all around the hall with a back door leading towards the garden area where the alter was set. My heart raced at every step Alex and I took.

He'll be here. After 2 years, he'll be here. Leave right now or go up to him and talk to him. My brain raced with multiple thoughts mixed with my subconscious. I briefly looked around as I spotted Niall, Liam, Louis and Zayn with the girls standing by the stage with champagne glasses in their hands. Harry wasn't with them. I walked towards them as Alex came with me but before they could notice me, I stopped in my tracks when Niall spoke up. "Ah, there's Haz." He said looking behind me with a smile and then at me with a shocked face. I was in the middle of the boys and Harry.. with Alex next to me.

"I love how we're not the only couple that's matching" I felt Alex whisper by my ear sending chills through my body. He then placed his arm around my waist and twisted me around to face Harry.

"Ah, hello Harry. We finally meet." Alex greeted. My heart stopped at that point. It was.. him. His chestnut brown hair just as long as I imagined them to be, under his fedora. His black suit matched Alex's but he wore it in his usual way.. Buttons halfway unbuttoned.

My mind was going in all ways and when I finally met his eyes.. Happiness was drained out of my life. His eyebrows furrowed for a brief moment to focus on what's going on and that's when he realized.

"I'll get you a drink." Alex said and left me alone. What on earth? I looked over at Alex before turning around to follow him but I was stopped when I heard  my name. "Jade" he whispered grabbing hold of my left wrist. I closed my eyes for a brief second before opening them. The boys and girls in front of me all had sympathetic looks on their faces.

"Please." He whispered. I took all my courage to turn around and look at him. He felt someone new to me. Someone that is a part of my life yet is a stranger. I looked into his eyes that held a story. A story that I couldn't see. I looked down at my wrist and his hand still on it. I didn't know what to feel at this point. But all I did know was that Alex was waiting for me and I had to go.

Harry followed my gaze to my wrist, sighed and was about to let go but stopped midway. I looked up at him to see why he stopped. I then realized.. the promise ring that Alex had given me was on my ring finger.

"I.." I started but couldn't say a thing. Was I defending something? His eyes meet mine once again but this time.. I saw tears forming in his eyes. No.. Harry. It's not what it looks like. Why can't I say it out loud?! I felt the sudden urge to wipe his tears but I couldn't. I knew I couldn't.

He then let my hand go leaving a trace of warmth on my wrist longing for more and wiped his tears before turning around and leaving.

"Harry.." I whispered. I knew he couldn't hear. And that's when I felt tears falling down my cheeks. I paced outside the venue. I couldn't take this. The last thing I heard before I was out was Niall calling out for me.

I took out my phone and dialed Alex's number immediately and waited for him to pick up. "Hello? Jade. Where are you?" He asked. "Take me back to the hotel. Please." My voice cracked as I spoke softly. "I'm coming. Wait by the car." He said.

Flashbacks of two years ago played in my head clouding my brain into threads of confusion.

"You're not the Jade I once knew."

"Look at yourself right now." He said almost in a whisper making my head turn towards him. "Not even wanting my touch, let alone love. Hiding yourself from me. From someone you gave all of you to. I'm not even sure you love me anymore, Jade."

"You said you'll always be there for me." He continued but his voice was on the verge of tears.

"Ivanna would've never wanted her parents to be separated"

"Jade?" I heard my name once again. I got up and ran into Alex's arms and cried. It's all coming back. "Let's go" he said firmly taking my arm and leading me to the car. He drove off immediately leaving me no choice but to be thankful for him. I felt my hand being held by him. "Jade, would you please stop crying over that bastard who ruined your life." He said softly giving my hand a reassuring squeeze.

He didn't ruin my life.. I wiped my tears off nonetheless. Alex doesn't deserve to have a sappy woman who cries over her ex.. husband. "Now" he said pulling my hand closer to him and placing a kiss. "I'll make you forget about him." He said. I wish I'll forget him. But I know I won't.
