My Jade

Last Chapter
*Jade's P.O.V*

It smelled like a garden of roses, so strong and beautiful.

Wait what?! I leaped up from my slumber only to whine. What on earth. I rubbed my eyes and looked over at my phone. It was a text from mum saying she and dad would be arriving at around 8pm. Great. Christmas morning will be bland too...

I yawned and fully opened my eyes, stretching when I stopped in my actions. What the hell.

There were roses everywhere. And I mean everywhere. The bed was full of petals of roses, while the floor had a trail of rose petals leading outside. I do remember me getting up from the couch in the middle of the night, getting in bed but I don't remember seeing these roses.

"Brooklyn?" I called out.

My heart started beating quicker second by second as thoughts circled through my head.

"Okay, now follow what I say." He said and turned me back towards the cottage and held my shoulders. "Walk straight." He said and led me in. Immediately I was welcomed with the smell of roses. I chuckled again. "Always roses" I said. I heard Harry laugh behind me. "I want to give you so many roses that you'll practically beg me to stop." He said.

No, how could it be though. It must be Brooklyn. Only he has the keys to my house. I sighed going to the washroom and brushing my teeth as well as washing my face. I then pat dried my face, putting on my sweater and tied up my hair. I pulled a smile on my face. I need to show appreciation towards Brooklyn's hard work.

I went out to see that Brooke's room was empty.

"Brooke, baby. Where are you?" I called out, walking through the trail curiously. It was leading downstairs towards the living room and so I followed it. It was eerily quiet. That made me even more curious.

I reached the living room and looked around but no one was there.

"Brook.." I was interrupted as I placed my hand on my chest, as a reaction.

"He's with Brooklyn at his house," a barely audible voice spoke up.

I swear my heart skipped a beat.

I turned around to find none other than Harry standing with a weak smile on his face. He coughed to clear his throat. I couldn't believe it. He's actually here. He wore a sweater with his usual skinny jeans and boots and his hair let down. It felt like I've seen him after years.

It was as if my whole world flashed before my eyes. He's actually here. I felt tears brimming my eyes. I don't know if I should feel sad or happy. But all I do know is that he's here, for me.

"Jade," he said extending his arms. I spared no time and ran towards him, hugging him as he wrapped his arms around me. That's when I closed my eyes and let the tears flow.

"I'm so sorry, love," he mumbled. He had a really bad sore throat. His voice was on the verge of being completely gone. I cannot believe this.

I was full on sobbing, when we finally parted. He placed his hands on either sides of my cheeks and make me look up at him, using his fingers to wipe my tears.

"I knew I should've never given up on you," he whispered.

"Jade, you left the first time thinking we were never right for each other just because we lost our first child. But when you left the second time, I lost the meaning of life. I'm so sorry, I drove as fast as I could to the airport when Gemma told me you were leaving. But I couldn't make it in time," he said. So he did come for me at the airport. He still cares.

"I was afraid I lost you forever as soon as I left LA," I whispered.

"No, no, no," he assured me.

"Jade, don't you see, we were meant to be for each other. No matter how hard we try to leave, we're always with each other," he said.

I merely nodded, agreeing with him. Somehow afraid that if I don't, I'll lose him again.

"You have no idea how much it hurt me when I found out about you and Alex. It was after our concert, and at that concert I thought I saw you but it wasn't you, so I went home and Zayn came shortly. I told him that I didn't even knew if you were alright. That's when he called you and put the call on speaker," he explained.

"It was hard for quite a time before I finally thought that if you're happy then I should be too. That's what love is. All about sacrifices,"

"I was even more devastated when I found out about Alex abusing you. I couldn't do a damn thing about it. It killed me to see you hurt, Jade. I've hurt you before and I regret that so much that I cannot put it in words," he said, caressing my cheek as his other hand held my hand.

"And when Brooklyn was born, and you came to my house. That's when I knew, I had the chance to get you back but I didn't because I thought you'll think that I'm just taking advantage of your situation," he explained. No, Harry...

"Slowly, I connected with Brooklyn even more, he's my little boy, though not biologically. I love him as my own," he said. And that's what made me forget it all. He accepts my child as his own, while Alex didn't accept him though it was his biologically.

"I'm sorry for the days when Kendall would accuse you of stuff but I didn't do anything. The management had to get some publicity and that was the only way. But I broke it off with the management. The boys and I signed up with a new company," he said. His voice wasn't doing him any good.

"I don't know what to say," I replied him. He has left me speechless.

"I never stopped loving you," I said after a while.

"Alex was a mere distraction who I tried and learned to accept, knowing you and I won't be together," I explained, looking down.

"I didn't want to start a family with him, he forced me to," I sobbed again.

"And since he forced me to, I had to keep the child," I mumbled.

"I know, love. Do you remember that time you told me you didn't want to lose Brooklyn like you lost Ivanna?" He asked. I nodded, looking up at him.

"See, you never lost him," he said smiling.

"Jade, I certainly knew it from the beginning that we could never live without each other, and so," he said, reaching for something in the drawer of a block front near us.

I gasped when I realize it was a ring box and a paper.

"Jade, I never signed the divorce papers," he said handing me the document. I looked at it to find an empty spot on top of his name, and mine... a signed one.

"I'm so sorry," I said looking at him but he stopped me.

"That was years ago, there's no point thinking about it right now," he said instead. And this time I wiped my tears and smiled as he bent down on one of his knee and opened the ring box. It was the same ring I wore on our wedding day.

"Jade Averill, I know my voice isn't the best right now, I know that we're still married considering the fact that I never signed the papers. But I'd like to make this a little more romantic than right now since I never really got to propose to you.And so please bear with me," he said showing his signature smile.

"There were struggles and hardships in our lives that we had to deal with, alone. We were two ships sailing on the same waves, drifting off sometimes crashing into each other, but we never realized that we were on the same anchor. Together. And so I'd like to forget all that we had to deal with and want to spend the rest of my life with you and my little buddy, Brooklyn," he said. This time, there were tears of happiness that couldn't be controlled falling.

"Oh and before you say anything, that was my proposal. And now's the best part," he said. This time, his grin turned into a heart-warming smile.

"Jade Averill, I believe in you, the person you will grow to be and the couple we will be together.With my whole heart, I take you as my wife, acknowledging and accepting your faults and strengths, as you do mine. I promise to be faithful and supportive and to always make our family's love and happiness my priority. I will be yours in plenty and in want, in sickness and in health, in failure and in triumph. I will dream with you, celebrate with you and walk beside you through whatever our lives may bring. You are my person—my love and my life, today and always. Will you do me the honors and be my Jade once again?" He memorized the vows from our wedding back then. That time, he read them off the paper but now he completely meant every word. This is truly it.

"Yes, Harry," I wiped my tears as he slipped the ring on my ring finger, and stood up, looking at me.

"I love you, Jade,"

He didn't spare a second, pulling me closer to him, sealing our lips. My eyes shut at the impact and this was the only thing that mattered to me right now. Harry's finally mine, again and I'm his. This is what our destiny held.

When we finally parted, he rested his forehead on mine as we caught our breath.

"And I love you, Harry,"

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!" I gasped as the cheering came from behind me, while Harry chuckled. I turned around as Harry placed his arm around my waist. I laid slightly towards Harry, smiling as he pulled me closer. All the boys and girls were here. Niall, Liam, Louis, Zayn, Eleanor, Sophia, Gemma, Lottie and Perrie. Brooklyn, Brooke and Cassandra as well.

"Geez finally, all your love talk is done," Louis spoke up dramatically as Eleanor slapped his arm.

"Come on, we had to hide and not make any sound. Now I better deserve a hug from my pillow," he continued. I smiled, walking towards them, giving all of them a hug one by one as Harry smiled. His throat must've been hurting really bad...

"Yay, mommy is finally with uncle Harry!" Brooke ran towards Harry and I and wrapped his arms around our legs. I carried him up as he hugged me tightly.

"Baby, you know you can't call Harry your uncle," I said. He tilted his head towards me as I smiled.

"He's your father, love," I told him. I know I stopped him from calling Harry his father before but that was not the case right now. Harry was his father, whether biological or not.

"Yes, buddy," Harry spoke up.

"So daddy?" Brooke replied. And Harry nodded.

"Yay, now I have a daddy too. Mommy, can daddy live with us?" He asked.

"Yes, we'll live together as a family," I replied looking over at Harry who looked at me with an approval already, and hugged both Brooke and I.

"Aww!" I heard Niall and the girls say, making everyone else chuckle.

"Nialler, mate I think you spend too much time with the girls," Zayn spoke up.

"Yeah, yeah. I was just expressing all my emotions. Now what do you say, food and then opening presents?" Niall replied and everyone agreed. Turned out they had not only come here but brought a gazillion bags of food and Christmas treats. I'm surprised how they all managed it here.

It turned chaotic as the girls went in and out of the kitchen, preparing all the food as the guys managed to play video games as well as organize everyone's gifts.

"This will never get old," Harry spoke up, hugging me from behind. I turned around and smiled as his arms were wrapped around my waist.

"You need to take some rest. Your voice is awful," I said placing my hand on his forehead to check if he had a temperature but he didn't.

"Nope, I'm here with you, Mrs Styles. And that's all I need," he said smiling.

"Yeah, typical cheesy old Styles," I shook my head, running my hand through his hair.

"You love it," he replied.

"Yes, I do. I love you as a whole too," I chuckled.

"Oi, lovebirds. You've got the rest of your lives to do this. Come on, we have to open up the presents," Louis interrupted us.

"Alright," I said and sat in the circle that everybody had formed as Harry sat next to me. Brooke was sitting between Brooklyn and Cassandra but he looked at Harry and I and got up, walking towards us and sitting between us.

"Jade, you know when I said nothing can come between you and I?" Harry spoke up.

"I was wrong. Nothing can come between you, Brooklyn and I," he said with his cracked voice.

I shook my head laughing genuinely for the first time in years.

That was it. Everyone opened their presents and happiness was filled all around the house, everyone talking and mingling. Sharing Christmas presents and eating the food that had been prepared. I smiled looking at the ring on my finger. I was wrong when I said this Christmas was going to be awful. This Christmas was absolutely the best.

Maybe when we think things are meant for us, we're prepared for something better. I never expected Harry and I to be together at last. I thought, maybe I'd have to spend my life, loving someone who wasn't in the same picture as me. But here I am, with someone who I consider my savior. The only one who I dearly loved from the beginning.

We were just two strings attached to a same time but with different knots. Our experiences untied the knots and concluded our lives.

And I couldn't be more thankful for a person so pure to be called mine. He's a beautiful soul who knows the meaning of love. He's a reflection of a well-brought up man by a beautiful mother. And I am proud to call him my Harry Styles.

I hope that one day, you find your Harry in your life as well - Jade Averill

[ The End ]
