Ropes of life

*Jade's P.O.V*

It was an odd feeling, to actually leave. A part of me felt anxious to whether, somehow, maybe a little chance in a million, Harry would've come...

But that wasn't the case, and maybe, that's what's best.

"Come on, Brooklyn," I said, holding his hand whilst dragging the carry on luggage in the other.

"I texted Brooklyn, where is he?" I mumbled looking around.

"What, mommy? I'm here," Brooklyn spoke up, making me chuckle.

"I'm talking about your uncle Brooklyn. Big Brooklyn as I should say," I smiled, which he returned.

"Jade!" I heard my name and a wider smile pulled on my face. I spotted him and Brooklyn followed me close.

"Oh my god, I missed you so much!" I launched myself in his embrace as he hugged me back.

"I missed you too!" He replied, before picking Brooklyn up.

"Now, here's my little prince Brooklyn. We have matchy names. Now that's confusing," Brooklyn spoke to Brooklyn. I chuckled at the thought. This is going to be very confusing.

"So, was the flight alright?" Brooklyn asked, getting in the driver's seat, driving off.

"Yeah, it was fine," I replied him.

And for some reason, it just didn't feel right. I felt uneasy. That's not right. This is right. I shook my head and laid back on the seat. I was extremely exhausted.

"Oh, I actually found you a house very quickly. It's a block away from Cassandra and I's. Shouldn't be a problem. And we got it furnished for you and everything. And also, the food is stocked," he said.

"Thank you so much!" I said genuinely.

"That's what siblings are for," he replied.

It was a brief silence before he spoke up again.

"Jade, I'm sorry about Alex," he said. Right. Little did he know, I'm not.

"Don't be," I replied shortly.

"Tell me more about Cassandra. I'm finally going to meet my sister in law," I said.

With that he started telling me all about her. The way they met, the day he asked her to move in, the day he proposed and finally to the day they got married. I told him I was mad that I wasn't invited to his wedding, but he said there were only 5 people at the wedding, it happened so quickly. We laughed at his stupid incidents.

"And we're finally at the Jade household," he said.

"Oh my god, Brooklyn, that was so lame," I cringed which only resulted in him laughing even more.

"I see the mini Brooklyn has fallen asleep," he said looking at the backseat.

"Ah, he's probably exhausted from the flight," I sighed and got out of the car before opening the backseat door and carrying him as Brooklyn helped carry our luggages inside the house.

The house was quite huge and it seemed very pricy. I had told Brooklyn to get one on rent so I can work and pay but he insisted to actually buy one for me. And that just makes me regret that I should be the one doing all this for him, but he has to...

I walked in, to reveal the interior with a deep burgundy and white color combination with Christmas decorations all around the house making it very cosy.

I placed Brooklyn on the bed in the master bedroom, as I looked around the living room.

"It's beautiful," I said in astonishment.

"I'm glad you like it, now do you need any immediate help? Because I need to rush back to my office and grab a few things that I need to work on tonight," he asked.

"No, I'm good, thank you so much for everything. And I really mean it," I said.

He reached toward and gave me a hug before speaking up.

"You have my number. Cassandra and I will visit tomorrow and it's Christmas in exactly 5 days. Mum and dad will come for the holidays," he explained.

"I can't wait," I smiled and waved him goodbye as he drove off. I sighed and shut the door.

I'm here. With the most important person in my life. My own child, Brooklyn. A family? If only.

But that'll do. I suppose.

I looked around the house to find every single room fully furnished with furniture and decorations everywhere. He spent a lot of money on this. I truly can't thank him enough for supporting me since the beginning.

I went to the kitchen to search for some food and found a pre packed salmon salad, grabbing it, I went over to the dining table and ate in silence, looking through my phone.

There were a few texts from the boys, Sophia and Gemma. They were all ranging from farewells to have a safe flight and talk soon. But Gemma's one was different and that caught my attention the most.

"Hey, Jade. I hope you reached Georgia safely. Text me when you're free. I did something but it didn't work and I did another thing and I hope that might work. Talk to you soon, love you x -Gem"

Did something but it didn't work and I did another thing and I hope that might work? What?

I quickly texted her back telling her that I reached safely and asked her what she meant by that but she didn't reply and so I locked my phone and finished the salad and decided to make a list of Christmas presents for my family, the boys and girls so I can send it to them by post, hopefully.

With that I called it a day. I got changed into some comfortable clothes and laid next to Brooklyn. He was fast asleep and that's the beautiful thing about little kids. Their life is beautiful until they get older and experience the ropes of life...

The ropes of life...

I took the cloth off from my eyes and Harry had left. I focused on the sight in front of me. I was in complete astonishment. The lights were off and because of the sunset, it made the room dark. Candles illuminating light all over the room and rose petals all over the bed right in front of me. This reminded me of my last birthday. How I woke up to roses and balloons. Absolutely beautiful. There was a note on the bed. I reached for it and opened it. "Trust is built with patience. Come by the beach. I'll show you the ropes of life. -H"

I laughed dryly at the memory. Little did I know, these are the ropes of life. Falling in love with someone who could never be mine. Dying everyday seeing him say all the things that I wanted to hear, to another girl. Finally when life somehow put us two together, we were pulled apart once again. Every time, either one of us took a step, we fell back into the dark sky reserve, foolishly hoping to find our way back to the region of the summer stars.

These are the ropes of life.
