
*Harry's P.O.V*

"Harry, can you fucking stop being so down mate!" Louis shouted at me for the millionth time. "You were the one who told her to go when she was finally trying to get back" Liam added. "I know..." I whispered. "I was stupid enough to let her go again" I continued. I thought she would've stayed.

"Why did you even tell her go? Harry, I'm so mad at you for blocking her out you twat. Gosh. She kissed you back, for goodness sake" Zayn spoke up. "I don't know what to do! Alright?!" I shouted to stop this.

"I let her go, but I want her back. I didn't want to ruin her new relationship with Alex. I'm pretty sure he wanted to marry her as well. Or so I thought but that moron Alex is an abusive man! I could see it. The way he pulled her arm and dragged her away. I saw it in her eyes, she was afraid of him. He hurt her" I finally said out loud. "Wait what?" Louis questioned. I sighed before mumbling a yes.

"That's messed up! It can't be true. She always looked so happy on skype, and she never told me about it" Zayn mentioned. "Zayn, why would even she tell you?" Louis spoke up. "Because I'm the one who talk to her the most? Obvious much?" Zayn replied him back.

"I need to do something before he hurts her more" I sighed making the decision. "Like what? Go to her and be like come back to me, Jade? You shithead" Louis sassed. "No, Louis... I'm thinking of sending a maid or something to their house. She could not only help Jade divide the work but also report back things to me" I told them and waited for their response.

"That's illegal you know that right? Invasion of privacy. What if the maid doesn't agree and goes to the police instead?" Liam spoke up. "It's not illegal" I said. "I talked to Simon... I know bad idea but he said it's not illegal as long as I don't tell the maid to do dangerous stuff based on what she tells me" I said.

"Hmm.." Louis nodded as Zayn got up. We all looked at him to what he is doing. "What? The maid isn't going to be found by a miracle" he said smiling. "Let's go, boys. We've got a maid to find" he said and we all got up to leave.

I genuinely couldn't be more thankful to have these four best brothers in my life.


"Alright, we have 3 coming in any moment after each other. Here are the questions, make sure they don't drool over you" Liam instructed me. I sighed nodding. "Great. Find one quick" he said and left the room.

We had gotten to the management's office and borrowed a room. Simon supported me on this for some reason but he did not inform the rest of the management. We told them that I was in need of an assistant since I couldn't handle all the management stuff on my own. Bullshit but yeah.

I was preparing the documents when I heard a faint knock on the door. "Come in" I said and the opened door to reveal a brunette with very decent clothes for a maid interview I must say. "Please sit" I instructed her.

"Name?" I asked. "Victoria Walker" she stuttered. "Age?" I asked next which she replied with 26. "So, Miss Walker. Why would you like this job?" I started with the easiest question. I waited for her response but all she did was stare into my eyes. I snapped my fingers in front of her to divert her attention back to the questions. "sorry" she murmured. "I asked, Why do you want this job?" I said flatly. "Oh. Uh. Because I want to support my family" she replied. "Really?" I raised my brows. She nodded. I sighed before speaking up. "You are dismissed. Goodbye, Miss Walker" I said flickering my attention towards the door. She was shocked at first but got up to leave.

I tore her information documents and slammed them into the bin as I laughed bitterly. She was an orphan, living on her own. Support her family, she said.

I shook my head and asked the next one to come in. It was a male. Nope. He's not going to be hired. There is no way I'm going to let another male be with Jade and help her 24/7 but I welcomed him nonetheless.

I asked him a few questions and based on what he said, he seemed very reliable but then again, he wasn't going to be hired so I dismissed him and told him that we'll contact him later on.

I was getting frustrated already and it's been only 2 little interviews. I prompted my elbows on the table and held my head in them. What have I gotten myself into.

Finding someone to protect the one I promised to protect all my life yet I let her slip through my hands into the hands of a beast.

"Harry?" I was snapped out of my thoughts with Zayn at the door. I looked up and nodded as he came and sat in front of me. "There are 2 more outside waiting for the interview and the original 3rd one is late so we'll see how that goes" he informed me. "Okay" I replied him.

"Harry" he said with his voice full of concern. "Are you alright?" He asked. I sighed before speaking up. "I'm a mess, Zayn" I felt tears prickling in my eyes already. "I used to be strong. I used to not cry and was strong enough to cope with struggles. I'm not the strong one anymore. I've lost everything. I've lost everything that meant to me the most... Mum's happiness and Gemma's excitement for Jade and I. Jade can't even talk to all of you anymore... She'll make sure I'm not around. And most importantly, I lost Jade herself." I sighed with my voice cracking.

I felt Zayn pat on my shoulder before he spoke up. "You'll earn her trust, you'll earn her love and you'll get her back. I'm sure because she never stopped loving you" he said comforting me but I know she'll eventually stop loving me... Once she finds the love she deserves whether it's true or fake.

"It's alright mate. I better get going, they're waiting outside for interviews" he said and I nodded before wiping my eyes with tissue and running my hand through my hair.

"Come in" I spoke up to the next person who knocked. I briefly looked over the documents on the table without looking up as the person came and sat in front of me. When I sorted out the documents, I looked up to ask for their name but the person in front of me was not who I was expecting to see.
