I promise, so leave.

Please remember to read the author's note in the end of this chapter 🙏🏻

*Harry's P.O.V*

I couldn't sleep. Endless nights just me awake in the house empty of love. Empty without her presence. Ever since Jia told me Jade was going to be a mother, I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy hit me.

I should be happy for her having a child but a child that is not mine made me angry. I don't know why. I had the feeling of possession towards her. She was mine. Was. And now isn't. That's what kills me the most. She doesn't belong to me anymore. She's not mine to love, mine to touch, mine to spoil and mine to start a family with.

I smashed the glass of water that rested on the bedside table to the ground. I had to release my anger somehow. Ripping the sheets off me, I rushed to the washroom and splashed some water on my face and took a deep breath. Jade never liked me in this state. I had to calm down.

"Harry?" I heard Zayn's voice call from my room. "I'm coming" I said before wiping my face with a towel and walked out. "Yeah?" I asked him. "Gemma called" he said. "And?"

"She said Jade's having a baby..." He said hesitantly. "And told me to inform you and tell you to call her back" he continued. Little did he know that I had already been informed about it. "I already know" I said. "Oh" was what he said.

"I'm sorry" he said after a while. "Don't be" I said sternly. "Not your fault" I said. "Call Jia and ask her to come. She's going to stay here from now on. In the servant quarters. I need her to give me full updates" I informed him as he listened to me carefully. He nodded before getting up and walking out.

I sighed before changing my clothes and running my hand through my hair. I picked up my keys and phone and got into my car. She called me this morning yet said nothing. Maybe it was by mistake. But I hoped that she did it for a reason. She needs to know that I care about her and that I still want her to be happy...

It took me a few minutes to contemplate whether I should go or not. In the end, I decided to go. I started my car and drove off.

I soon came towards the huge house of Alex that Jade lives in. I called Gemma and asked her about Jade being home since she had told me that she took Jade to the doctor as Alex was not home. I hope he isn't home at this point too or I'm sure I wouldn't be able to control myself and beat the shit out of that bastard.

I pressed the door bell hoping that it would open. When there was no answer, I pressed it again. "Coming!" I heard her voice. After months and months. Her soft voice made my heart swell. Soon she opened the door and revealed her frame in front of me. Her eyes widened at my figure and I stood there looking at how broken she looked.

"Jade" I whispered. She didn't react at first but I saw her eyes getting glossy before she slammed the door shut yet I stopped her midway and placed my foot to block her from closing. "Jade, don't" I convinced her but she continued to push the door attempting to shut me off. She would certainly fall if she continued. "Jade! You'll hurt the baby!" I shouted a little louder. That made her freeze her actions.

I immediately took this opportunity and pushed the door open and took her wrist in my hand. She wriggled in my touch and removed my grip and stepped back.

"I knew Gemma would tell you" she said softly. I sighed before replying her. "I knew it before Gemma told me. But that doesn't matter" I told her. She started fidgeting with her fingers automatically telling me that she's nervous. I stepped forward and she reacted by stepping back a step.

I sighed at her action before speaking up. "I need to talk to you" I said. "But I don't have anything to say, Harry" she replied almost immediately. "Just leave, Harry. You said yourself that you don't want to ruin another relationship of mine and right now you're not helping. Alex will be here anytime" she said. I watched her say every word and simply nodded as a frown found its way on my face.

"Promise me one thing" I almost demanded. "Harry, we're not on the terms of making promises" she said softly breaking me. I knew she didn't mean that. I knew she would never decline my promises.

I walked towards the door and she was following me to shut it immediately after I left but again, I placed my foot to block her from closing. "Alex will be here anytime and he won't be happy seeing you. Don't make this harder" she said. I took a deep breath and ran my hand through my hair before looking into her eyes and speaking up clearly ignoring her declination towards my asking of making a promise to me.

"Promise me that you'll take care of the baby just as if he or she were Ivanna. And that you'll make sure to make wise decisions for him or her" I said. She looked at processing what I had just said before speaking up. "If I promise, will you leave?" She asked impatiently. "Yes" I answered her. "Alright then. I promise" she said. And with that I removed my foot and she didn't spare a second before shutting the door.

I stood there thinking of what had just happened. I saw her after so many months and this is what I got. After a few minutes of me just standing there, I hadn't realize but Jade was still by the door. She must've sat down and that's when I heard sobbing. She was... crying.


A/N : so loves, I'll be doing a Q & A session in the next update. Feel free to comment all your questions regarding Your Jade, My Jade the stories and also regarding the characters, storyline, about the author or anything you want to ask or even just your thoughts on my writing and maybe how do you want to end the story (My Jade) 💕 it'll mean a lot to me because I'll love interacting with you all
