
*Gemma's P.O.V*

"Where are you all going?" Harry asked biting out of his sandwich as the boys, Sophia and I were getting ready to leave. They all looked at me putting me on the spot before Liam spoke up. "We're not telling" "now shut up and go back to your sappy room. Since you never wanna hang out with us anyways, you piece of shit." Louis added making all of us laugh. Even Harry. He laughed for the first time in almost forever. "Fine, fine. Come back soon, remember we have a concert tomorrow." Harry said and went upstairs.

"Let's go." Zayn said and guided us all out. Harry's driver with the SUV was waiting for us outside the house. We told the driver to stay and let us go by ourselves since we wouldn't all fit with the driver. Liam decided to drive with Louis in the passenger seat. Niall, Zayn, Sophia and I sat at the back. I gave Liam Jade's address and he inserted it into the gps before we drove off.

"That's a pretty wealthy neighborhood." Liam stated. "Yeah, Alexander's pretty rich." Zayn replied. "Wait, who is this Alexander?" I asked out. I heard Jade moved in with a guy but I knew nothing about him and Jade didn't reply me when I asked her. "This guy she met on the plane when she was leaving for Georgia. He saw her crying and comforted her. Since then they started going out and eventually settled in together after Jade's parents met him." Zayn said. She took him to her parents that quick?

"Why didn't she tell us?" Niall asked. "And most importantly why the fuck do you know about it while we don't?" Louis added. Zayn chuckled before speaking up. "Maybe it's totally because you all have soooo much time and talk to her every day and I am too busy in my own stuff to not even care about her." Zayn said with sarcasm.

"That's not true!" Niall whined. "Oh yes it is" Zayn replied. "No! We called her like once every week." Louis defended. "Nope." Zayn said. "Guys will you stop?" Sophia said out loud shutting them. "Geez, thanks" I sighed. It was silence again.

"She doesn't know about you either." Zayn said directing at me. "That's why we're going.. I'm going to tell her today." I replied. "Fair enough."

"We're here." Liam said as we stopped in front of a really beautiful house. It had a fountain and a garden with beautiful flowers and the house was.. Wow. The boys and Sophia were just as stunned as I was. Los Angeles sure had great houses but this was phenomenal. Harry's one is nothing compared to this.

"Please don't tell me, she turned into a gold digger" Louis said out loud as we all got out of the SUV. "What the fuck, Louis?" Sophia spoke up. "Why would you say that. She's not like that." She added.

We walked through the little garden to the porch and pressed the door bell. After a few moments, the door opened to reveal a guy. This must be the Alexander, the boys were talking about. He had brown hair and a smile was plastered on his face as if he's seen someone he knew for a very long time. "Hi! I'm Alex. Jade's boyfriend." He said and I smiled extending my hand out to shake. "We're her friends" Liam said smiling.

With that we saw Jade coming from behind Alex. "Guys!!" She exclaimed excitedly and gave us a group hug making us all laugh. "Do you guys want to stay here for the whole day?" Alex chuckled. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. Come on in." Jade said standing aside, letting us all go in. Wow. This house was an absolute beauty.

We all followed her and Alex to the living room and sat on the couches before Louis spoke up. "So, Jade. Obviously you never had time to tell us about your boyfriend." He mocked playfully. Jade chuckled before Alex took her hand. "Zayn knew about Alex. I thought he told you guys and we never really mentioned him in our skype calls." She replied. "Trust me, I think she loves you guys more than she loves me" Alex said. "She literally goes to the backyard and talks for hours leaving me all alone in the house." He added making us laugh.

"Now, since Louis is anxiously looking at our TV and Niall finding the kitchen." Jade started as I saw Niall looking around. "Alex is an Xbox maniac as well. Go ahead play while us girls would bring you some food." She said getting up as Louis murmured a yess. Sophia, and I got up and followed her to the kitchen.

"So, how are you girls. I've missed you." Jade said taking a seat by the kitchen island. "I've missed you more, you idiot. You never called." Sophia said. "Jade, you never told me about Alex." I said. She sighed before running a hand through her hair. "Long story. Let's get the food to the boys and we can go to my room to talk. Yeah?" She asked. We nodded and helped her with the food before taking some for us and went to her room.

"Now, spill it out girl. I've been waiting since last night." I said as we plopped ourselves on the king sized bed. "Alexander and I met on the place when I left for Georgia. He took hold of his father's company and moved here for the grand opening." She said. "And..?" I asked waiting for more. "And what?" She asked confused. "Jade, is he just a distraction to you?" I asked her leaving her silent. She looked at me before speaking up. "No." Was all she said.

"Then why so quick? Look I'm not saying because I'm your ex-husband's sister and am absolutely devastated that you left him with a divorce without telling anyone but you have to tell me why did you move on so quickly?" I said almost before regretting saying that. That's when Jade broke down. "Jade, I'm sorry. Oh my god. I shouldn't have said that." I admitted going over to her and hugging her. What's going on with me. Why am I asking her all this. It's her life. Sophia got up and went down to get some water as Jade sobbed.

"I just wanted to forget him.." She said softly in a vulnerable position. "I'm sorry, Jade.." I said wiping her tears. I ruined her happiness.. she seemed so happy when we came. "It's alright. It's not your fault." She replied giving me a weak smile. "Anyways, you wanted to tell me something?" She asked changing the topic. Her eyes were already red and making it seem like she cried for a long time.

I took breath before speaking up. "I'm getting married." Jade's eyes widened before she smiled sniffling. "Really?" She asked. "Yes, next month. That's why I wanted to contact you. And I want you to promise that you and well now, Alex will be there." I informed her. She nodded and spoke up. "I will. I promise." She said. I know she's not listening to me straight. She didn't even ask to whom am I getting married to. I know my words had an impact on her and heck, I regret saying that.

"Is everything alright?" I heard a male speak from behind me. Alex. Shit. "Yeah" Jade spoke up before I looked behind him. Sophia stood there with a glass of water and a sympathetic smile. "Um, we'll be downstairs." I said and got up as Sophia left the glass of water on the bedside table and joined me to go out. The last thing we saw was Alex going over to Jade and asking if she was alright.

I sighed as we went down. "I just told him that I was bringing water for Jade and he got worried." Sophia said. "He should be." I replied her and sat on the couch behind the boys. "He cares for her." I continued. At this point the boys paused the game and looked at us waiting for an explanation obviously for why Alex followed Sophia upstairs. "He cares for her just like Harry." I finished off. "We should go." I stated before walking towards the door. "What, it's only been less than an hour." Niall whined. "Niall." I warned.

I saw Jade and Alex come back down. Jade had a smile plastered on her face. "Uh, we should get going." I informed. "The management called, the boys have to be at the soundcheck soon." I continued. "Oh." was what Jade said. "It was nice having you all here." She said giving us hugs one by one. "I'm probably going to come tomorrow for the food again." Niall laughed. With that we left her house and were off back to Harry's house.

"What happened, Gemma?" Louis asked in the car. "You literally got so mean to her." Sophia stated. True. I don't know what got into me. "I don't know what happened. I just.. It's about my brother alright. He's spending his nights crying over Jade, who's happy with that douche Alex" I said before I felt tears forming in my eyes. "I can't see Harry suffering like this." I continued before Sophia comforted me.

"I don't think she's that happy with Alex" Liam stated. "For all that I know is that, she can never be happy with anyone other than Harry." Zayn said. He knew better about Alex than we all did. He's right.

"Whatever is going on.. Either Harry needs to man up and forget Jade or we make sure Jade and Harry get back together because I cannot stand that overprotective douche that literally followed Sophia up because she was getting some water for Jade. I mean who does that." I ranted. "Calm down, gem." Sophia placed a hand on my shoulder. "We all don't like Harry and Jade separated but if Harry was in Alex's place, he would've also followed me upstairs to see if Jade was okay.." She said making a point.
