Simply just her

"I would never forgive him for he left bruises on your delicate body, which used to be mine once"


*Harry's P.O.V*

I laughed at myself for finally winning Jade. She agreed. I can't believe it. I basically jogged towards my room in excitement when she fed Brooklyn yesterday. I was smiling goofily at the reflection of myself in the mirror, fixing my hair. This is what happiness felt like after a very long time.

Soon the sound of my phone ringing snapped my attention towards my bed. I wore my shirt and reached for it before answering and buttoning up the bottom few buttons of my shirt.


"Good morning, I'm speaking from Allied Hospital. Is this Mr. Harry Styles?" A woman's voice spoke up making me stop in my actions and focusing on what she was saying.

"Yes. I'm Harry Styles" I said.

"Well, you had left your contact for the blood testing results of Brooklyn Alden Smith, son of Mrs. Jade Smith" she spoke up. I sighed, furrowing my eyebrows ignoring the fact that Jade still goes by the name Smith and not Styles.

"Yes, I'm aware of that. Is everything alright?" I asked curiously.

"Yes. We'd like to inform you that the baby's blood results came out perfectly fine. We'll still continue the monthly checkup for development as usual" she said. A smile immediately found its way on my face as I thanked her and ended the call.

Brooklyn's perfectly fine. Jade was scared for him, and now she'll be extremely happy. I found my way, walking towards the guest room to tell her that but not before stopping by the nursery to see whether Brooklyn was still asleep or not. I slowly peeked open the nursery room door and walked inside to find Brooklyn fast asleep. I placed my hands around the crib and looked down. He was an absolute joy for Jade. Her source of happiness when she was with Alexander. I couldn't be more thankful for Brooklyn right now. He helped Jade at her worst though he came very late. My smile turned into a frown at the thought immediately. Ivanna Anne Styles... I wish you were here.

I always wondered how having a baby girl felt like. To buy all sorts of girly things for her or to treat her like a princess. My princess. It was a mystery to me why I had always wanted to have a girl as my first child. The idea of even being the father to a child was so vague to me right now. Having a little boy on the other hand feels just as same to be honest. Except the fact that his eyes show a completely different story to mine. Blue compared to green. He's not my child. Though I'm treating him that way.

"Harry?" I heard my name, being snapped out of my thoughts. My hands on the edge of the crib tightened as I closed my eyes for a brief moment and opened them, turning around plastering a smile on my face.

"I was on my way to come see you" I said. She stood there with a blank impression on her face, questioning me why.

"So there might be a good news for you" I said. She tilted her head a little with a smile on her face as she walked forward to look at Brooklyn.

"And that is?" She spoke up in her soft, soothing voice already smiling widely.

"So Brooklyn's blood results came perfectly fine" I announced and waited for her reaction. Her face immediately lit up with her eyes glistening as tears formed slowly. She was extremely happy.

"Really?" She asked just to make sure before she launched her arms around me, resulting in me stumbling back a little losing my balance but I caught myself in time. She hugged me. I wrapped my arms softly around her waist as she clutched my shirt in her hands as if I were about to leave her. I won't, Jade. I mentally informed her. It was only less than a minute before her soft embrace left me. She stepped back wiping her tears with the back of her hand and chuckled.

"I... I just. I'm so happy" she found the right words to say. I nodded my head in agreement.

"He was my only source of happiness when I was with Alex... Suffering under his control. When I was being forced to do things..." Her happy tears turned into a frown.

"He thought I was just another doll for him..." She continued but I couldn't hear more, and so I stopped her by placing my index finger on her lips.

"Shhh" I said. She looked up at my gaze.

"I know for a fact that I cannot forgive myself for slipping you through my fingers into darkness and I also know that I wouldn't stop hurting Alex if I see him for what he has done to you. For the bruises he had left on your body, which used to be mine once. I have a right to protect someone who I love so dearly and so It's a happy moment right now. He was the past, you're home now. Safe. Don't worry about him. And see, Brooklyn's perfectly fine. I told you, you wouldn't lose him" I comforted her. I could tell she was trying her best to believe me and accept what I had said.

"Thank you... For all you do" she said after a while. I smiled at her and nodded.

"Always. Only for you, Jade" I admitted. It's the truth. I wouldn't be able to do something I've done for Jade, for anyone else. It's simply because once you love someone with all your heart. You learn to do the best for them. And only best.

"Now what do you say, I was in the mood to bake something. Jia's gone home for a week and Brooklyn's still asleep. I'm more than hungry right now" I said enlightening the mood. She immediately smiled and nodded as leaned down in the crib and placed a soft kiss on Brooklyn's forehead before leading me out of the nursery.

"What do you want to bake?" She asked me.

"Hmm let's see. Caramel chocolate cupcakes?" I suggested. She chuckled before speaking up.

"I was thinking just the same"

What made me smile was not our conversation, but it was her. Simply just her.
