Our room

*Jade's P.O.V*

They say time heals, being here in a house of someone I've experienced the meaning of love with, I was a mess. Pure weakness being exposed to a solid dream.

He asked me to come back home.. as his wife. I wished that it was as easy as he made it sound. I felt his words engraving themselves into me. I am a book and his words are the stories on me. I could come back home. But a home is somewhere where you truly feel belonged. Do I feel belonged here? That's the question that haunts me whenever
the flashbacks of me signing those divorce papers come in view. I just... wish I had never done that. I wish I just left without signing them and without saying anything. Maybe then, I would've returned home quicker... because being a wife would've given me hope to return to the person I've been tied in a ring to.

I believed the bond we held was real, because all the thought about our arranged marriage was merely just a metaphor and what we felt for each other was the truth. I was stupid enough to leave without thinking, resulting in what and who I am right now.

"I hope I could" I whispered against Harry's chest.

"And I hope you will, Jade" he said placing his lips on my head. The same sparks and chills ran though my body. Only he could make me feel so ecstatic at just a touch.

"I don't know, Harry... I just... I'm confused" I admitted. I don't even know why am I confused. Am I confused because leaving him at the first place was my stupidity? 

"Why?" He whispered, his voice barely audible.

"Harry... That night. When we argued, I... I was shocked and scared. I had never experienced love before you told me that you loved me and so I didn't believe you. I thought you were playing with me" the words that were kept secret flowed through my voice but before I could continue, Harry's voice laced with hurt filled the room.

"Jade, you thought I played with you?"

"I... I didn't know why you didn't reject me again in Bali. I didn't expect you to say that you loved me because the feeling of even being told I love you was so vague to me. When you had finally said it, I took advantage of it. I felt so happy but I was afraid you would forget it all the next day, and so I didn't think about us and just thought about being loved" I said wiping the semi dried tears that were on my cheeks. I looked over at Harry who was intently looking at me, absorbing every word I spoke. His eyes showed pure guilt and I was dying to know what he was thinking.

"And I just. I didn't think about how scared I would be after you started showing affection towards me in a way I wanted. My wants were truly stupid and had so much fear" I said. At this point, I didn't even know if I was making sense. All I did know was that Harry was listening. Listening loud and clear... like he always used to do.

"Can we forget everything?" His voice filled the room making me snap my attention towards him. He was looking intently at me.

"Maybe we can forget that we love each other... I'll try to forget that you were my Jade. Though we or at least I know that I won't be able to forget yet I'm willing to start fresh" he concluded his words. I left his embrace and sat a bit further away from him. Start fresh?

"That is because I don't even know if you love me anymore..." He whispered. I do, Harry... But I can't seem to tell you that right now.

"Through this way, I can be the support you need and you can be the support I need by being here with me" he said raising his brows as an indication to whether I had agreed or not. When I sighed, looking down, I felt my hands being taken into his warm ones. Intertwining them, making me look up at him. His mouth pulled up into a smile when I didn't pull back.

"Alright?" He asked referring to the idea he had just given. I prepared myself mentally for what could possibly happen next in our lives.

"Alright" I said agreeing. His face immediately lit up, with his green eyes widening in happiness and his smile even wider, showing his dimples that I loved so much. The sight immediately made me smile as well.

"Stay as happy as you seem right now, Jade" Harry said as he cupped my face in his hands and bent his face down slightly to meet my gaze, at my level.

"I will" I replied giving him a smile. This is the least I could do at this point to let him know that he means so much to me.

"I promise" I added and was immediately pulled closer to him as he placed a soft kiss on my cheek, and then at the corner of my lips. A simple action of his made me flutter my eyes close, with my heart beating faster. He pulled back a few moments later, still his hands cupping my face with his thumbs caressing my left cheek. I was lost in his jade green eyes.. At this point I chuckled, completely ruining what was about to happen.

"Jade?" Harry asked amused.

"Care to share what's so funny?" He asked curiously.

"I was thinking about your eyes. They're beautiful and everything and they're Jade green" I said. He looked at me confused but soon burst out in laughter.

"You're so silly, Jade" he said pinching my nose. His action reminding me of our childhood. They way we would tease each other so deliberately.

"But you're right in a way" he said after recovering from his laughter.

"They are a reflection of you, Jade. Jade Green. If you find my eyes beautiful, then you should know that you're just as beautiful as my eyes. In fact even more" he said making me smile.

Just as he was about to speak up again, a small laughter erupted in the room making both Harry and I snap our attention towards the source. I was in awe when I saw what was going on.

Brooklyn had woken up, his small hands stuck in the hem of Harry's shirt that was covering his face. Harry immediately shuffled and hovered over Brooklyn making up random sounds making Brooklyn laugh even more. I smiled widely at the sight before Harry got back up with a worried expression as Brooklyn started pouting and his small laughter was replaced with cries.

I shook my head and smiled at Harry. He was so confused. He looked adorable, almost even more adorable than Brooklyn at this point.

"He just woke up, Harry. He's hungry" I informed him. He was dumb folded when his mouth pulled up and o shape and he nodded.

With that I carried Brooklyn in my lap and shifted my gaze towards Harry who was curiously waiting to see how Brooklyn would stop crying.

"I'm going to feed him now" I said, hoping he would get the hint and probably stop staring.

"Oh. I.. Uh. Right. I'll be in our room" he said and scurried off the bed and left the room. With that I continued. Did he say our room?
