Make it shorter

*Harry's P.O.V*

Fuck! Ugh.

"Harry, tell me what the hell is going on in that head of yours?!" Gemma pulled me out of the living room to the kitchen so Kendall wouldn't hear.

"Absolutely nothing," I replied her.

"Oh for fuck's sake Harry?! Why the fuck did you bring Kendall here?!" She raised her voice.

"Especially when you know you love Jade! Did you not think about how much it might hurt her when she sees you with Kendall?" Wow.

"She actually gives a shit about me?" I laughing dryly, grabbing a glass and pouring some juice in it.

"Yes, she actually gives a shit abo..." Before she could continue, I cut her short.

"Look, Gem. As odd as it sounds, I have given up on Jade. She never loved me and there's no point trying anymore when she herself made me the bad guy in front of the guy that practically raped and tortured her. How worse could it get?" I shrugged her off.

"And so, I've moved on. Kendall's supporting me at the moment and I'm more than happy" I convinced her but more surprisingly I tried to convince myself.

"You know what?! If you're going to give up the woman you loved with all your heart in a quick second for a skank like Kendall, then Jade deserves someone much better than you! And you know what, I'm going to take her back to mine" She said.

"Yeah yeah, like you will," I chuckled. She wouldn't do that.

"You know what?! That's exactly what I'll do!" She shouted, walking to the guest room to Jade. What? She's actually not lying.

Screw you Gemma! I thought she was lying. She actually took Jade with her. And Jade? She didn't even look at me before she left! I honestly don't know what to feel anymore. Jade left me completely broken in front of Alex and I felt useless.

Anxiousness eats me on the inside just thinking about what Jade might be going through without Brooklyn, but I can't do a thing. And Kendall, distracts me through all.

"Babe" I was pulled out of my thoughts when Kendall walked towards me, placing her arms on my shoulders, with a smile on her face. I returned the smile promptly yet it wasn't quite genuine.

Her smile turned into a smirk and she bit her lips. I already knew where this was heading and it just didn't feel right.

"Kendall, not tonight," I simply said, pulling her arms away from my shoulders, sighing.

"Why not? Come on. I didn't come here for nothing," she whined.

"Kendall, please," I tried convincing her.

"Fine," she replied after a moment of silence.

"I'm going home, bye" she huffed and got her bag and left just like that.

Great, now I'm all alone again.

I placed my hands in my hair and prompted my elbows on my knees, sitting down on the couch.

What on earth is going on. How am I supposed to fix this mess. Why didn't Jade bring back Brooklyn and most importantly why did she come back when she agreed that she will stay at Alex's.

Everything was going great until Alex called Jade... we were happy. 

Fuck! I need to clear my mind.

I groaned, getting up and walking to the kitchen, pulling out a bottle of whiskey that Kendall had brought me earlier. Popped the cover off and sat on the kitchen island, drinking straight from it.

It'll be a long night. And I'm in no mood to make it any shorter.
