Helping hand

*Jade's P.O.V*

Two days had passed with no contact of Alex. He wasn't back and my chances of escaping were still low. I wanted to leave. Leave and go back to my parents but his words struck me. Maybe my family will think that I can't build a family. I lost a child once and got a divorce. And now another one...

The door bell interrupted me, snapping my attention towards it. My heartbeat immediately quickened. He's back. I quickly got up and walked towards the door. Opening it, I braced myself but it wasn't Alex who was there.

"Ms. Averill?" A woman around my age asked in front of me. "Yeah?" I answered in a questioning manner. "Good Afternoon, I'm Jia" she said extending her hand out for me to shake. "I've been sent from your Joseph management as a maid for your assistance" she explained. "Uh... there must've been a mistake, I didn't ask for a maid" I said trying to hide away. "Well, I'm here now, may I come in?" She asked. I was hesitant at first but then she made sure to show me documentations to prove that so I let her in.

"I'll begin with the cooking considering that it's afternoon, you must be hungry right?" She asked. I briefly nodded before going to my room to retrieve my phone as Jia began cooking. As soon as I got my phone, I dialed Justine's number asking her to why there's a maid.

"Hello, Jade?" Her voice chirped. "Hi, Justine uh I wanted to ask you something" I spoke. "Sure, I'm all ears" she replied. "Why'd you sent in a maid to Alex and I's house?" I asked her. There was silence before she spoke up. "Uh, Mr. Campbell said so, that's why. Well just take rest as you can" she replied hesitantly directing that my ex-boss had done that. I didn't quite got the guts to believe what she said but I thanked and ended the call nonetheless.

"Jia?" I called out a few moments later. "Yes, Ms Averill?" She replied. I walked into the kitchen to see her already preparing food. "You can call me Jade. Just Jade" I informed her. "Alright, Ms... I mean Jade" she gave me a smile which I politely returned. Maybe she would be a company while Alex is gone... And possibly also for when he is here.

"Here's your food" Jia spoke up. I mumbled a thanks before taking my plate over to the couch to eat. She immediately washed the pots and dried them before dusting the house. After I had finished eating, I asked her to come and sit with me so I could ask her a few questions. She stopped working and agreed after taking my plate to the kitchen as well.

"What's your full name?" I asked her with the basic. "Jia Fernandez, ma'am" she said. I nodded before asking her about her family which she happily shared. She seemed nice and she managed to pull a smile on my face as well.

"Well, I suppose I could use some help with the housework now that you're here" I said. "But do keep in mind that you're going to stay here just as if you were a part of this house" I informed her. I didn't want her to feel like a servant.

Soon I fell asleep on the couch as Jia was dusting the piano. I didn't have anything to do except to wait for Alex. I tried to call him a few times before I slept but he didn't pick up.


I stirred in my sleep when I heard the front door clicking. I prompt myself up when I saw the house was dark without lights and Jia nowhere in sight.

As I was getting off the couch, I saw Alex stumble in with his blazer hooked on his finger across his shoulder and his hair messed up. "Alex?" I called out to get his attention. When he didn't reply, I walked towards him and took the blazer from him and called out to him again. This time he looked up at me with a frown. "Bothering me" he slurred.

He can't be drunk at this moment. He literally just came back from Las Vegas. "Alex, where are you coming from?" I asked him sternly. He whined like a little kid before removing his shoes and speaking up "the pub" he replied shortly and stumbled past me to go but failed when he was about to fall but I helped him up. I winced when I placed his arm around me due to his weight prompted on me. I practically dragged him towards the bedroom.

When I finally dragged him there, I gently pushed him flat on the bed which he fell back on the mattress and exhaled with his eyes closed and limbs all spread in attempt to stay comfortable. I reached for his shoes and removed them before removing his socks and then sat on the bed next to him before starting to unbutton his shirt. He never liked to sleep in the attire he had worn during the day and would be grumpy the next day so I had to help. I was on the second last button when I felt his hand grasp mine. He opened his eyes and looked into mine before pulling me closer.

"Kiss me" he said. I watched him waiting but I didn't follow what he said. "You're drunk and I'm sure you wouldn't have wanted to kiss me when you left for Las Vegas. So don't" I replied before helping him remove his shirt. I then helped him to pull towards the pillow so he could sleep properly. The whole time, him carefully watching my every move.

I remember when Harry used to get drunk when he was with Taylor... He would come to my house rather than his own and often Taylor would drop him saying she couldn't take care of him because she had work to do. I remember doing the exact same with Harry with the only difference of Harry being someone I loved... And still do.

"Stay" I heard Alex mumble grabbing hold of my wrist as I was about to leave the room to go sleep on the couch. I hesitated at first but sighed and gave in. I slipped into the covers and kept my distance but soon Alex had wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer, nuzzling in the crook of my neck as his breath steadied signaling that he was asleep.

I stayed wide awake... Thinking about how people change. How they are manipulated by something they consume for relaxation. It must've taken Alex around 4 hours from Las Vegas to here and I'm sure he would've been home a few hours ago... yet he had to... he had to go to the pub.

I closed my eyes to sleep but I was soon taken back to memories of Harry and I... Cuddled when sleeping. The way I would trace the tattoos on his arm when he would wrap it around my waist just like   Alex is... The way I would smile as he would whisper sweet nothings into my ear. The way I would calm down under his soft touch. Most importantly, the way I would feel as if nothing in the world could harm me... Because I'm protected in the arms of someone I've loved so much.


A/N: filler chapter. Yeah, you might be thinking there's not a lot of Harry in it. But the story has to be built this way. I'm sure you'll appreciate how this will be built later on. ☺️

Don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT A LOT 💕 comment all your thoughts, feelings, reactions because I loved reading what you think. And that way, I can improve ☺️💕
