Chapter 6: The bottle of medicine is missing.

After accidentally killing the bad boys in the alley, Baili Wusheng called Li Xian with anxious expression and asked him what he should do now.

"Where are you now? Tell me where you are and I'll call the police." Li Xian's voice sounded very tired, and there were strange sounds around him.

"Uh, wait... This is the 128th Middle School..." Baili Wusheng ran outside and glanced at the sign at the school gate.

"I see, you come back soon." Li Xian hurriedly ordered, as if there was something to be busy, he hung up the phone after speaking.

After Baili put the phone in his trouser pocket, he went back and took a look, confirming that these people had just passed out temporarily, and then left with confidence.


Wei Xichen was brought back to the company by his assistant and held a temporary meeting. When the company's affairs were finished, it was dark.

"Boss, do you want to take you home?" The assistant said worriedly looking at Wei Xichen's tired expression.

The boss has been working overtime for a week, and finally took a day off, and was temporarily caught up in company affairs.

"Yeah." Wei Xichen just responded, and the cell phone that was thrown on the seat rang. Looking down, it was Qin Chuyi who called.

Could something be wrong with his brother? Wei Xichen felt tight and quickly connected the phone.

However, the other party's first sentence was...

"Xichen, where did you put the medicine that Xiaoyuan fed you last night? And... Is there any discomfort in your body?"

For some reason, Qin Chuyi's voice sounded extremely nervous.

"What medicine?" Wei Xichen was startled, did not understand what he meant, "Isn't the medicine in my room? There is nothing wrong with my body..."

"Brother! That's the express delivery! Where did you put it!"

On the other side of the phone, Wei Xiyuan's bluffing voice suddenly heard. It seems that the mood of the dull day has been rained and clear, and he has turned into that inconspicuous middle two boy.

"It should be in my room." Wei Xichen replied, "Is there something wrong with the express delivery?"

"There is indeed something wrong, that... brother, first make sure you are not angry." Wei Xiyuan's voice sounded a little nervous, but more nervous.

Wei Xichen: "Go ahead, don't be angry."

"Then I said it." Wei Xiyuan seemed to take a deep breath, and then continued: "Ge Qin said that he did not send the express. However, after you fainted last night, I hurriedly sent the express. I'm feeding you the medicine in it."

Wei Xichen: "..."

Wei Xichen didn't know how he came home. In short, the first thing he did after returning was to cut his brother.

"Are you an idiot? Have you never seen what my medicine looks like or let the dog eat it?" If this is not a brother, Wei Xichen will definitely throw the person out.

"I was scared and stupid... and you said you weren't angry." Wei Xiyuan hid behind Qin Chu, wringing his fingers, looking aggrieved.

"I..." Wei Xichen raised his hand, "I" froze for a long time but couldn't do it. It was a crime to stand with such a brother!

"Okay, don't rush to get angry, now the key is that the medicine is gone." Qin Chu said with a headache.

Before Wei Xichen came back, they had obtained permission to turn over his bedroom, but they could not find the bottle of medicine. After asking the nanny, she also said that except for the vase fragments on the floor, she did not throw away anything else. .

Wei Xichen frowned and thought about it for a moment. He didn't seem to have seen the bottle of medicine since he woke up in the morning.

"I'm sure I didn't see it. If it wasn't thrown away, it was taken away." Wei Xichen looked at his brother subconsciously.

Wei Xiyuan: "I swear to heaven! If I steal it, my family will die!"

Wei Xichen: "..."

The curse was so severe that Wei Xichen had to believe him.

Helplessly, the three of them had to look through the bedroom again, but they still couldn't find anything, and even the express box disappeared. This is a bit unusual. Could it be that a thief came in after he and his brother fainted last night ?

But you shouldn't just steal a bottle of medicine, right?

"I see!" Wei Xiyuan's inspiration flashed, "It's those three ghosts last night!"

Wei Xichen slapped him and staggered, "Nonsense! It's all about you, go to sleep!"

"Brother, how can you do this? I am not worried about you." Wei Xiyuan stared at him accusingly.

Seeing that the two brothers were about to quarrel again, Qin Chu hurriedly settled the matter and pulled Wei Xiyuan away from his brother, "Well, you don't have to worry too much. I checked your brother before and everything is normal, but to make sure, I'll draw another blood later."

"That troubles Brother Qin." Wei Xiyuan knew he was wrong, and finally he was not guessing.

"By the way, do you remember the sender, address and phone number of the express? If you know this information, you can check it." Qin Chu thought about it.

"I remember the sender was called the patriarch of the strongest cultivation family. The address seems to be some county in the province. I don't remember the number." Wei Xiyuan hesitated and said.

"Anonymity is a bit troublesome, but the express company must have a record. If it is not specifically sent to you by the other party, it is likely that the express delivery is wrong." Qin Chu said to Wei Xichen: "Find a way to contact the express company. , Maybe you can find something."

"That's the only way." Wei Xichen nodded, feeling exhausted physically and mentally, "It's getting late, you can stay overnight. If you have something to solve tomorrow."

"Then bother." Qin Chu said with a smile, actually if possible. He even wanted to go home and have a good sleep.


Baili Wusheng didn't know how the bad youth group would end up in the end. After returning home, he eagerly proposed to Li Xian the idea of ​​going out to work.

"It's really necessary to find a job. After all, you came to experience it." Li Xian picked up the phone and flipped through the recruitment website. "Brother, what kind of job do you want to find?"

"Make a lot of money." Baili blurted out without thinking, work, isn't it just to make money, or who would do it.

"Okay." Li Xian nodded, and after turning over the phone for a while, he handed the phone to Baili, pointed to the screen and said: "Uu club recruits security guards with a monthly salary of 8,000. I think this is not bad."

Baili looked down, and saw that it was written on the screen-uu club recruiting security, 18-30 years old, no academic qualifications, salary 8000 + full attendance, five social insurance and one housing fund, experience is preferred, contact manager Wang......

To be honest, even if Baili wants to go to a high-paying job, I am afraid that he will not be able to do it. After all, Baili has only received education in his family, and now he can't do it in many industries outside.

Therefore, Li Xian chose a reliable security guard in a high-end business club. The environment is good and the salary is good. With Baili's skill, there is no need to worry about any problems.

"Yes, what should I do?" Baili nodded, and then asked blankly.

"Is there an ID card? First call to make an appointment. You should fill in the information when you go, and then have an interview." Li Xian said.

"Yes." Baili took out his ID card from his pocket and gestured, "Is it that simple?"

"Of course not, even if you go to the interview, it depends on whether someone wants to hire you, but I think it will be fine with your skill." Li Xian comforted.

"Well, thank you brother, I'll call to ask." Baili thanked him, and it was not too late, so he quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed the number on the recruitment information.

The phone was quickly connected, and there was a low male voice on the other side. After hearing that Baili wanted to apply for a job, he only spoke about the interview location and time and hung up.

"Yes, he asked me to go for an interview tomorrow." Baili said with some excitement, holding his phone tightly.

"Then I wish you success here in advance." Li Xian said with a smile.

After chatting for a while, it was not too early. The two decided to take a break. Baili watched Li Xian sitting cross-legged on the floor, feeling a little uncomfortable. It was obviously the brother's home, but he still wanted people to sleep in. On the ground.

Baili decided in his heart that he would move out and live alone when he was paid after work. He could not always trouble Li Xian so much.

No words for a night.

Baili stayed at home the next day and watched TV all day.

He found that Li Xian's TV was so great that he could watch a lot of programs. He had always thought that the TV could only watch one channel, just like the TV he used to watch.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Baili put on a new set of clothes that Li Xian gave him and went out with him.

The interview time is six o'clock. After all, it is a leisure club. It is closed during the day. It is not surprising that the interview is arranged at night. Li Xian was worried that Baili could not find a place, so he decided to send him there himself.

After launching his bicycle, Li Xian waited for Baili to step onto the back seat and did not rush away, but he waited for a while, but he did not wait until the younger brother hugged his waist like last time.

There was a strange sense of loss in Li Xian's heart, and then he took a deep breath before riding his bicycle towards the city center.


Wei's Villa.

Wei Xiyuan was in a bad mood all day today. There was no reason for him. The delivery address of the courier could not be found. The blood test result of his elder brother did not come out. Even he went to the security room to check the surveillance and found nothing.

"Why? I thought at least the surveillance could capture something." Wei Xiyuan sat on the leather sofa in the living room, resting his chin in thought.

"What was photographed? It is already clear. No one had approached Wei's villa after nine o'clock last night, so that express delivery must have not been lost, and it was still in this villa." Qin Chu pushed his glasses and the lenses were on. A wise light flashed, "Are you sure it wasn't the scene that was scared and stupid at the time and made up your own brain?"

"How is it possible? I really gave my eldest brother the medicine. Even if the glass broke and seeing ghosts was an illusion, it must be true!" Wei Xiyuan said with certainty.

But even though he said that, the house was turned upside down, and the bottle of medicine could not be found.

"As long as the blood test results come out and you are sure that your eldest brother is okay, it doesn't matter if you can find him."

Qin Chu stood up and straightened out his wrinkled clothes, "Okay, while your brother is away, I will go home first, so that he won't let him hold it again. I will bring the test result tomorrow. You'd better talk to you at night. Brother sleeps together and pay attention to his situation at any time..."

After some instructions, Qin Chu left the villa with a tired look, leaving Wei Xiyuan alone to continue searching around the villa, vowing to find the bottle of medicine.
