Chapter 29: General Wei throw up.

Having dinner together is definitely a waste, but for Wei Xichen now, it is not too bad to be able to meet the elders and brothers in Baili.

After bringing Baili back to the car, Wei Xichen told the driver the address of Li Xian's home, and the luxury car arrived at the community at the fastest speed.

After getting out of the car, Baili let go of his spiritual sense and explored the area for several miles. After no abnormalities were found, he took Wei Xichen upstairs.

It was the elder Wang who came to open the door. He wiped his tears when he saw Baili, "My nephew, you are finally here!"

"Senior, how is he, brother?" Baili asked anxiously.

"I just woke up, but it's still not so good." Wang Lao took the two into the house and went to the bedroom.

Li Xian was sitting on the bed drinking water. Seeing Baili and Wei Xichen coming in, he choked with a mouthful of water and coughed violently.

"Apprentice, why are you so careless." Elder Wang walked over and patted his back.

"Cough! Mr. Wei, Junior Brother, why are you here?" Li Xian finally took a breath and leaned on the bedside and said lingeringly.

"Senior said that something was wrong with you, so I was worried, so I came over to take a look." Baili frowned as he looked at Li Xian's pale face, "What happened?"

"It's my fault." Elder Wang sighed, "I was busy refining medicine today, so I asked Li Xian to help me send some medicine pills to my old friend. I didn't expect something went wrong on the way and the medicine was robbed. Up."

"How could this happen!" Baili said angrily. "There will be monks doing this kind of thing?"

"If it's an ordinary pill, maybe no one will be so jealous, but what I asked Li Xian to send today is the solid spirit pill that your father gave me. It's understandable that people will look at me."

Elder Wang sighed and shook his head, "I originally sealed the medicinal power of the pill, thinking that no one would find it, but I didn't expect it to be discovered by someone with a heart."

"I don't think it will be that simple." Baili frowned more tightly, and said thoughtfully: "Does anyone else know about this?"

"No, except for my old friend, only I and my apprentice know about it." Old Wang shook his head.

"So how did the other party know about the abilities of the predecessors, I don't think most people will find out." Baili thoughtfully.

He can trust Li Xian's character, it is impossible to reveal such an important thing, and there is no need for that friend of Mr. Wang to do so.

Although Guling Pill is not a top-notch pill, it is hard to find for monks below the Golden Pill stage. Could it be that someone discovered it by mistake? Or......

There was silence in the bedroom, only Li Xian coughing from time to time.

"The opponent's cultivation base is not very high." After a while of silence, Li Xian said softly, "That person seems to be very good at sneak attacks. Although we haven't had a few tricks, but with the opponent's strength, I will definitely not be able to find out what's on me. Pill."

Although Li Xian didn't want to admit that he was too weak, it was the fact that even if the other party's cultivation base was not high, he was brought down even if he met him.

"I will take a break for this matter, brother don't worry, take a good rest." Baili comforted, and then looked at Elder Wang, "Senior, are there many monks in T City?"

"Not much, but compared to other cities, there are still quite a few. After all, there are several families based here." Wang Lao said, "Don't you think that city t is just a small city on the edge of the second line, but the surrounding mountains There are many, so there are many small families staying here. Even if they can have a good cultivation environment, they will not be completely out of touch with society."

"So that's the case, are there many masters in T city? Has anything similar happened before?" Baili asked again.

"The small families in T City are all pretending to be upright and decent. Naturally, they will not allow their disciples to do this kind of thing, but it is also uncertain whether they are only doing superficial skills, and there is also a part of casual training in T City. They occasionally gather together. Let's do something together..."

Baili listened carefully, nodding and asking questions from time to time, while Wei Xichen never said a word from the beginning to the end, just watching Baili silently.

"Senior, brother, although I don't know much about the situation here, if you can inform me in time if you have something, I will definitely help." After Wang Lao finished speaking, Baili said solemnly.

"Thank you, Junior Brother, I really trouble you if I want you to come over at night," Li Xian said gratefully.

"I have troubled my brother for so long before, and now I have something to do with my brother." Baili said with a smile, then reached into his pocket and took out a white porcelain bottle.

"I have some healing pills here, brother remember to take, oh, there are amulets, I have some here, although there are not many, but if you encounter danger again, you can still deal with it."

"How ashamed..."

Wei Xichen couldn't help feeling a little sour as he watched Baili generously bring out a bunch of things to Li Xian.

Baili has always been generous to other people, but he is very careful with his apprentice, who has only given him a talisman from his apprenticeship to now, but he has given it as a bag to others.

After leaving a lot of things for Li Xian, it was too late. Baili and Wei Xichen got up and left the apartment.

It was midnight, and Wei Xichen had already let the driver and assistant go home. After leaving the community, the two were not in a hurry to go home, but slowly strolled along the road.

"I don't know who the other party is, and I can't start an investigation." Baili said slowly on the way, not knowing whether he was talking to Wei Xichen or talking to himself.

"Perhaps it's just a coincidence, even if someone is plotting, but now the enemy is in the dark, we are in the dark. At this time, we can only respond to all changes without changing." Wei Xichen smiled and touched his head.

"But I always feel that something will happen again, and you have been attacked by bad guys and haven't found anything." Baili said with some chagrin.

Although it has been a long time since Wei Xichen was attacked last time, they have found nothing, which always makes people feel uneasy.

"Are you caring about me?" Wei Xichen suddenly took Baili's hand and stopped, standing under the street lamp and staring at him deeply.

"Uh..." Baili choked, looking at Wei Xichen's eyes, unable to say anything.

Although he was really concerned about the apprentice, even if he said it, it would be fine, but Baili felt that if he admitted at this time, it seemed that he would default to something.

Too strange.

The two were silent for a while, until Baili's face showed a distressed expression, Wei Xichen sighed and planned to change the subject to cover up the matter.

However, Wei Xichen opened his mouth, and Baili suddenly changed his face and slapped him.

"Be careful!"

Baili reminded him that after patted the apprentice, he jumped aside.

Wei Xichen was caught off guard and plunged into the green belt on the side of the road.

With a "bang", it seemed that the road was exploded.

Baili stared solemnly at the black figure that suddenly appeared, and when he lifted his palm gently, the exploded stones floated up, and then flew towards the man with a thunderous force.

However, the black shadow suddenly disappeared in place, leaving only a seemingly non-existent laugh.

"Don't run away, the thief!" Baili yelled, grabbing Wei Xichen, who had just gotten up from the green belt, and flew out with a whistle, chasing after the dark shadow.


The night is getting thicker, and the surrounding light is getting scarcer.

Wei Xichen didn't know how long he had been caught flying by Baili, but he knew that if he continued to fly like this, he would be finished.

Fortunately, at this moment, Baili stopped suddenly and lost his trace.

"Strange, why is it missing?" Baili let go of Wei Xichen and stared at the surroundings alertly.

Wei Xichen ran to the side of the road and vomited for a while before finally regaining his life.

Being carried by Baili is sometimes a pleasure, but sometimes it is fatal.

Baili had just grabbed his clothes and flew up and down, from left to right and from right to left for a long time, and at a speed that was even more terrifying than a roller coaster, he was not dead and had already gone half his life.

Baili looked around for a while, and indeed did not find the person, before returning to Wei Xichen.

"Apprentice, are you okay?" Baili looked at Wei Xichen's pale face and smiled awkwardly. "It did fly a bit faster just now. I'll pay attention next time."

Wei Xichen sat on the ground blankly, and after a long time he said coldly, "You used to hug me and fly, why are you holding me today?"

God knows that he had a heart attack before.

"Ahahaha...Isn't it an emergency, I didn't think about it for a while." Bailigan laughed.

However, he actually did it on purpose.

"Oh." Wei Xichen turned his head indifferently, and didn't know if he was really angry, and did not speak for a long time.

"Then what, since people are chasing and lost, let's go home first." Baili said cautiously, not dare to touch him again.

"Yeah." President Wei finally said aloud, then stretched out his hand noble and coldly, "Pull me up and hold me."

Baili: "???"


It was almost bright when the two returned home.

I didn't even eat any food last night. I ran around for most of the night, and finally vomited. Wei Xichen felt a little colic in his stomach.

Baili was a monk in the Jindan period, so he would naturally not eat, but Wei Xichen has not yet reached this level, so after returning home, he prepared to cook a bowl of noodles by himself.

"Apprentice, I want to eat too!" Baili couldn't help saying when he saw this man enter the kitchen.

"Yeah." Wei Xichen nodded and rolled up his shirt sleeve.

Baili lay on the sofa, looked at Wei Xichen's back, and blinked wide.

This person has not had time to change his clothes. The black trousers and white shirt outline the body line more stiffly. The shirt is pulled up, revealing a section of his arms, and the hands that are usually only placed on the computer keyboard, but now Picking up the kitchen knife, he was cutting the cucumber awkwardly.

Without knowing why, Baili suddenly felt that Wei Xichen's way of cutting vegetables was indescribable.

It took nearly an hour for the noodles to be cooked, and President Wei seemed not very good at cooking. Not only did the cucumber slices be uneven, but the noodles were also a little mushy.

"Is it delicious?" Wei Xichen asked seemingly casually.

"Not bad." Baili praised.

Although the noodles didn't taste very good, Baili ate the whole bowl.

"There is still in the kitchen." Wei Xichen took his bowl.

Knowing that Baili has always had a good appetite, Wei Xichen cooked a lot of noodles, and was afraid that he would not have enough to eat, so he waited until he had finished eating.

"No, that's enough, you go eat." Baili said, shaking his head.

"Yeah." Wei Xichen nodded and went to the kitchen to serve himself a bowl.

Looking at the white noodles in the bowl, Mr. Wei, who was cooking for the first time, took a bit of pride.

Then, Mr. Wei's face went dark.
