Chapter 12: Baili is kidnapped?

So, what do you want to be tight-lipped?

Wei Xichen felt that he had a sign that he was about to have a heart attack, so he quickly picked up the watermelon juice made by his brother and drank a swig calmly.

"Brother, who is this person? Why do you say that? What happened to you before?" Even Wei Xiyuan, who was sitting on the side, struggled out of the game, looking at his eldest brother in horror.

Isn't it what he thought? Must not be?

"Shut up!" Wei Xichen warned.

"He left after talking, didn't ask for money at all, but gave me contact information." The assistant took a small note from his trouser pocket and handed it to Wei Xichen, only to see a phone number written on it.

"You don't need to take care of this, take care of your own mouth." Wei Xichen put the note away and waved to the assistant.

The assistant felt that he was tired from writing all over, and he didn't dare to say any more, nodded and left the Wei family villa.

"Brother~" Wei Xiyuan leaned over and whispered, "Is something wrong?"

"It's none of your business." Wei Xichen glared at him, got up and went to the bedroom upstairs.

"Brother? Don't go! Hey?"

After closing the door, the surroundings finally calmed down. Wei Xichen sat on the bed and looked at the note in his hand. Although it was just a string of numbers, he could see that the boy's characters were as handsome and cute as him.

So he misunderstood? What does this kid want to do?

But Wei Xichen, who has seen a lot of deceit in the market, can't classify the behavior of the boy as innocent. Maybe he is not for money, but he must have ulterior motives.

Wei Xichen sneered and put the note with the phone number in it in the drawer of the bedside table, and decided to ignore it. If Baili Wusheng really dared to do something, he would change what he had said to him before. Into reality.

the other side.

After Baili touched a nail in Wei Xichen, he was not in a good mood, so he didn't go home, and walked around the street alone.

"I am still worried about him...hehehe...he shouldn't come...and it's not my fault..."

Baili babbled to himself while kicking the pebble on the side of the road.

After pressing down several roads, it was dark unknowingly. Baili didn't know where he went, but the nearby lights were feasting and it looked very lively.

"What the hell is this place?" Baili looked at the various bathing and pedicure shops on both sides of the street, standing still and didn't continue walking.

So people now enjoy it like this?

Baili glanced enviously at those who walked into the shop, then turned around and walked back without hesitation.

It's getting late, and it's time to go back. Let's go home and discuss Wei Xichen's affairs with the senior. Although he said that he should be ignored, he still has to manage.

Baili looked around, thinking whether to find a hidden place and fly back directly without anyone else.

However, before he could get out of this street, he was suddenly stopped by several people.

Baili looked at the five people blocking him in front of him, with a flash of inspiration in his head.

Hehe, aren't these people who gathered to fight before and were stunned by his lion roar?

"Smelly boy, I finally let Lao Tzu meet you!" The headed man was the young man who felt the power of the lion roar at close range that day.

He still had band-aids on his face, and his eyes were vicious, as if Baili had killed his whole family. He yelled at Baili: "You're so fucking awesome, aren't you? Dare to beat Laozi? My fucking. =#%#*......"

Baili: "..." No, I didn't beat you, don't talk nonsense.

Baili was caught off guard by a spray on his face, and was about to hide behind, but was blocked by four other people.

Baili was surrounded by them, and his arms were framed.

"Okay, there are so many people here, so take him away first." After the boy had enough spray, he wiped his mouth, waved to the four younger brothers, and took the lead to walk into the empty alley on the other side of the street.


Wei Xichen stayed in the villa all afternoon and did not go out. It was not until 10 o'clock in the evening that he received a call from Fatty Chen.

After this person passed drunk yesterday, he didn't wake up until noon today, and now his head still seems confused.

"Mr. Wei, it's not interesting enough, brother, I drank too much yesterday, so you won't come to condolences today."

Wei Xichen didn't know what sympathy a drunk person could offer, but he still followed him and said, "I am rude. I must visit you when I have time."

"What are you waiting for, why don't you see me in a while? Brother asked you to have a good meal today." As if afraid that Wei Xichen would not agree, Chen Yuquan added, "You must come, if you don't come, you just don't give it. My face."

"Okay, then." What else can Wei Xichen say, if he hadn't taken into account the kindness of Chen Yuquan's parents to him, he would definitely avoid this person far away.

And if you don't agree to him today, I'm afraid he will receive a call from this person every day for the next week. Wei Xichen didn't expect him to be so thick-skinned. He was embarrassed in front of him yesterday, and today he can call him innocently.

The restaurant he chose in the evening was quite satisfactory. Fatty Chen seemed to have lingering fears about what happened last night. He didn't even touch a drop of wine during the meal and drank boiled water the whole time.

The atmosphere was a little embarrassing, and finally finished a meal. Fatty Chen finally talked about the request that he could not say yesterday. It was just a small matter. Wei Xichen considered it and agreed.

Fatty Chen who solved a major event saw that Wei Xichen didn't want to talk any more, and was afraid that he would leave a bad impression on this person. After a few words of concern, he didn't bother.

After Wei Xichen and Chen Yuquan separated, they got in their own car.

"Boss, are you going home?" The driver turned around and asked him.

"Don't go back now, just go around." Wei Xichen closed his eyes and said tiredly.

"Good." The driver responded, lowered the temperature of the air conditioner, and drove the car smoothly on the road.

Wei Xichen sat in the back seat and was sleepy. After the illness last night, although he felt a lot easier today, his spirit was very exhausted after this day.

For some reason, Wei Xichen suddenly had a cute and handsome face in his mind.

The boy's blank expression after failing to talk to himself was really interesting. Wei Xichen couldn't help thinking, what tone and expression did Baili Wusheng use to talk to the assistant after he left?

Thinking like this, Wei Xichen opened his eyes and looked out the car window. The neon lights outside were shining in the night, just like the bright eyes of a teenager...

"Wait, park the car on the side of the road." After Wei Xichen keenly caught a teenager caught in the crowd, he subconsciously ordered the driver.

The luxury car slowly stopped on the side of the road. Wei Xichen frowned as he watched the people coming closer and closer in the distance.

Sure enough, it was Baili Wusheng, and looking at this posture, he seemed to be kidnapped?


"Where are you taking me?" Baili was framed by two people, and simply relaxed his body. The weight of the whole person was over, and he deliberately made himself very heavy.

"Shut up!" a teenager who was holding him yelled, "How many catties are you kidding? Why is it so heavy!"

"I never weighed it, maybe one hundred and two." Baili said.

"You fart! It's a hundred and two!" The teenager felt that it was not a person on his arm, but a 300-jin pig.

"I never fart." Baili squashed his mouth. "You haven't said where to take me?"

"Don't worry, don't go too far, just find a small alley and beat you up." The young man who walked in front turned back and said harshly.

"That's really embarrassing. Except for my parents, no one can beat me." Bailiyun said calmly.

"Dad, I will soon let the third person in your life appear to beat you." The young man smiled and greeted the younger brothers into a small alley with no one.

Outside, Wei Xichen was sitting in the car, watching a few teenagers leading Baili into the alley, his eyebrows never loosened.

"Boss, do you want to help call the police?" The driver took out his phone and asked back.

"Yeah." Wei Xichen nodded, but he was still worried.

Baili has already been taken, and there should be some time before the police arrive. During this period, anything can happen. These spoiled minors dare to do anything.

"Wait for me here, I'll go down and have a look." After Wei Xichen said, he pulled the door and got out of the car.

The small alleys have turned around, I don't know where they lead, and the surroundings are very quiet, and even the noise in the distance seems to be very far away.

The teenagers who carried Baili walked very fast, and it didn't take long to walk through the alley to a dilapidated auto repair shop. I don't know how long it has been abandoned, and the dust has fallen to the old thick.

"Here." The young man who took the lead waved his hand, and everyone stopped.

"Huh? Are you here so soon?" Baili was suddenly released and looked around curiously.

"Finally, it's here!" The two people who had supported him before shook their sore arms and glared at Baili.

"Your death date is here." The leader broke his wrists and made a crisp sound, "Speak, how do you want to die?"

"Don't you just want to beat me? Why do you want to kill me? Murder is illegal, and I said I will resist." Baili also followed his way and shook his wrists, but there was no sound. come out.

"Of course, I will keep you alive, don't talk nonsense, obediently die!" The boy yelled, picked up a steel pipe on the ground and hit it, not even leaving Baili a chance to react.

The four younger brothers who followed the boy were also taken aback. They didn't expect the boy to be so cruel. They must have seen blood when they hit him.


At the moment of the moment, a loud roar came from behind, Baili turned around and saw Wei Xichen in a suit in the night.

After Baili was stunned for a while, the steel rod had hit his shoulder heavily.

Hearing a muffled sound of "bang", it can be seen that the young man used his full strength, but Baili did not move at all, even without blinking his eyes.

Baili stared at Wei Xichen blankly.

this person......

Why are you here?
