Chapter 42: Enter the second dreamland.

"Stop it!" The elder Yun Yuezong, who was already in the audience, came onto the stage with a flash, relying on his own cultivation base, and patted Wei Xichen with a palm.

This palm carried a powerful force of thunder, which seemed to put people to death, but was blocked by someone at a distance of one meter from Wei Xichen.

"This elder, your disciple breaks the rules and hurts others. As an elder, you are indiscriminately dealing with young people. You really have a big face." Baili looked at the flushed elder, annoyed. Said for life.

Although he was embarrassed in his heart, the elder quickly calmed down. Hearing the discussion around him, a hostile spirit suddenly rose in his heart. This is the end of the matter.

I am afraid that this matter will not end well. It is better to do nothing for the reputation of the sect... "It is indeed wrong for my Yunyue sect disciple to break the rules, but your apprentice has directly killed him and treated fellow monks like this. , It's crazy!" The elder walked to his disciple and helped him up, but seeing that the man's face turned pale, he obviously had no life.

The surrounding discussion became louder and louder. At first, they were all mocking Yunyuezong, but now that people are dead, many people begin to blame Wei Xichen, saying that he was too cruel.

"How do people die? You know in your heart." Wei Xichen sneered. Although he didn't know how the other party did it, he could never kill him.

"Do you want to smite! Just only your hands, you are not killing people who would not be!" Elders to hold their own disciples look sad, "Have mercy on me cloud month were highly gifted disciples, so no."

Words Before the sound fell, many Yunyuezong disciples jumped onto the ring and glared at Baili and Wei Xichen.

"You dare to kill my junior brother, and you are going to escape today!"

"Tsk, naturally you won't escape." Baili smacked his lips and said to his heart, how could they escape? Finally, they waited for the opportunity.

"Wait, this person is..." At this moment, there was an exclamation from the crowd. Someone stared at Wei Xichen with horror, "He...he is the lone star of the Wei family who was driven out of the house! "

After these words, everyone's heart shuddered, and they subconsciously looked at a certain position in the viewing stand, where the Wei family of the cultivation family was located.

"My Wei family has nothing to do with this person." The person in power in the Wei family has obviously recognized Wei Xichen, and then stepped forward and said coldly. Not to mention that the Wei family didn't recognize Wei Xichen before, even if his cultivation level is now against the sky, but he arouses anger, the Wei family cannot protect him.

"Nothing is better." Baili sensed that the apprentice's breath behind him was wrong, and immediately sneered. After entering the illusion for so long, he didn't know Wei Xichen's identity in the illusion, and he never thought about asking, because the time that should come will always come, he just has to wait.

"Everyone, even though it was my Yunyue Sect disciple who broke the rules first, he was still young and energetic and refused to admit defeat. Even though he was guilty, he wouldn't be guilty of death. This good life is gone..." the elder said He was hoarse, and pointed the source of all crimes to Wei Xichen, "Everyone, tell me how this matter should be solved!"

"It is natural and righteous to kill a person for his life. My Wei family will never protect this person, and the elders do it." Said with a straight face.

Baili simply laughed angrily. The man just said that he had nothing to do with his apprentice, but in a blink of an eye he decided the life and death of others at will. It was really good!

"I see who dares!" Baili immediately yelled when the crowd was about to surround him, and lightly stepped on his right foot, and the entire arena vibrated violently.

The people of Yunyuezong were shocked and flew into the air quickly, looking at the shattered arena below, with surprise in their hearts. Zongmen's battlefield has added a defensive formation, even if the elder of the Zongmen personally took action, it could not be damaged to such an extent, but this person just stamped his foot and shattered the entire arena.

Baili took Wei Xichen into the air and looked condescendingly at the people with different expressions below. The white clothes and black hair were windless and automatic, with a fairy style. But only he knows that this is actually a pretense.

Baili couldn't wait to do it now, and then he could leave this hell of the first illusion.

"This is magic! Dear friends, this demon head technique is weird, please help me to wipe out the evil of this cultivation world!" The elder of Yunyuezong took the lead and launched an attack on the two first.

The matter has reached the point of death. If these two people are not removed today, they will definitely become a stumbling block for the entire Yunyue Sect in the future.

Many masters flew into the air one after another, blocking all their retreat in the blink of an eye.

"Master." Wei Xichen stood behind Baili, staring hostilely at the surroundings. Now he is attacked on his stomach and back. He wants to stand in front of the master and protect him from the wind and rain, but he can't. His strength is too weak and he can only become a master. Of cumbersome.

"Don't be afraid." Baili only said two words. Right now they are surrounded by Yunyuezong and Wei Family, but the number of them is quite large. Even he is not completely sure that he can win, but so what? This catastrophe is the key to breaking through the illusion, and the protagonist is definitely not himself, but Wei Xichen behind him.

He doesn't know how the situation will develop, but he has confidence in Wei Xichen, and his apprentice will definitely be able to break out.

The battle was about to break out. Dozens of people attacked the two at the same time. Various cool ultimatums were released, and Baili's eyes were almost blinded.

"You bully Laozi, right?" Baili squinted his eyes and shouted with a big hand, blocking most of the attack. This is his golden finger. In the illusion, anything can happen, and Baili discovered it when he first stepped into the illusion, and his strength improved.

All this is inextricably related to Wei Xichen, after all, this is his inner world.

The battle continued. Although Baili blocked the first wave of attacks, everyone had never tried their best. Seeing that Baili could still cope with it easily, they no longer kept their hands, and one after another took out the trick to press the bottom of the box.

The monks of the other sects were afraid of being affected, they had already scattered and fled, and now there are only these three people on the huge battlefield.

Everyone took turns to fight, obviously wanting to drag Baili down with wheel warfare. Although Baili had golden fingers, even if Wei Xichen thought of him as a god in such a style of play, he would be exhausted.

After fighting for an unknown amount of time, a dazzling god in Baili accidentally caught someone else's sneak attack. The whole person flew upside down for several hundred meters. After stopping, he vomited a mouthful of blood, and the spirit began to shake.

"Master!" Wei Xichen's eyes were about to split, and he reached out and hugged the falling Baili, his eyes were red, as if he was going to get into trouble at any time.

"Don't be impulsive." Baili took Wei Xichen's hand to prevent him from rushing out regardless, "Listen to me, run away, I will hold them."

"Impossible!" It was blood-stained and bright red, "I want to die together!"

After hearing this, Baili wanted to sigh, silly apprentice, who will break the illusion after you die.

Just when the two vowed to live and die, the enemy was not idle. Seeing Baili was injured, he immediately pursued the victory and wanted to kill the two in one fell swoop.

"Be careful!" Seeing the other party blinked, Baili hurriedly pushed his apprentice away and accepted the trick.

"Puff." Baili spouted a mouthful of old blood, groaning in her heart. In order to bring his apprentice out of the illusion, he is also fighting his old life. In case the soul is damaged, he is afraid that it will take a long time to recover after going out.

"Master..." Wei Xichen stared blankly at the person in front of him, subconsciously stretched out his hands to catch him, and then both fell from midair.

"Master..." Wei Xichen's voice became smaller and smaller, but the bloody eyes gradually became clear for some reason, until the moment before landing, the two suddenly stopped.

Baili was unstable at this moment and looked at his apprentice with difficulty. Originally, if he had entered the illusion by himself, he would be able to get out easily, and would never be dragged to this point, but now this is Wei Xichen's catastrophe, it is really harder, even he has to explain it here.

"Master." But after Baili looked at Wei Xichen, he heard him sigh, and the tone was no longer what the fifteen-year-old boy could utter.

"What should I do with you?" Wei Xichen suddenly clasped his arms for a hundred miles, and sighed with a ray of light on his body, "That's it, just have you."

Baili's face paled with fright by his thoughtless words, but he felt a steady stream of true energy flowing in from the spirit, and the unstable spirit immediately calmed down again.

"You..." Baili opened her mouth before she wanted to speak, but there was a flower in front of her.

When his eyes could see again, Baili couldn't help but open his mouth wide.

There are many high-rise buildings and busy traffic in front of you, with a modern high-tech atmosphere.

"Fuck? The first illusion is broken?" Baili rested his chin and thought for a long time.

So what is the final outcome? Do the bullshit Yun Yuezong and the Wei family have any dogs? Has the little monster in Wei Xichen's heart awakened? Tore up this first illusion with bare hands?

Baili thought about it for a long time, but the doubts in his head grew more and more. Finally, he knocked on the muddy head and decided to find the apprentice first. After all, they were still in the illusion.

This second level of illusion looks much more normal than before. Although there are still many strange places, at least there is no second disease of flying swords all over the sky.

After staying in the cultivation world for five years, he almost cried with excitement when he looked at the large and small restaurants in front of him. Although everything in front of him was fake, it did not affect his expectations.

But soon, Baili couldn't look forward to it.

Looking at the two adorable dumplings in front of him, Baili felt the storm in her heart.

Damn it! My apprentice, what is in your head! Why are you still so abnormal after modern times!

"Brother, help." A small hand grabbed Baili's clothes corner, and his big eyes were so pure that people wanted to hug him and kiss him.

However, Baili wanted to bite him more than kiss him.

Damn it! Why is the silly apprentice a little beggar! ! !
