Chapter 18: We are going to heaven.

"What are you doing?"

A gloomy voice pierced into his ears from bottom to top. Wei Xiyuan, who was originally in extreme excitement, seemed to be poured cold water on his head. He threw away Baili's hand like an electric shock and jumped two meters away.

"Brother...Brother, why did you wake up so soon?" Wei Xiyuan shivered uncontrollably, just because of the slap in the eyes of his elder brother.

"Why, do you hope I don't wake up?" Wei Xichen's voice became colder again.

"No brother! You misunderstood! It's Baili! Baili is too cheating!" Wei Xiyuan hurriedly pulled Baili to his side and explained incoherently, "You don't know, he ×%÷°—≦...... "

Wei Xichen: "..."

Wei Xichen was able to listen to him rationally at first, but afterwards, he couldn't be rational anymore.

It was his fault. It really shouldn't be put together a teenager with a secondary second disease and a patient with delusional disorder. No, only half a month before the two have worsened.

Wei Xichen looked at his own brother who was full of nonsense.

"Okay, I see." Wei Xichen waited for him to finish, comforting, and then silently picked up the phone on the table.

"Hey, Old Qin, please come back again."


Qin Chuyi didn't know why he had a good future, he had to be Wei Xichen's personal doctor, but it was obviously too late to regret it now.

"You two brothers called me in turn, and they couldn't tell you clearly, what on earth are you going to do? Am I very idle?" Qin Chu started a fire as soon as he entered the villa door.

When he received the call from Wei Xiyuan just now, he felt something was wrong. Although he knew that this kid was always unreliable, he quickly turned around and returned to the villa, so when Wei Xichen called him, he was already at the door.

"Brother Qin!" Wei Xiyuan ran over before his elder brother spoke, eagerly holding Qin Chuyi's hand, "Brother Qin, I have something very important to tell you!"

After speaking, Wei Xiyuan took Qin Chu with a bewildered face to his bedroom upstairs, leaving Baili and Wei Xichen staring in the living room.

"This is the end of the matter, I won't hide it from you anymore." Baili cleared his throat, with a somewhat proud tone, "I did help you just now."

Wei Xichen: "..."

President Wei Da, who is very good at handling emergencies, found that he couldn't handle the situation right now.

"Okay, I get it." Wei Xichen gave an ugly smile. "Do you need me to say thank you?"

"If you want." Baili said, raising his head.

"Thank you." Wei Xichen twitched his mouth. "So now, I have something to tell you."

Baili: "You say it."

Wei Xichen: "Let Dr. Qin talk to you later."

Baili: "..."


In the end, Wei Xichen still didn't believe Baili and Wei Xiyuan's words, after all, after all these days, every time he fell ill, he felt that he had survived.

Baili was extremely disappointed by this, but he didn't explain anything further, instead persuading Wei Xiyuan with the two.

"Boss, what's the matter with you? You obviously saved my brother just now, so why are you still helping them? Even if my brother is bullying you, you shouldn't compromise!" Wei Xiyuan was crying and watching. Going up is even more lost than Baili.

"Believe it or not is their business, and it's my business to do or not. I'm neither taking credit for it nor wanting to get anything. When the dust settles, your brother's body recovers, and I will leave by myself." Baili Said calmly.

Wei Xichen, Qin Chuyi: "..."

"Don't you guys, don't you want to accept me as a disciple? How could you just leave like this!" Wei Xiyuan hurried over and hugged Baili's thigh, "You are not allowed to go, otherwise I won't get up!"

"I won't leave for the time being. After all, your brother's health is not well." Baili didn't say enough. After all, Wei Xichen's health does not get better in one or two days. The key is that this person still refuses to believe him.

"Then you must live longer, I will definitely impress you to accept me as a disciple!" Wei Xiyuan finally got up from the ground, wiped his nose and tears, "From now on you will be my boss, I will listen to you. ."

Baili smiled helplessly, and accepted the sudden addition of a younger brother.

Wei Xichen and Qin Chuyi, who were sitting on the sofa, watched their performance silently, with ugly expressions.

"Are you sure they two have no psychological problems?" Wei Xichen looked at him blankly.

"I was sure, but now I am not sure." Qin Chu pushed his glasses, took out a business card from his bag and handed him a business card, "I suggest you go to Dr. Li, who is a classmate of my university. , Specializing in psychology."

"Thank you, I will contact him as soon as possible." Wei Xichen accepted it solemnly and put it in his pocket.

After sending Dr. Qin away, it was already early evening. Wei Xichen was so upset about the family's two children, and even postponed the company's affairs.

"Now I'm going to the study to deal with some things, you two behave, don't cause me trouble." Wei Xichen exhorted before going upstairs.

"Wait a minute!" Baili stopped him and ran over. In his puzzled expression, his fingers quickly formed a mark, and a mark was buried in his body.

"You usually have attacks at night, but today suddenly happened during the day. I don't worry. This mark will let me know immediately when you have an accident." Baili explained.

Wei Xichen: "..."

This gesture is quite decent.

Wait, how does this kid know that he usually gets sick at night? Is it Mongolian?

Wei Xichen went to the study with full of doubts. Baili and Wei Xi stayed in the living room to watch TV in principle.

"Um, boss..." Wei Xiyuan said that he was watching TV, but his eyes kept looking at Baili from time to time.

"Just call me Baili, I don't like the term'big guy'." Baili said.

"Well, Baili, that..." Wei Xiyuan swallowed, "Can you tell me what you learned?"

After the excitement, Wei Xiyuan was full of curiosity. After all, Baili had just made a few strange gestures to his elder brother before, and he didn't see anything powerful.

Oh, it seems that the moving speed is quite fast, but Wei Xiyuan thinks that sprinters can also do this.

"I am cultivating the Longevity Dao. It is too complicated to explain, you probably don't understand it." Baili replied.

"I understand, what I understand is immortality." Wei Xiyuan rubbed his hands excitedly, "I just want to ask, will you fly to the sky or something?"

However, Wei Xiyuan regretted this sentence after saying this. He felt that he was too reckless. Such a straightforward question would not be possible for a hundred miles. Is the matter of accepting disciples cold?

"Flying is okay, I haven't tried it, but in theory it's very simple." Baili turned his head and glanced at him, "Do you want to try?"

"Yes! Very much!" Wei Xiyuan almost jumped off the sofa excitedly, "Can I? I really want to go to the sky!"

"It can be, but it's about to wait for the evening." Baili said with a smile.

This kind of thing cannot be known at will, but after getting along for so long, Baili feels that Wei Xiyuan is sometimes unreliable, but he accidentally fell in love with him.

What's more, Wei Xiyuan is still the only person in this family who is willing to believe him. Based on this, I don't know how many times better than someone.

So that night, at Wei Xiyuan's strong request, Baili moved to his room again.

At twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, Wei Xiyuan couldn't wait to pull Baili up from the bed, "Baili, I can't wait when we leave."

Baili sat on the bed, watching him just changed into a superman suit, and said helplessly: "Well, let's go now."

"Wait, Baili, don't you change your clothes? After all, we are going to heaven!" Wei Xiyuan quickly handed him another superman suit, "let's change the pajamas."

"No, I don't need it anymore." Baili shook his head and refused. He wouldn't be able to wear such a shameful clothes to death.

Wei Xiyuan was still trying to persuade, but Baili glared at him and then fainted.

"If you don't go, it's fine if you don't."

"Go go, let's go right away!" Wei Xiyuan was afraid that he would regret it, and quickly opened the window, and then unloaded the screen window as he did.

"The window opens, then? How do we fly?" Wei Xiyuan looked at him expectantly.

"Just jump down," Baili said lightly.

"Oh, jump... wait! Jump down?" Wei Xiyuan paled, suspecting that he had heard it wrong, "Big brother, are you kidding? Did you mean Feitian just..."

"Of course not, why? You don't believe me?" Baili held his arm and raised an eyebrow deliberately at him.

"No, no, I...I believe it." Wei Xiyuan squatted.

"Go ahead, trust me, you won't have any trouble." Baili walked over and slapped him twice on the shoulder with a smile.

"Ok...Okay..." Wei Xiyuan tremblingly climbed onto the window frame and looked back at Baili, "Then...then I...jumped..."

"Let's jump." Bainai said unchanged.


Wei Xiyuan glanced at the dark garden below, swallowed with difficulty, and comforted himself in his heart: It's okay, this is the second floor, even if it falls, he won't die. Besides, he should believe in the professional level of the boss. .

After thinking about this, Wei Xiyuan took a deep breath, closed his eyes, bit his teeth, and really jumped off.


However, before the voice was over, Wei Xiyuan felt that someone was holding his waist and opened his eyes again. He found that he was rising, and the villa area underneath was getting smaller and smaller.

"Wow!!! I really flew!!!" Wei Xiyuan raised his arm and exclaimed excitedly.

"Could you stop yelling, we haven't fly too high, we will be heard." Baili said with a headache.

"Sorry, I'm so excited! Ah ah ah ah!!!"

Baili: "..."

In the villa.

After dealing with the company's affairs, Wei Xichen was ready to rest. However, after lying on the bed, he closed his eyes and heard a scream, which shocked him.

what happened? Did someone jump off the building?
