Chapter 26: The traitor.

Baili didn't agree with anything about buying a mobile phone, and finally got annoyed and slapped his hand, "Where is my cake?"

Wei Xichen: "Sorry, I forgot."

"Humph!" Baili glanced at him indifferently, then turned upstairs.

Wei Xichen looked at the broken door, pressed his temples with a headache, took out his mobile phone to call the assistant, and asked him to temporarily contact the maintenance worker.

Baili returned to the room to lie down, and it didn't take long to hear the sound from the door, and Wei Xichen came in carrying a cake box.

"I lied to you, I bought the cake." Wei Xichen raised the box in his hand. "It's just forgotten in the car."

Baili turned over and ignored him.

"Really not eating?" Wei Xichen sat down at the desk and opened the cake box.

The sweet smell filled the bedroom, making Baili's nose move.

Wei Xichen picked up a fork and dug a small piece into his mouth. The cake melted in the mouth, not very sweet and greasy, with a sweet fruity taste, and the taste was very good.

"Ohara likes this cake very much. I think it tastes good." Wei Xichen licked his lips and said with a smile, "Are you really going to eat it? Baili?"

"Call me Master!" Baili jumped up from the bed all of a sudden, and then looked at him arrogantly, "I can't wait to be a teacher."

"Huh?" Wei Xichen raised an eyebrow. "How do you want me to serve you?"

I don't know why, when Wei Xichen mentioned the word'serving', the first thing that came to mind in Wei Xichen's mind turned out to take a bath.

I'm probably too tired recently, and my head is a bit abnormal.

Wei Xichen put the cake box in front of him, got up and left Baili's bedroom, "You eat it, I'm going to practice."

Baili watched him go out and waited until the door was closed before he picked up his fork and ate the cake.

"Don't you usually meditate with me, why did you run away today..."


When Baili got up the next morning, the door of the villa had been repaired, and it looked solid.

Wei Xichen left early because the company had an important meeting in the morning, so at breakfast, only Baili was sitting at the table.

Baili felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. After eating breakfast in two bites, he slid to the film and television base.

In the scene to be filmed today, there was finally a fighting scene. When Baili rushed to the crew, he saw Wang Huo playing with a bunch of knives, guns and sticks, with a serious expression.

Baili couldn't help but got a straight look, walked over with a serious face, and said to Wang Huo: "Guide Wang, do I need to do something?"

Baili still remembers that Director Liu said that his job is to help Wang Huo. Isn't this person looking sad and in need of help right now?

"Fuck." Wang Huo, who had been wandering, was startled by the sudden sound behind him, and the props in his hand fell to the ground.

"You, what do you want to do?" Wang Huo said with a look of horror.

"Huh?" Baili looked at him blankly, "I want to help you?"

Baili doesn't understand why this person looks like a ghost, is he a scourge? Or did he accidentally beat this man down yesterday?

"Ahem, it turned out to be like this." Wang Huo came back to his senses, as if he felt a little overreacted, and coughed awkwardly, "I have nothing to help here. You should go to Director Liu."

"Oh, well, call me if you have something." Baili nodded, and turned away without thinking.

Wang Huo breathed a sigh of relief, looking at Baili's back with a tangled expression.

He didn't feel resentment because of being defeated by Baili, but pure embarrassment and didn't know how to talk to this person.

It is said that a martial artist should take martial ethics as the most important thing, and don't strive for high or low length. How could he develop this kind of resistance because he was defeated by a young man.

Wang Huo took a deep breath. This kind of mentality was not good enough. He should find time and give Baili some advice.

Over there, Baili found Director Liu, but saw that Director Liu was talking to Gongzi Zhao and an actress.

"Master, you are here!" When Young Master Zhao saw Baili, the whole person became excited, and he hurriedly said to Director Liu, and ran over.

"Can you stop yelling?" Baili hurriedly grabbed the person and lowered the volume to warn him.

"Well, I understand!" Young Master Zhao looked around with a guilty conscience, and lowered his voice, "Master, are you free tonight? I want to treat you to a meal."

"No, I'm afraid I won't be free." Baili shook his head and refused.

Although Wei Xichen's absence at home last night was an oolong, Baili still didn't feel relieved, and secretly decided not to return late in the future, lest the apprentice should have an accident one day.

"Master, don't you really think about it?" Zhao Gongzi looked at him sadly, "Are you still blaming me?"

"What do I blame you for?" Baili looked at him strangely.

The two were whispering here, but they didn't notice at all. The actresses who were talking to the director next to them would always look at them from time to time.

"I heard that you really accepted Wei Xiyuan as an apprentice?" Zhao Gongzi asked thiefly.

"Well, it's done." Baili nodded.

"Hey, then you..." Young Master Zhao rubbed his hands, "What do you think of me?"

"Huh?" Baili looked at him silently.

Zhao Gongzi: "I mean, what do you think of me? Can you be qualified for the position of your apprentice? I am hardworking and simple, with a good personality, I promise you will let me go east and I will never go west..."

Zhao Gongzi counted all his strengths in detail, almost boasted a flower, and then looked at Baili expectantly, as if he would be able to give an apprenticeship on the spot as long as he nodded his head.

"Forget it, I don't plan to accept apprentices for the time being." Baili refused him embarrassingly and politely.

He hadn't planned to accept the apprentice or something. If there weren't Wei Xichen's affairs, he still didn't know where to have a good time. Now it was troublesome enough to accept these two apprentices, and he didn't want to fill his life with something stimulate.

"Why?" Young Master Zhao stared in disbelief, "Why the unreliable guy Wei Xiyuan does, but I can't?"

Of course it's because you look less reliable than him, Baili is slanderous.

This matter has not been discussed, but Zhao Gongzi does not seem to be a person who will give up easily. In the whole day of the crew, except for filming, all the time was spent haunting Baili.

Wang Huo, who wanted to find time to ask Baili for advice, accidentally saw Young Master Zhao clinging to Baili's apprenticeship, and he couldn't help but wonder.

Is this kid still the little son of some hidden martial arts family?

When he was resting at noon, Wang Huo sneaked in, and accidentally heard the words "cultivation" and "Qigong" in Zhao Gongzi's mouth.

Wang Huo's heart immediately itched.

He has no other hobbies. He just likes to practice martial arts. He chose to be a martial arts instructor because of his real career. But as he gets older, he feels somewhat powerless, and his state has been declining over the years.

It is said that learning is endless, even at his age, he still wants to climb higher.

Therefore, when the crew ended in the evening, Wang Huo also offered an invitation to Baili.

"Eating?" Baili looked at the two people in front of him helplessly, "I really don't have time, but I think if you two want to go out to eat, you can make a company."

After Baili finished speaking, he waved to two people, "My apprentice has picked me up, you guys talk slowly."

The luxury car just drove over and stopped in front of Baili.

Bai Lila got on the car door, and the two craned their necks to look over, vaguely seeing Wei Xichen's handsome face.

"Did President Wei also apprentice?!" Zhao Gongzi was struck by lightning.

"Nonsense." Wang Huo snorted. The news he heard from Director Liu said that Baili was obviously a relative of General Wei. Besides, the president is a man of many things, so there is no time to learn kung fu.

"How impossible, my future master is a master!" Young Master Zhao glared at him, completely devoid of the respectful politeness he had used to treat Wang Huo in the past, "I won't give you the master!"

After finishing speaking, this enthusiastic left.

Wang Huo: "..."

In the car.

Wei Xichen looked at the people beside him and couldn't help asking: "Are you still used to working on the crew?"

"Fortunately, everyone took good care of me and didn't let me do anything." Baili said.

"It's good to get used to it." Wei Xichen nodded, and then pretended to ask casually: "What happened to those two people just now?"

"You mean Zhao Qiansun and Wang Guidance?" Baili curled his lips. "It's okay, but Zhao Qiansun wanted to worship me as a teacher, but I refused. Later I don't know why, Wang Guiding also invited me to dinner. ..."

"Worship you as a teacher? Ha ha." Wei Xichen laughed accidentally, "They probably don't know you well."

"What do you mean by this?" Baili turned his head and looked at him, always feeling that this sentence is not a good thing, "Are you saying that I am not qualified to be someone else's master?"

"No, I mean, you can actually let them try for one day, and it is estimated that they will withdraw the idea of ​​apprenticeship the next day." Wei Xichen hooked his mouth, making a rare joke with him.

"You dare to laugh at me?" Baili turned his face immediately and grabbed Wei Xichen's ear. "There is a kind of you say it again?"

"Okay, I was wrong." Wei Xichen raised his hand and surrendered, then grabbed his wrist.

Although confessing the mistake in his mouth, the expression on Wei Xichen's face is completely different.

"You rebel! It turned you back!"

Seeing that he dared to fight back, Baili raised his eyebrows and changed another one to pull his ear.

The two got into trouble in the car.

The drivers and assistants sitting in the front have excellent psychological qualities, as if they are petrified, they are deaf to the noise in the back seat.

assistant Manager:"......"

Hehe, he knew it a long time ago. The boss has been playing that strange role-playing game with this boy named Baili for two months.
