Chapter 21: Apprentice.

When the four people from Baili came to the film and television base, Zhao Gongzi had been waiting outside the gate for a long time. When a few people came down, he immediately couldn't wait to shake hands.

"Hello, hello, who is Master Baili?" Young Master Zhao said excitedly.

"Wait a minute!" Wei Xiyuan was startled, and quickly pulled the person aside, whispering.

"Can you stop yelling, my master can't reveal your identity, it's more dangerous if one more person knows about it, you shut my mouth tightly." Wei Xiyuan warned in a low voice.

"I know I understand, I promise not to say it!" Zhao Gongzi raised his hand.

After getting the assurance, Wei Xiyuan breathed a sigh of relief, then turned around and hooked Baili's shoulder under Zhao Gongzi's excited eyes.

"This is my master, Baili Wusheng!"

Young Master Zhao: "..."

What about handsome and mighty, Yushu Linfeng? This an adult?


Although it was a little unexpected, after all, he had agreed to Wei Xiyuan, and Young Master Zhao bit his head and came to Liu Dao.

"Director Liu, this is what I'm talking about...Martial arts instructor, Baili Wusheng." Zhao Gongzi introduced weakly.

Director Liu raised his head and looked around, "Huh? Where?"

"Here, Director Liu." Young Master Zhao patted Baili on the shoulder and motioned with his eyes.

Don't doubt, it's him.

Director Liu: "Are you..."

Are you kidding?

The child in front of him looks like he has just grown up, and his body is very weak. You told him he was here to be a martial arts instructor?

Even the son of an investor can't be so headstrong.

"Ahem, Xiao Zhao, I happen to have something I want to tell you." Director Liu coughed dryly, so he said with difficulty: "I did intend to use this... Mr. Baili, but last night Director Wang suddenly contacted me..."

Director Liu explained the matter with a sad look. He could see that Young Master Zhao himself was lacking in confidence, so he didn't worry much. He believed that this matter could be resolved harmoniously.


Director Liu finished explaining, and suddenly changed his conversation, "But I think your friend has a good foundation. If you want, you can try the male number three. I think he has a good image and temperament."

Director Liu said this not to please the investor's son, but to really feel that Baili's appearance and temperament are good. If this can be done, it will be the best of both worlds, and all problems will be solved!

"Then..." Young Master Zhao seemed to have some psychological shadows, looking at Baili embarrassedly, "Master, what do you think?"

"I can try." Baili didn't understand what the two said very much, thinking they had found another job for him, so he nodded and agreed.

"Then let's try!" Director Liu patted his thigh, and directly asked the assistant to take Baili to the makeup artist, and then he drank tea happily.

Zhao Gongzi didn't go with Baili, took out his mobile phone and hesitated for a long time, but still didn't tell Wei Xiyuan about it.

Forget it, let's wait, maybe Baili will be the male third.

After half an hour, Baili, who simply put on makeup, appeared in front of the two of them.

"I'm going! This is too immortal!!" The moment he saw Baili, Zhao Gongzi straightened his eyes and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Baili wore a fairy-like white gown with wide-sleeved gauze, a jade belt on his waist, a golden crown on his head, and long waist-length hair floating behind him.

This celestial spirit seemed to come out of the painting, and someone who had seen big scenes like Director Liu couldn't help but stay in a daze.

"Wonderful! Wonderful!" Director Liu stood up from his chair excitedly. The noble son in front of him was simply the male number three in his mind!

"Why should I change this dress?" Baili pulled his wide sleeves. "Are you asking me to act?"

"Huh? Didn't you just agree with the master?" Young Master Zhao ran over to explain, "You auditioned for the male number three of this show. He is a suave noble boy. I think you are very suitable for this role."

"Sorry, but I don't plan to be an actor." Baili frowned, and the loss between his brows and eyes became more and more inhumane.

But it is impossible to be an actor. He is a monk, and if he becomes a public figure, it is difficult to guarantee that he will not be discovered. This situation is absolutely necessary for him to stop.


Young Master Zhao wants to say something more, but Baili has already taken off his wig and stuffed it into his hand, "I'm really sorry, then I will go out first. Doctor Qin and the others are still waiting for me."

"Hey?" Young Master Zhao saw Baili's disagreement and was about to leave, and hurriedly chased him. However, he just wanted to grab Baili's hand, and felt that there was a strange energy in him, and immediately gave his hand to him. Shocked.

"Fuck! This, this..." Young Master Zhao stuttered in shock.

When Wei Xiyuan introduced Baili to him before, he still thought that this person was joking, but the hand that he suddenly revealed was a slap in the face.

"Master! Master!" Zhao Gongzi shouted to Baili's back, "Don't worry, leave the work to me, and I will help you find a better crew!"

Baili waved his back to him.

The second job fell through again. After Baili changed his clothes, he left the film and television base in frustration.

The three Wei Xiyuan waiting outside saw him come out and hurriedly went over to care.

"Master, how is it? Has the director fallen under your handsome martial arts?" Wei Xiyuan asked with concern.

"No." Baili said sullenly: "The crew already has a martial arts director. They asked me to audition for an actor, but I refused."

"What?!" Wei Xiyuan changed his face on the spot, "What is the big idiot Zhao Wanliang doing? Didn't you say that you should be a martial arts instructor?"

Wei Xiyuan turned around and was about to find someone to reason, but was pulled back by Baili.

"Forget it, just find it later." Baili shook his head, and dragged Wei Xiyuan, who was screaming, back into the car.

"I knew they were playing around." As soon as Qin Chu followed, he whispered to Li Xiangting, "To be honest, I almost believed it just now."

"I said, don't take other people's words as a joke." Li Xiangting hooked his shoulders, lowered his head and smiled and said, "Otherwise, you might get slapped in the face."

"Oh." Qin Chu rolled his eyes, then pushed him, "Why are you so close to me? What are you doing?"

"Ha ha ha." Li Xiangting gave a deep smile, but moved closer, "Chu Yi, don't make jokes, I will take it seriously."

Qin Chuyi: "..."

The four of them tossed around, but their work still fell through. On the way back, the atmosphere was a bit sad, and even Wei Xiyuan, who had always been chattering, was gone.

In the morning, he promised to make sure that his friend is absolutely reliable, but in a blink of an eye he dropped the chain. Now Baili is afraid that he will be expelled from his teacher.

Wei Xiyuan completely forgot that Baili had never said about accepting him as a disciple. He had always made up too much of his own brain.


Wei Xichen only learned about Baili's job application failure after returning home at night.

This was expected. Originally, he was worried that the child would be stimulated by this, but Baili only frustrated for a night, and then resumed his vigor the next day.

For the next two days, Wei Xiyuan has been helping Baili find a job, preparing for a shame.

But I was looking for it, and I didn't find a suitable job. It was either tired or low salary. Baili didn't care much about this, but Wei Xi's original purpose of "not wronging the master" directly passed all these jobs. Lost.

Baili has not been pestered by Wei Xiyuan to play games these days, and feels a lot easier. However, it would be even better if there was no doctor who came to him to chat with him at fixed points every day and rain or shine.

This Doctor Li seemed to position him as the most difficult patient in his career. He changed his words every day, and he almost succeeded in his routine several times.

Baili had no choice but to work hard, fighting wits and courage with the psychologist every day.

"Okay, I'm here today." Li Xiangting finished the last note and closed his notebook, "Baili, in fact, you don't have to be so wary of me. I have my own professionalism and I will never treat patients. Information leaked out."

"Didn't you tell Doctor Qin that I'm not sick last time? What do you mean now?" Baili glanced at him.

"Those words just now are not only telling you from the standpoint of a doctor, but also telling you as a friend that you can trust me completely." Li Xiangting pushed his glasses, "Of course, maybe you just treat me as annoying now. Psychologist, but I thought we've known each other for so long, you will give me some response."

Baili: "..."

Seeing Li Xiangting's slightly disappointed expression, Baili suddenly felt that a creature like a doctor is really terrifying, especially a psychologist!

As for the end, Baili still did not believe Li Xiangting's nonsense, and sent him to the gate mercilessly.

"If I worship you as a teacher like Xiaoyuan, would you be willing to tell me more?" Li Xiangting asked unwillingly when he was sent out.

"No, there is no such possibility at all." Baili planned to close the door.

"Okay, really cruel." Li Xiangting shrugged his shoulders, watched the door shut, and then left the villa in frustration.

"Master, what did Brother Li just say?" Wei Xiyuan closed the computer and asked curiously.

"It's all unimportant things." Baili frowned. "But, he seems to have guessed something."

"Huh?" Wei Xiyuan jumped up, "Really? No wonder he is so persistent, and his attitude has changed recently!"

Wei Xiyuan has a great alarm bell in his heart.

The fact that Baili is a monk was originally only known to him. Later, he quickly told the guy surnamed Zhao, so that he received harassing calls from this person every day.

Wei Xiyuan had been very upset these days, but suddenly discovered that Li Xiangting also knew Baili's identity...

So can he still keep his status as a disciple of Baili?

There must be a sense of crisis at all times.

"Master, Master~" Wei Xiyuan leaned forward to act like a baby, "I have called you the'Master' for so long, you really don't plan to teach me something?"

Regardless of whether Bai Licheng admits him as an apprentice, Wei Xiyuan intends to entangle him to the end.

"Aren't you about to start school? I taught you and probably won't have time to practice." Baili took a sip of the juice on the table and said casually.

"Why don't I have time! I'm so hardworking!" Wei Xiyuan patted the table heavily, his face full of grief and anger, "Master, do you dislike me? I'm really working hard to find a job. I'll find you a better one..."

Baili: "..."

Wei Xiyuan: "Master~"

In the end, Baili was really annoyed by him, so he agreed to teach him how to get started, and at his request, he performed a symbolic apprenticeship ceremony.

"Master is here, please be worshipped by the disciple!"

Wei Xiyuan knelt on one knee and handed a cup of hot tea to Baili who was sitting on the sofa.

"Yeah." Baili took the tea and took a sip.

President Wei Da, who just entered the house, saw this picture.

Wei Xichen: "..."

It's time to change to a psychologist.
