Chapter 20: Martial arts instructor.

Wei Xichen attached great importance to the fact that his brother wanted to drag the whole family to jump off the building to sacrifice.

After reprimanding his brother, he stopped eating, and quickly called Qin Chu.

"I can't tell, you care about this kid." Qin Chuyi's ridiculous voice was on the other side of the phone.

"I don't have time to joke with you." Wei Xichen frowned, his tone impatient.

"Okay, this kid is okay, don't you worry if you have me?" Qin Chu smiled, "Oh, by the way, Baili has something to tell you."

"What are you talking about?" Wei Xichen asked.

"He said, you will lose him like this." Qin Chu repeated Baili's words to him, and then hung up the phone.

Wei Xichen: "..."

What do you mean?

Combined with his brother's just jumping off the building, Wei Xichen always felt that things were not so good.

People with sensitive minds tend to think about something very complicated, and usually don't think about the good side.

After Wei Xichen was busy with the company, he grabbed his brother into the car and hurried back to the villa.

When they got home, Qin Chuyi and Li Xiangting had finished their day of treatment and were about to leave, but they happened to be stopped by Wei Xichen.

"How is he?" Wei Xichen calmly looked at Baili lying on the sofa.

"Excuse me." Li Xiangting's tone was a little low. "Although I have collected your money, I have to say that there is nothing wrong with this child, but the general rebellion of some teenagers."

"Are you sure?" Wei Xichen looked ugly, "He seemed to have taken my brother to jump off the building last night."

"Mr. Wei, children at their age like to make jokes, and sometimes they do things that are unexpected. This is normal. The rebellious period of teenagers sometimes lasts for a long time. This is very different from the living environment. Big department, I suggest you let them get along more, maybe..."

Wei Xichen: "..."

Get along again, Wei Xichen is afraid that things will get out of hand.

"Okay, I'll do that for today. I'll trouble you." Wei Xichen rubbed his temples tiredly, and sent Qin Chuyi and Li Xiangting out of the villa.

"Don't worry, you should trust Lao Li." Before leaving, Qin Chu comforted him heartily.

But Wei Xichen felt that he was not comforted at all.

I don't know if there are too many messy things today, Wei Xichen was so tired that he didn't even want to eat dinner, so he went back to the room to rest.

After his eldest brother left, Wei Xiyuan rushed to Baili excitedly and asked him for credit, "Master, there is news about your work, and my friend asked me to take you to the crew tomorrow."

"The crew?" Baili looked blank.

"It's the place where the movie was filmed. My friend's father is an investor in a TV series. You can be a martial arts instructor in the past, and my friend has a role in this movie. He can help by that time." Wei Xiyuan Said proudly.

"Okay, thank you." Baili said gratefully.

As a martial arts instructor for a TV series, Baili felt that he would be able to do the job.

"But tomorrow I have to go to the company with my eldest brother. I may not be able to take you there personally, so I can only ask the driver to accompany you there. Don't worry, I will tell my friend and let him follow you there." Nishihara said.

"Okay." Baili smiled and nodded.

That night.

At Wei Xiyuan's plea, Baili was going to take him out for another flight, but Wei Xichen in the bedroom opposite suddenly fainted and couldn't fly.

"Damn it, I originally wanted my eldest brother to fly together." Wei Xiyuan looked regretful.

"Most he won't believe your words." Baili said helplessly.

"Master, I really don't think it's worth it for you. It's obvious that you save my elder brother every time, but he not only doesn't know how to be moved, but also misunderstands you, he is simply a scumbag." Wei Xiyuan said contemptuously, before taking advantage of it. His eldest brother was unconscious and frantically took off his socks and threw them on him.

"Okay, he will know in the future, go back to sleep." Baili guessed that this person should almost wake up, and pulled Wei Xiyuan out of the bedroom.

It didn't take long before Wei Xichen woke up struggling from the floor, but before he sighed that he had survived another difficulty, he was shocked by the socks on his body.

What does this smell like?


The next day, Baili got up early and went downstairs after a fresh wash.

"Dr. Qin and Dr. Li will come over in a while and stay at home obediently." Wei Xichen walked over and rubbed Baili's head.

"But I'm going to interview for a job today." Baili turned and avoided his hand.

What do you touch, add to the little master every day, and want to touch the little master's head? His father has never touched it!

"Interview?" Wei Xichen turned his head'swish' and looked at his brother who was drinking soup at the dinner table. This thing was 100% caused by this stinky kid.

"Ahem, it's strange, why is the soup a bit sour today?" Wei Xiyuan pretended not to see the compelling sight of his elder brother, and said to the nanny next to him.

"It is a health soup made by Mr. Wei. It is said that it can treat foot odor." The nanny said kindly.

Wei Xiyuan: "..."

"Don't worry, nothing will happen, a driver will follow me." Baili said.

"Haha." Wei Xichen rolled his eyes at him politely.

He still remembers the story of Baili who worked as a waiter in Fatty Chen's business club before and finally drank all the wine in the club, so when he heard the word "rest assured", he was even more worried.

Regarding the question of whether Baili should go out to find a job, the three people debated until the end of breakfast, but still did not solve the problem.

"What's the matter? You quarreled?"

When the two doctors came over, the quarrel had come to an end. The three of them started the Cold War mode and sat in the living room without talking.

"Mr. Wei, just leave the questions for the two children to us. If it is convenient, I hope you will let Xiaoyuan stay at home today." Li Xiangting pushed his glasses and said with a smile.

"Yeah, old Wei, the assistant has been waiting outside for a while, let's go." Qin Chu persuaded him to finally drag the man to the door.

"Brother, you go slowly." Wei Xiyuan waved his hand angrily.

Wei Xichen's forehead bounced with blue veins, and after giving him a fierce look, he got into the car at the urging of his assistant.

After the car left the villa, Wei Xiyuan cheered, went upstairs to change his obstructive professional outfit, and then went out with Baili.

"Where are you going? Mind taking me one?" Li Xiangting asked after the two.

"If you don't get in the way, you can come together." Wei Xiyuan said, "My master's interview today is very important. You must not disturb it."

"Of course not, I wish you success." Li Xiangting said with a smile.

Finally, the four people who were supposed to have psychotherapy at home went out of the house and went to a film and television base in the suburbs.

"Lao Li, did you really let these two problem children go out and run around? If Wei Xichen gets angry, I'm afraid I can't hold it." As soon as Qin Chu sat in the co-pilot, he stabbed his elbow while driving. Li Xiangting.

The four people went out together, and the driver was too crowded, so Li Xiangting took the driver's job as a matter of course.

"When did you become so long-winded? After becoming the Wei family's personal doctor, you were infected by President Wei Da?" Li Xiangting joked as he drove the car.

"Just tell me this kind of thing secretly, don't say it in front of Wei Xichen." Qin Chu glanced back in the back seat, and the two teenagers were chatting about some TV drama shooting topics without paying attention. To their conversation.

"Please pay attention to Wei's house, don't like to joke like before, Wei Xichen will take it seriously." Qin Chu asked in a worry.

Li Xiangting sneered: "I never make indifferent jokes. Every word of people, perhaps unintentional or intentional, has its meaning. Don't think that joking is just nonsense in the pure sense. In fact..."

"Stop it, Old Wei, I'm not interested in these." Qin Chu quickly interrupted his long talk and changed the subject, "How long will it take to arrive? What the hell is this?"

"Quickly, the film and television base is in front." Li Xiangting followed him and changed the subject, "What role is Baili planning to audition for? I heard that there is a filming of martial arts × Ji recently, are you going to that crew?"

"It's that crew, but it's not an auditioning actor." Wei Xiyuan said triumphantly, "My master is going to be a martial arts instructor, so it's so compelling."

Li Xiangting: "..."

"Are you sure they have no problem?" Qin Chu couldn't help asking the same thing as Wei Xichen.


Wulin X's crew had frequent accidents right after the start-up. Not only was the male number three forced to change because of X poison, the martial arts director also accidentally got into a car accident on the second day of the start-up, leaving the director's hair in just a few days. Sparse a lot.

As the most popular online article this year, "Wulin × Ji" was reproduced into a TV series this time and it was highly anticipated. Last week's launching ceremony was very prosperous, but various situations appeared within two days.

The director only feels that the passing of the year is not good, should he go to the temple to burn a few scents?

"Director Liu! The newly invited martial arts instructor is here!" The assistant ran in excitedly and almost hit the table.

The martial arts instructor who came in behind him was a big-waisted man named Wang Huo. He was very famous in the industry. Before the director, he had to work hard to hire people.


After the two exchanged greetings with each other, they entered the topic, and the chat process was fairly enjoyable. Wang Huo also said that he would be familiar with the cast and progress of the crew as soon as possible.

Director Liu was very satisfied, and planned to let Wang Huo go to rest with a few polite words.

However, at this moment, the assistant ran in again with a strange look, and this time successfully hit the table.

"Director Liu, what? There is a special situation..." The assistant stopped talking, and turned his head to look at Wang Huo.

Wang Huo was sleek and smooth. Seeing this situation, he immediately said goodbye to Director Liu and left the lounge.

"Say something quickly!" Director Liu said impatiently.

"That's it. Yesterday, Mr. Zhao said that he would introduce a martial arts instructor. Now that he is at the door, you see..." the assistant hesitated.

Zhao Gongzi is the second male character of this show, and he is also a newcomer who the investor stuffed in, but all the staff including the director knows that this man is the son of the investor boss, and he is not annoying in the crew. exist.

Fortunately, Mr. Zhao has a good personality and has a good relationship with the director. So when I talked to Director Liu about martial arts guidance at noon yesterday, he strongly recommended one. Director Liu was worried about this and thought about it. Without thinking, he agreed to let someone try.

This is a coincidence. The martial arts instructor who came just now was made by Director Liu, who had only agreed last night, and the other party's seniority was old. Director Liu was so excited that he forgot the person recommended by Mr. Zhao.

A little-known person is naturally inferior to a well-known veteran guide in the industry.

"This..." Director Liu suffocated his throat with a sigh of relief, and then realized it later.

"Since it's here, let's take a look. It will never be better than Director Wang. Our crew also chooses the best. I will explain this to Xiao Zhao." Director Liu waved his hand.
