Chapter 13: I can save you.

The unscrupulous teenagers took Baili Wusheng to the scrap repair shop and preemptively attacked them with steel rods.


"How is this possible!" The boy clutched his numb arm and stared at Baili in shock.

Is this still a person? Or is he a peerless master of Shaolin Wudang Emei's eighteenth generation lay disciple?

"You..." Baili Wusheng ignored the distorted young man behind him, staring at Wei Xichen who suddenly appeared here, tilting his head in doubt.

After arriving in the city, he shut off his spiritual consciousness, so he couldn't sense whether there were other people around, otherwise he would have cleaned up these little friends a long time ago.

But it would be easier if the person was Wei Xichen, after all, he was worried that he had no chance to prove himself.


Baili was happy in his heart, but the young man behind who had just beaten someone stopped doing it. He had practiced his stick skills, so he couldn't even beat a thin boy?

Seeing that Baili was like a okay person, the boy immediately yelled and smashed the stick again. This time he was aggressive and hit Baili's head directly without thinking of the consequences of what he did.

The four dogs in the back were scared and stupid. They were obviously only here to teach Baili, but the boss is now looking desperately. If they really kill someone, will they be held responsible?

"Be careful!" Wei Xichen didn't have time to run over to stop him, watching Baili about to be beaten to the ground, and couldn't help feeling cold and sweaty.

"Hey, don't yell, it's not good to yell at others." Baili smiled at him and felt a strong wind brought by the stick, without turning his head back, just tilted his head slightly, and then his right hand Lifting it up, easily caught the other end of the stick.

"Mistake, mistake, I walked a while ago, and I was actually hit by you." After catching the aggressive stick, Baili turned his head and smiled at the bewildered young man." I now admit that you are the third person besides my parents."

"Wh...what?" The boy looked blank.

Baili didn't kindly repeat it to him again, with a light pressure on his hand, the boy uncontrollably released the stick in his hand.

"You, what are you going to do!" The young man turned pale, and finally realized with hindsight that Baili was a big boss.

"Nothing, I just think this thing is too dangerous, not suitable for minors to hold and play." Baili turned the steel rod in his hand, suddenly flicked his hand, the stick was like an arrow from the string. The boy passed by, and then nailed it to the concrete wall of the repair shop.

Everyone shuddered as they looked at the stick that was halfway into the wall and shivered.

Damn! How exciting is this man! Martial arts master?

After doing all this, Baili clapped his hands, regardless of whether they were shocked or not, turned around and trot to Wei Xichen, and couldn't wait to say: "Wei Xichen, are you here to find me? Have you figured it out? Come to apologize to me?"

Before Wei Xichen recovered from the confusion, he heard Baili "buzzing" in his ears. He only felt that his head was noisy, so he immediately patted his head, "Noisy what!"

Baili: "..."

Is this your attitude of apologizing? Wei Xichen, I saw you wrong!

Baili immediately curled his lips, turned his head and left.

Wei Xichen came back to his senses and subconsciously took Baili's hand, "Wait, I didn't mean that."

"Then what do you mean?" Baili stared at him intently.

"I mean..." Wei Xichen hesitated, "I mean, I'll take you to the hospital."

"Hospital?" Baili was startled, and suddenly slapped his hand away angrily, "You look down on me!"

Wei Xichen didn't understand Baili Wusheng's brain circuit at all, and didn't have the time to think about what he was talking about nonsense. He hurriedly opened his collar and glanced at the shoulder he had just been hit with a stick.

"Hey! What are you doing!" Baili, who was quite conservative, called out immediately.

"Uh..." Looking at this person's smooth and white shoulders, Wei Xichen was lost in thought.

Did he make a mistake just now? How could it be unscathed if someone hit hard with a stick?

Wei Xichen subconsciously looked at the steel bar inserted into the concrete wall not far away.

"Forget it if you don't apologize, don't use your hands!" Baili snorted coldly and pulled up his collar. "You are not saved, you don't know how to cherish the opportunity."

Baili was angry, and didn't want to talk to him anymore, turned his head and walked out the way he came.

"Wait for me." Wei Xichen hurriedly followed him, and took Baili's hand again. "Although there is no injury, I should go to the hospital for a check."

Baili: "..."

Baili finally remembered that in the mortal world, after being beaten like that, it is impossible not to be injured, so this person...

Are you worried about him?

Baili suddenly wondered if he had misunderstood him just now.

The teenagers who were still staying outside the repair shop watched the two drifting away with cold sweat on their faces, and finally took the silly boss and went to the police station to receive education.


After pulling Baili all the way out of the alley, Wei Xichen squeezed people into his car, then gave the driver a command, and the car drove to the hospital.

Baili sat next to Wei Xichen and kept looking at him without a trace. Although he thought this person was very bad before, after what happened just now, Baili felt that this person might be good.

But how can I explain the truth to him? This person's physical affairs can't be delayed.

"That... it's okay if you don't go to the hospital, I'm fine." Baili said.

"No, at least check it." Wei Xichen couldn't refuse.

"Okay." Baili slumped into his seat.

That's not good, that's not good, it's really troublesome.

The car quickly arrived at the hospital. Wei Xichen was inconvenient to show up, so he asked the driver to follow Baili for a check-up. Before long, he saw two people walking out of the hospital gate.

"Boss, we went to the emergency surgical department, but the doctor looked at it and said there was no problem at all, so he let us out." The driver said silently.

He thinks whether his boss has been under too much pressure recently, which has caused a trance. The child is alive and kicking. There is no fundamental thing about this child. Even the doctor thinks whether they have brain problems. Most of the night when they don't go home to sleep, they bring someone to check. .

"It's okay." Wei Xichen nodded, calmly concealing his embarrassment.

Then the three got in the car and left the hospital.

It was 12 o'clock in the middle of the night and there were no cars on the road, but the driver still drove the car very slowly because he felt that the boss might want to go elsewhere.

"I'll take you home." Wei Xichen rubbed his temples and said to Baili.

"If you don't go back, you can just leave it on the side of the road." After tossing for so long and being educated by the doctor, Baili's anger didn't disappear. Even though the car was still driving, he had to pull the door.

"You're crazy!" Wei Xichen hurriedly asked the driver to park the car on the side of the road, turning his head and staring at Baili.

"Hmph (* ̄m ̄)!" Baili turned his head and ignored him.

Wei Xichen: "..."

Wei Xichen feels tired. This child seems to be well-behaved, but the truth is that he is more difficult to take care of than his brother. Why does he get into this kind of bear child?

"Go ahead, what do you want?" Wei Xichen pinched his brows.

"Since you don't believe what I said, then ignore me. You saw it just now. I am very powerful. No one can beat me even if I meet a gangster outside in the middle of the night." Baili said proudly. .

Wei Xichen laughed angrily at him, and suddenly wanted to rub the boy's head a few times like he treated his brother.

"So you are showing off to me how good you are?" Wei Xichen hugged his arms and looked at him with interest.

"No! I'm just expounding some facts!" Baili turned his head and looked dissatisfied. "You probably have delusion of persecution, and you always feel that others are trying to do something against you. In that case, you can just leave me alone. I can do it myself. Come back home."

"If you mean the previous thing, then I apologize to you." Wei Xichen said helplessly, "but no matter how good you are, I must send you home."

"No need, no need." Baili went to open the door after he said it, but did not open it after a long time. When he was angry, he forcefully broke the handle off.

Baili: "..."

Wei Xichen sat by and watched for a while, waiting for the boy to apologize to him.

"That...I didn't mean it..." Baili turned her head back blankly, still holding the handle that was broken off by him.

I heard that cars are very expensive, and this person is very rich, and the car he drives must be more expensive... QAQ

"So?" Wei Xichen raised an eyebrow. "Shall I tell you the price of this car?"

"No, I don't have to hahaha..." Bai Ligan laughed twice, feeling that he had been bloody mold for eight lifetimes, "What? Tell me how much it costs to repair the car, and I will pay you back. "

"Yes, I will let the assistant make a list." Wei Xichen nodded and said calmly.

Baili: "..."

The car was still parked on the spot. Without Wei Xichen's order, the driver did not dare to drive away. Baili couldn't get off the car because he broke the handle of the door.

"Then... can I get off?" Baili said hesitantly.

"Don't you still have something to tell me?" Wei Xichen still didn't move, his eyes kept looking at Baili.

"Are you willing to believe what I said?" Baili was taken aback for a moment, then raised his head to look at him.

"Of course, the premise is that you won't lie to me." Wei Xichen finally couldn't help reaching out and rubbing the top of Baili's head twice.

Well, it is slippery and smooth, and feels much better than his brother's hair.

"I never lied to you." Baili snorted and turned to avoid his hand.

Wei Xichen retracted his hand regretfully, and then asked the driver to drive to a nearby 24-hour fast food restaurant.

At this time, there were only two waiters who were clean in the restaurant. After ordering a children's set meal for Baili, Wei Xichen sat down opposite him.

"It's time to start."

Looking at Wei Xichen's careless attitude, Baili rolled his eyes directly at him, and then said proudly: "I can save you."
