Chapter 10: A man standing at the top of the entertainment industry.

"Wei Xichen, the owner of Wanshi Entertainment, a rich man." Li Xian couldn't help but gave a thumbs up, "I didn't expect that the next door to Master's house was such a big man. Why didn't I find out before!"

"Is he famous?" Baili looked ignorant, "I thought he was a star or something."

"What's the celebrity? Those celebrities and queens are all working for him." Li Xian said with envy, "This is a man at the top of the entertainment industry."

"Huh! What a big man, it's just a mortal with some chance." Mr. Wang seemed to have checked Wei Xichen carefully, but the feeling of anticipation has now become a little disgusting.

"Senior, did you find anything?" Baili asked curiously. Since Mr. Wang said so, it seems that their previous guesses were all wrong.

"This kid's body has been cleared through the pass, but he has only passed through the two levels of the tail and the ridge. Although he will absorb the Qi of the week by himself, the jade pillow pass will not work. After a long time, it will leave hidden dangers. "Wang Lao explained to them, touching his beard.

If a mortal wants to step into the cultivation, the first condition is to clear the three major orifices of tail lumbar, Jiaji, and jade pillow. Once it is cleared, it will be able to draw in the breath into the body and reach the Qi training period. Without this talent, just give up.

But like Wei Xichen's three levels, you can't say that he has no talent. After all, people can also draw air into the body, but one of the levels fails. The true energy is blocked in the body and cannot achieve the effect of circulation. Only exploded and died.

And Wei Xichen can quickly trigger the Gu Ling Pill's medicinal power because of this, but this is not a good thing. If the jade is not clear, he will finish it sooner or later.

"So that's it!" Li Xian nodded as if he didn't understand, "Then what should I do now? Help him close the tail and Jiaji levels, or..."

"It would be okay if he didn't take the Guling Pill, but now that the medicinal power has already started, he has to get through the Yuzhen Pass as soon as possible." Baili said helplessly.

So this is really a coincidence, but Wei Xichen has caught up with so many situations.

"If this is the case, let my nephew take care of it. It is inconvenient for me to get in touch with mortals too much. Li Xian's cultivation base is too low, so I can only do it by you if I want to." In the shoulders, the words are earnest.

"It can only be so." Baili looked at the sleeping person on the bed with a speechless expression, as if feeling aggrieved in his heart, stretched out his hand and squeezed the man's handsome face severely.

"For the sake of taking me home before you took the initiative, please help you."


For some reason, Wei Xichen felt that he slept very deeply this night, and he could be awakened by a slight noise, but he did not wake up all night.

After Wei Xichen woke up in the morning, he only felt physically relaxed like never before.

"Brother? You haven't left today?" Wei Xiyuan looked at his eldest brother coming down from the stairs in surprise, so his eldest brother would sleep in too late?

"I won't go to the company today." Wei Xichen rarely wore home clothes, soft cotton T-shirt and casual pants, which made him look a bit less sharp and softer.

"Oh." Wei Xiyuan nodded, always feeling that today's eldest brother is a little different from usual.

At nine o'clock, Qin Chuyi took Wei Xichen's blood test results and came to the villa.

"Xi Chen, there is nothing wrong with the result of the inspection, you can rest assured." Qin Chu told him the good news as soon as he entered the door.

"Yeah." Wei Xichen replied, but after receiving the inspection results, he didn't mention the matter again, instead he talked about the situation last night.

"I don't know what's going on this time, it ended in a short while." After telling Qin Chu what happened last night, Wei Xichen frowned involuntarily.

"I said, I suggest you go to a big hospital for a check. After all, my ability is limited. I really can't find out the cause. Moreover, taking medicine for a long time is not an option. These two times are lucky, but what will happen next time, who can say quasi......"

Qin Chu started to persuade him bitterly, but Wei Xichen sat on the sofa steadily, unmoved, waited for him to stop speaking dryly before speaking leisurely.

"In that case, I don't need to take the medicine anymore, maybe my body is not sick." Wei Xichen said calmly.

"Are you kidding? If you don't take medicine..." Qin Chu pointedly looked upstairs.

"Ohara has grown up." Wei Xichen sighed and said happily, "I have written a will, and if something happens in the future, I won't let him sleep on the street."

"What are you talking about!" Qin Chu was a little angry, not because he made a will when he was only twenty-seven, but because he was joking about his life.

"Sorry, I will go to the hospital." Wei Xichen smiled at him, "There will always be such a day, I just hope I can leave something for Xiaoyuan."

"You..." Qin Chu was speechless, feeling sour in his heart.

When Wei Xichen's parents passed away unexpectedly, the entire company was lost to Wei Xichen, who had just graduated from college. He had been busy for three years before getting the company back on track, and since then, his health has gone wrong.

Heart palpitations, fainting again and again, various examinations were done, but no results were obtained. Sometimes Qin Chuyi even wondered if Wei Xichen had been suppressed for too long and had some mental illness.

"I know that you only have Xiaoyuan as a relative. You are right to think about him, but don't give up like this, there will always be a way." Qin Chu said to him with a spirited spirit.

"Well, of course I won't give up, at least I will try my best to reach the end." Wei Xichen stood up, smiled and touched his head, "How are you like a heart-warming brother today."

"Don't rub my head! Go rub your brother!" Qin Chu slapped his hand away angrily, then stood up together, "Where to go, I'll see you."

"No, go for a walk. I'm too tired recently, it's rare to relax." Wei Xichen said with a smile.

"I'm with you, you can't go out alone." Qin Chuyi said strongly.

Wei Xichen couldn't, so he nodded in agreement and left the villa with him.


After Baili promised to be in charge of Wei Xichen with Mr. Wang last night, he has been thinking about how to approach Wei Xichen.

It is not something that can be done in a day or two to get through the Yuzhen Pass. If Baili forcefully helps him open it, it will probably damage his body. Therefore, the best way is for Baili to follow Wei Xichen. Staring at his side, inducing step by step, helping him get up early to clear the barrier.

But things seem a bit troublesome.

Hearing from Li Xian, Wei Xichen is a man standing at the top of the entertainment circle. His family is rich and powerful. If he wants to get close and succeed in mixing with him, it is definitely not an easy task.

"So Junior Brother, you just tell the truth." Li Xian leaned on the sofa with Erlang's legs upright. "If he doesn't believe him, just leave him alone and save him when he has an attack next time."

"Is this really possible? If I don't have time to rush over, wouldn't he be finished?" Baili disapproved.

"I don't think this person is like a materialist, so maybe I can believe you." Li Xian said with a smile, "Think for the best in everything. Try it before you say it. It won't work. Let's think of another way."

Baili felt that there was some truth in this, so he nodded, "It can only be done like this, I will go over and take a look, lest he has an accident."

"Junior brother worked hard."

Not much to say, after saying goodbye to Li Xian, Baili went out to the villa area.

The noon sun is scorching the ground, even if there are sprinklers working non-stop, it still feels like being put on a barbecue grill.

From time to time, the smell of stir-fried vegetables in the air pierced into his nostrils. After coming to the big city, Baili, who had only eaten one meal, sniffed, and felt sad.

Baili stopped involuntarily and looked at the restaurant where the fragrance was wafting out.

Is this also a kind of practice? The mortal world is really terrible.


Inside the hotel.

Wei Xichen rarely comes to eat in such public places, of course, to avoid encountering those difficult paparazzi.

He hates the profession of paparazzi, but he doesn't want to openly conflict with these people, so he always hides when he can, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

In fact, at the level of Wei Xichen, of course I am not afraid of those paparazzi shooting and writing, trying to suppress the news is just a sentence.

But in this era of advanced information, even if it is suppressed in an instant, it will still be seen by the public and the situation will ferment.

If he can, he doesn't want to occupy the headlines of the entertainment sector for a long time, let alone... gossip with his personal doctor.

Wei Xichen lowered the brim of his hat and looked at Qin Chuyi, who was ordering a meal by the opposite old god.

"Is this a good place to say?" Wei Xichen's tone was vaguely angry.

"Yeah." Qin Chu didn't notice this, and after ordering three dishes, he returned the menu to the waiter.

"You should get used to the eyes of the public, this kind of thing is inevitable." Qin Chu said with a smile, "As your personal doctor, I think what you need more is to relax, rather than wrap yourself in a suit, like a suit. I only know the working machine."

"Heh." Wei Xichen sneered, "I don't think it's relaxing now."

"We have known each other for a long time, I think you should understand what I mean." Qin Chu put an arm on the dining table and suddenly became serious, "Xi Chen, don't make yourself too tired, don't let yourself..."

There are regrets.

Qin Chuyi didn't say the rest, but he believed Wei Xichen could understand.

Wei Xichen has almost become a legend in the entertainment industry over the years. In just a few years, he rescued the company that was on the brink of collapse, and allowed Wanshi Entertainment to develop into its current status.

As soon as Qin Chu knew, he was very tired.

Wei Xichen is a person who is often pushed into hot searches, but the headlines are all company-related news, and the outside world knows nothing about his own life.

He has done a good job. He never accepts interviews from the media, never rumored an affair with any celebrities, and never even appeared in public.

Wei Xichen shut himself up, locked in his own world.
