Chapter 11: Not talking about the same thing?

The noise in the dining room made Qin Chuyi's voice a little unclear, but after his hesitant words fell, both of them fell silent.


To be regretful, there are indeed many things, many things he wants to do and unfinished things, but... he is afraid that it will be too late.

Wei Xichen turned to the beginning, instinctively trying to avoid his gaze, but when he turned his head, he was startled by a face stuck outside the glass window.

Baili Wusheng's handsome face was completely attached to the glass. Although it was a bit distorted, it was unexpectedly a little cute. Both hands were also lying on the glass, looking at him eagerly... the dishes just served in front of him.

"You know?" Qin Chu followed his gaze and saw a young man lying down the window, looking at them pitifully, almost amused.

"I don't know..." Wei Xichen retracted his gaze, thought about it, and said again, "But there was a fate."

Wei Xichen suddenly remembered that when he sent the boy home last night, he didn't even think of asking his name.

The encounter between the two was nothing but a trivial matter to him, there was no need to remember, and he never thought that he and the boy would meet again.

"I think he seems to be staring at you all the time." Qin Chu smiled and beckoned to Baili outside, "Since I know it, it's better to invite him in for dinner."

Wei Xichen didn't say a word, he was tacitly acquiescing to Qin Chuyi's behavior, and then looked out the window, only to find that the teenager had rushed into the restaurant at an unimaginable speed.

"Wei Xichen, I saw you again, what a coincidence." Baili trot over, tucked at the corner of his mouth, and showed him a bright smile.

"Yeah." Wei Xichen responded coldly.

Wei Xichen didn't want to find out how he knew his name. It may be that the teenager is also concerned about the entertainment industry, but he has lowered his hat so low just now, and his clothes are not the same as before. The teenager can even recognize it at a glance. How good is his eyesight?

Really cold.

Baili couldn't help but curled his lips because he didn't know how to answer the conversation with his "hmm". This man really couldn't handle it.

"Welcome, since we meet, we might as well have a meal together. It just so happens that we can't finish these dishes either." Qin Chuyi invited.

"I'm so embarrassed." Baili scratched his head, and even though he said so, he still sat down unceremoniously.

And sat beside Wei Xichen.

Wei Xichen, who has never been so close to people for dinner, stiffened subconsciously.

Qin Chu asked the waiter to bring a set of tableware and ordered two side dishes. Then he turned around and poured a glass of juice for Baili, "Is the juice okay? We'll have to drive later, we can't drink, and I think You probably don't know how to drink either."

"Haha." Upon hearing this, Wei Xichen laughed subconsciously.

Qin Chu's eyes were awkward this time. The child didn't drink less wine last night. He blew a dozen bottles of beer, and he didn't even blush.

"Hmm, I like juice." Baili nodded, only when he didn't hear Wei Xichen's laugh, he happily took a sip of the juice.

This is his second meal since he came to a big city, and it is the first time in his life to eat in a restaurant. Although there are many people and chaos, it is not interesting.

"Drink more if you like it." Qin Chu could make the teenager look content at the sight of a glass of juice, and couldn't help but smile, "I'm Xichen's friend, Qin Chuyi, can you meet me?"

"My name is Baili Wusheng. I only met Wei Xichen yesterday." Baili smiled and pointed to his nose.

"Although it's a bit rude, but I have to say that this is really unexpected." Qin Chu pushed his glasses, don't look at Wei Xichen deeply, "It seems that Xichen likes children very much."

Qin Chuyi thought that Wei Xichen's naughty brother was enough for him, but he didn't expect to meet a teenager who was the same age as Wei Xichen.

"Really?" Baili was stunned for a moment, and he was suddenly delighted. It turns out that Wei Xichen likes a child his age? Then he... wait, kid?

"Nonsense." Wei Xichen sneered. "I know you always like children, but don't compare me to me. If you want, I can let Xiaoyuan live there for a while."

"Hahaha, forget it, it's just a joke." Of course, Qin Chuyi wouldn't agree to this kind of thing, and just haha, and brought the topic back to Baili.

"Speaking of which, how did you meet?"

"I met accidentally, it's best not to ask more about things that have nothing to do with you." Wei Xichen glared at him, and didn't want to talk about this topic again.

"Tsk tusk tusk, forget it." Qin Chu smacked his lips, secretly saying that this person is boring, and he shouldn't be able to find anyone at his age.

As the person concerned Wei Xichen refused to talk, Baili was thinking about eating again, so the next meal was relatively quiet.

After eating, Qin Chu said goodbye to Wei Xichen because of something at home.

"Since you are fine for the time being, then I will go back first. Remember to call me immediately if you have anything to do." Qin Chuyi waved to Wei Xichen in the car, and then looked at Baili again, "See you next time." , Kids."

"Okay." Baili nodded and watched him leave with Wei Xichen.

"Okay." After the car drove far, Wei Xichen turned his head and looked at the young man who was much shorter than himself, "I will send you back."

"Hey? Wait!" Baili hurriedly stopped him, "I have something to tell you, can you wait a moment."

Wei Xichen frowned subconsciously. If someone said something to him in normal times, he would refuse without hesitation or ask him to make an appointment with his assistant.

It's not that he wants to hold the air, once this kind of thing is agreed, it will not do him any good except trouble, and he is not a person who has free time to deal with such unnecessary troubles.

But looking at Baili's harmless face, he felt that he wanted to hear what he wanted to say.

"Go over there." Wei Xichen pointed to a coffee shop not far away.

At this time there are no customers in the cafe, which is in line with Wei Xichen's quiet personality. After the two sat down by the window, they ordered coffee and milkshakes, and then Wei Xichen waited to hear what he said. .

"Well, it may be weird to say, but please believe me." Baili thought it would be better to emphasize it first, so he didn't rush into the text, and knocked sideways: "Is there something wrong with your body? "


Wei Xichen sneered in his heart. It seemed that the young man was far from being as simple as he thought. He knew everything that happened in the car last night and he had to say that he was very keen.

So, are you threatening him with this?

"Little friend." Wei Xichen sneered at him. "There are some things that you don't know if you know it, but since you already know it, you have to pretend you don't know, otherwise you will get into trouble if you know too much."

"Uh." Baili was a little dizzy by what he knew or didn't know, and said with difficulty, "So? What do you mean?"

"Heh, what I meant." Wei Xichen squinted his eyes, his eyes pierced with a dangerous light, "You'd better close your mouth, if you don't know what to do, I will give you a hush fee, but if you want To threaten me, then..."

Wei Xichen leaned back, folded his arms on his chest, and smiled like nothing at the corners of his mouth. He was domineering and leaking, "I will show you the scaryness of money."

Baili: "..." Is this attitude necessary?

"Of course, I won't talk about this, but the hush fee is unnecessary. After all, this trouble has something to do with me, and I have an obligation to help you solve it." Fearing that he might misunderstand, Baili quickly stated his position.

"No need." Wei Xichen interrupted his words, took out his mobile phone to send a message to the assistant, and then looked at Baili again, "My assistant will be here soon, and he will follow you for the next thing. Negotiations, forgive me for being out of company."

After Wei Xichen said this, he got up to leave, but Baili later realized that he still seemed to have misunderstood.

Made! Isn't the two of them just talking about the same thing at all?


When the assistant rushed to the cafe, his boss was nowhere to be found, but he quickly found the person the boss said. After all, the cafe was very deserted, with only one customer in it.

"It's like this...he's gone...he doesn't even listen to explanation...bad man..."

A handsome little guy in ordinary clothes was sitting by the window, staring at the glass of milkshake in front of him and whispering.

"This friend, are you Mr. Baili Wusheng?" The assistant walked to him and asked symbolically.

The surname of Juvenile is rare nowadays, it can be remembered at once, and he looks good. It should be the kind of cute big boy who is rarely welcomed in school.

I don't know what happened between this person and his boss, the boss actually wanted to give someone a hush money.

"Are you the assistant Wei Xichen said?" Baili raised his head, his eyes were very resentful, "You go back and tell that bastard, I kindly want to help him, he doesn't know what is good or bad, but thinks I want to blackmail him? Hehe, he deserves to die! You ask him to apologize to me. If you don't apologize, I will not care about him next time. After he is tossed to death and alive, I will make another move so that he can only spend the rest of his life on the bed. ..."

assistant Manager:"......"

Sorry, he seems to be dirty, but is it really a joke that the boy said so serious?

So half an hour later, the assistant came to the Wei's mansion and told Baili Wusheng's words to his boss with a strange expression. In the end, he was shocked.

"Boss, I really didn't expect you... I will be tight-lipped, I won't tell you if I kill you!"

    Wei Xichen: "..."
