Chapter 35: Travel.

Double! repair! It! law!

The four dazzling characters made Baili Tiger's body tremble, and instantly felt that this thing became hot, and his face turned from white to red, then from red to black.

"My nephew, this is already given to you. Try to figure out this method. This is the best way to improve the strength of both parties."

Wang Lao didn't know where to find a folding fan, and slapped Baili twice, "Don't worry, this exercise has been tested by many people and it's absolutely safe and effective. Of course, if you find the above action too difficult If so, I have others there."

Baili: "..."

Damn it! all! Have! effect!

Baili's face was black, and without a word, he tore the exercise method to pieces, and then smiled at the old man, "Thank you, thank you, senior, predecessor, but I accidentally tore it, I'm really sorry. "

The old man looked at the shredded paper on the ground and couldn't help but shiver. "That, you're welcome, you're welcome, it was originally given to my nephew, so you will naturally take care of it."

Wang Laogan laughed twice, never daring to mention the exercises again.

"If this is the case, let's say goodbye first, and I will disturb the seniors and brothers today." Baili didn't want to stay longer for a minute, got up and left, even the apprentice didn't wait.

"I'm sorry." Wei Xichen stood up from the sofa and looked at Mrs. Wang embarrassedly, "Farewell senior."

"Hey, wait a minute." Wang Lao Chao took a look outside the door and saw that Baili had already entered the elevator. Then he took out another book from his clothes.

"I think my nephew is not satisfied with the exercises just now. It doesn't matter. I have another one here." Wang Lao handed this relatively new exercise to Wei Xichen. That's bad."

"Thank you, senior." Wei Xichen nodded and looked down.

"Double Repair Dafa"!

Although there is only one word difference, it feels better than the previous "The Method of Double Cultivation".

Mr. Wei carefully put it away, then looked at Elder Wang again and bowed gratefully, "Thank you, senior!"


Baili rushed downstairs angrily, got into the car, and then "slammed" the door closed, startling the sleepy driver.

Not long after, Wei Xichen also walked out of the corridor with a very calm expression, but the slightly bulging suit jacket obviously hides something.

Baili raised an eyebrow, seemingly feeling.

"What are you doing up there?" Baili asked with a sneer as soon as he got in the car.

"It's okay, ask the seniors about their cultivation problems." Wei Xichen said calmly.

"The question about cultivation? Then why don't you ask me?" Baili frowned and stared at him, "I am your master!"

"It's my fault, I will definitely ask you next time." Wei Xichen smiled, and then stretched out his arm to embrace Baili's shoulder. "After all, Master is the closest person to me."

Baili: "..."

Although there is nothing wrong with this sentence, Baili's ears can't help but blush.

This unfilial apprentice is really courageous, even dare to hold Master's shoulders?

However, President Wei not only hugged him, but he hugged him comfortably, and even grinned badly at Baili.

"Do you think I can't help you?" Baili smiled coldly, then twisted his backhand, all of a sudden, pressing the person on the back seat.

"Hiss!" Mr. Wei took a breath after being cut back.

The child was really ruthless, no light or heavy, he felt that his arm was about to be screwed off.

"I was wrong." Wei Xichen said he was very smooth, but Baili couldn't hear it.

"No, you must be fooling me, you don't think so in your heart!" Baili pressed hard again.

"I promise not!" Wei Xichen was crushed by his bones, and grinned, "I just show my closeness to Master!"

"Get close to your uncle!" Baili slapped his head, "I want you to get close? Don't think I don't know your dirty thoughts."

"Sorry?" Wei Xichen suddenly changed his face, and his tone was slightly angry. "In your eyes, my love is dirty?"

"I..." Baili choked on his words, suddenly regretting a little.

It is certainly not a nasty thing to like someone. Love is a beautiful thing, how can he describe it like this...

Baili hated himself for being quick, even if he wanted to reject his apprentice, he couldn't talk so nonsense.

The two were deadlocked in the back seat of the car, and the driver sitting in front could not help lowering the temperature of the air conditioner. I only hoped that the two of them could calm down. It is also difficult to be a driver these days.

"I... I didn't mean that." Baili couldn't help but let go, and then realized that he was riding on his apprentice unknowingly.

"Then what do you mean?" Wei Xichen lay down on the seat, turning his head to look at him with difficulty, even a little wronged in his eyes.

Baili felt a bit in his heart, is this person really fake? Is this expression really something Wei Xichen would make?

"I just... a momentary fumble, not intentional." After Baili finished speaking, he quickly got off the person and shrank to the farthest place from this person.

Wei Xichen sat up and rubbed his arms, staring at Baili for a long while, until the hair was blown up.

"Forget it, you'll be fine if you say something wrong, but you have to make up for me." Wei Xichen smiled lightly, and it finally cleared after rain.

But the next sentence revealed my nature, "My arm hurts, come and rub me."

Baili: "..."

Routines really are routines.


After the crew's filming mission at the film and television base was over, and there was a week's rest time left, Mr. Wei thought secretly that he wanted to find a chance to train a husband... No, it was the feeling of master and apprentice.

"Go traveling, boss, go to a romantic place, let something romantic happen again, hehehe..." The assistant smiled wretchedly as he said, completely forgetting that he was sitting in front of him. Own boss.

Fortunately, Wei Xichen didn't care about such trivial matters, and seriously considered this proposal.

"Yes, you can help me look at the travel guide, the itinerary should not be too long, just four or five days." General Wei ordered.

"Good boss, wrap it on me!" The assistant patted his chest to make sure, and then went to check the travel guide enthusiastically.

If the boss is traveling, he can also spare a few days to rest, which is simply beautiful!

After the assistant left, Wei Xichen also finished the day's work, got home from work on time, and had no intention of working overtime.

There is still a big baby waiting for him at home, what is working overtime?

After returning home and seeing Baili sitting in the living room eating snacks after entering the door, Wei Xichen couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

In fact, one thing Wei Xichen is most worried about now is that Baili will leave without saying goodbye.

After helping him successfully reach the training period, Baili would have been able to leave long ago. It was only because of several successive attacks that allowed him to stay, but Wei Xichen was still worried, for fear that someone would suddenly run away. Up.

Therefore, even if Wei Xichen likes Baili again, he would not dare to do too outrageous things. If his popularity is gone, then the gain is not worth the loss.

Of course, even if he wants to do something extraordinary, he probably can't do it. This person can easily kill himself with his fingers, but Mr. Wei's self-esteem will not admit such things.

But as long as it doesn't make people anxious, it's okay to make a small tease.

"Have you eaten so much today?" Wei Xichen looked at the snack bags filled with an entire coffee table, touched Baili's head helplessly, and then took the man's wrist, naturally taking what was in his hand. Potato chips were delivered into his mouth.

Baili retracted his hand and gave him an angry look.

This kind of thing has not happened for the first time. Although Baili will teach every time, his apprentices just don't understand the principle of'eating one's ditch and gaining one's wisdom'.

Baili doesn't bother to care about this shameless apprentice now, but... just now his tongue seemed to touch his fingertips?

"Master, I have good news for you." Before Baili became angry, Wei Xichen quickly turned off the topic.

"I don't want to listen, I'm not interested." Baili geared up, not planning to let him go easily.

"Going out to travel, touring mountains and waters, and all kinds of food, you really don't want to hear it?" Wei Xichen hid behind the sofa and said quickly.

"Traveling?" Baili's already raised slap fell back again, "Why travel suddenly?"

"You have been out for so long and have been staying in T city. I want to take you around." Mr. Wei said sincerely, "We can travel by car or report to a tour group. You can choose the location."

"Are you sure you have no other conspiracy?" Baili looked at him hesitantly.

Although it is very attractive to go out to play, Baili feels that with the usual routine of the apprentice, this matter is definitely not so simple.

"What conspiracy can I have?" Mr. Wei said innocently, "Besides, has my conspiracy ever succeeded?"

He now even runs the risk of being beaten up even if he eats tofu, so he dare to have any other ideas.

"Uh, that's true." Baili looked at the bruise on the corner of his apprentice's eyes that he had beaten yesterday, and touched his nose. In fact, if the apprentice didn't always act on him, he would still be a pretty good person.

"In this case, I will let the assistant find a suitable route as soon as possible. You can also check on the Internet to see if there is any place you want to go." Wei Xichen quickly settled the matter, and then walked around from behind the sofa. Baili around.

"We will go to buy some travel supplies tomorrow, and prepare in advance to save time." Wei Xichen said in Baili's ear.

"It's the two of us in this room. Do you need to be so close when you talk?" Baili unceremoniously slapped people on the ground, "Don't waste your energy on trivial things, since you want to go out to play , Then the training tonight will double."

Wei Xichen: "..."


But whether the training is doubled or not, Wei always plans to spend his honeymoon...Bah! The determination to travel abroad was still very firm, and he took Baili to the shopping mall early the next morning.

"Don't you just bring something to eat? Why buy these messy things?"

Baili looked at a shopping list in his hand and asked in confusion.

There is a long list of items that need to be purchased, including umbrellas, sun hats, toiletries, underwear, T-shirts, etc...

Baili noticed that there was a black ink on the side of the T-shirt. It seemed that something else was written before, but it was obliterated by Wei Xichen.

"Of course you can't just bring food." Wei Xichen pulled Baili into a clothing store.

"It's the rule to wear the same clothes when you travel." Wei Xichen pointed to the couple shirt on the model and said nonsense.

Baili: "...?"

I believe in your evil.
