Chapter 17: "That" has came again.

Wei Xiyuan looked at his elder brother who was coming down from upstairs with a face full of spring breeze, and secretly stabbed Baili with his elbow, "You said what he had done last night × dream, and he laughed like a perverted laugh early in the morning."

"Probably something good happened." Baili lowered his head indifferently and continued to eat breakfast.

Although these days have not gone smoothly since I came to T City, Baili is already very satisfied with a delicious breakfast.

Sure enough, he thought it was too simple at first, and'family experience' was far less relaxed than imagined.

The three had finished breakfast together in harmony, Wei Xichen was also ready to go to the company, and the assistant had already been waiting outside.

"Since there is nowhere to go, I will stay here for the time being. Don't run around. If you have anything to ask Xiaoyuan to help you, or call me." Before leaving, Wei Xichen told Baili.

"Wait, I don't have your phone number, how can I call you?" Baili said, pulling his sleeve.

Wei Xichen looked at the overly beautiful hand on his sleeve and frowned slightly, "Give me the phone."

"Oh." Baili released him, quickly took out his antique mobile phone from his trouser pocket and handed it to him. Then, afraid that he wouldn't be able to use it, he added another sentence: "Now, press this button to unlock it."

Wei Xichen: "..."

After successfully depositing his number, Wei Xichen left the villa without wanting to stay longer.

"Baili, Baili~" Wei Xiyuan had been playing with her mobile phone on the sofa, without noticing the interaction between the two of them just now, and finally made room to pat the position beside him, "Come on, let's drive together. Is it dark?"

"What is Kaihei?" Baili walked over in confusion.

"Just to play games together, come on?" Wei Xiyuan finally raised his head.

"Okay, I want to play." Baili sat down beside him excitedly and handed him his mobile phone. "But I don't know how to download games. Can you help me?"

Wei Xiyuan: "..."

Wei Xiyuan twitched when he looked at the mobile phone in his hand that was ten years behind the old one.

You kid really loves to joke.


Baili lived in Wei's house for half a month. During this half month, he occasionally met with Li Xian to talk about Wei Xichen, but most of the time he stayed at home and played games with Wei Xiyuan.

Yes, in order to find a playmate, Wei Xiyuan lent his old mobile phone that he had eliminated before to Baili, and took him to the game every day to show off his best side, and was praised by Baili.

The only thing that Wei Xiyuan was dissatisfied with was his elder brother's stubborn temper, that he refused to admit his relationship with Baili, and forbade him to take Baili's things into his room.

But despite this, Baili did not continue to squeeze in the same room with Wei Xiyuan. After Wei Xichen made a fuss about what his younger brother did, he asked the nanny to clean up another bedroom and put Wei Xiyuan in his room. The things belonging to Baili that had been secretly brought in were thrown into the room.

In the past half month, Wei Xichen had several attacks due to Gu Ling Pill, and the frequency of attacks became more and more frequent, but he was able to overcome the danger every time, and he also felt that his physical condition was getting better day by day.

This made Wei Xichen even more convinced that there was no major problem with his body.

On this day, when Qin Chu came to the villa and checked Wei Xichen's body on time, Wei Xichen told him that he had stopped the medication.

"Too foolish!" Qin Chu disapproved of his behavior and objected: "You can't hold this kind of fluke mentality. If your guess is wrong, then it is very likely that it will happen next time. on......"

"One or two times may be a fluke, but the more frequent, it is another situation, Old Qin, you should trust my judgment." Wei Xichen took a sip of coffee calmly.

"Damn judgment! Can you have the accurate judgment of me as a doctor? A fool! You are simply fooling around with your life!"

"You calm down..."

Baili, who was sitting on the sofa and playing with his mobile phone, looked at the two, with a sly smile in his eyes, and pretended to ask Wei Xiyuan who was aside: "Why did your brother quarrel with Doctor Qin? What's the disease? Is it serious?"

"He has intermittent myocardial infarction, don't worry, it's not a big problem." Wei Xiyuan said nonsense without raising his head.

Although he was already familiar with Baili, he still didn't tell him the real situation of his elder brother, and he really didn't know what kind of strange disease he had.

"Is that so? But when I watched TV before, experts said myocardial infarction seems to be a serious problem." Baili pretended to be puzzled.

"Don't always watch those messy TV shopping shows. What kind of experts can those experts be? They are obviously selling health products." Wei Xichen concealed, "Don't keep watching them both. The game is over in a while."

"Oh, good." Baili finally retracted his gaze, smiled to himself, picked up the phone and started a new round of fighting with Wei Xiyuan.

"Xi Chen, listen to me, don't stop the medicine first." Qin Chu rubbed his temples with a headache, "And you can't delay anymore. If you don't want to be checked in a domestic hospital, you can go abroad. This is not necessary. Worried about being dug by paparazzi."

"I'll talk about this later, the company has a big project recently, I'm afraid I can't get out of it." Wei Xichen said nonchalantly.

"You... hey..." Qin Chu sighed, but after all, he couldn't help it.

Qin Chu didn't stay for lunch because he was too upset, so he greeted the three of them and left Wei's house.

At noon, it is rare for the three of them to sit together for dinner.

Although after coming to Wei's house, there is no substantial progress in Wei Xichen's affairs, but on the bright side, at least the food has improved a lot.

Halfway through the meal, Baili was talking to Wei Xiyuan, but suddenly realized that the face of Wei Xichen on the other side was wrong, obviously it was'that' coming again.

It was a little troublesome now, it usually happened at night, but this time it became daytime, and Wei Xiyuan was still there.

But right now, he didn't care about that much anymore. The moment Wei Xichen fell, Baili teleported to catch his body.

"What, what's wrong?"

In the blink of an eye, the person who was talking to him just came across. Wei Xiyuan looked blank, but after seeing his elder brother who was pale and fainted, he didn't have the time to be surprised. He picked up the phone in a panic and gave Qin Chu a shot. Phone.

"Brother, cheer up, I will let Brother Qin come back right away!"

"You don't need to call Dr. Qin." As he spoke, Baili had already helped Wei Xichen to sit with his palms on his heart, "I'll be well soon, don't worry."

This kind of thing happened once and then again, Baili was already handy, and soon calmed Wei Xichen's violent medicine.

Seeing his elder brother's complexion quickly returned to ruddy, Wei Xiyuan was so shocked that he didn't even notice that the phone had been connected.

"Hello? Hello? Xiaoyuan? What's the matter?" Qin Chu heard a worried voice.

"Uh...ah..." After yelling for a long time, Wei Xiyuan came back to his senses and said to the phone in a daze: "Oh, it's okay, just ask if you are in danger on the way back..."

Qin Chuyi: "..."

Qin Chuyi had to admit that Wei Xichen's intuition was still very accurate sometimes, at least he said that his brother had a psychological problem, it was still very reliable.

Here, after Baili quickly sealed the medicine for Wei Xichen, he slowly stood up, focusing on Wei Xiyuan who was still staring.

"Bai... Baili... What... did you just... do..." Wei Xiyuan swallowed and said intermittently.

"Help your brother heal." Baili replied, "Didn't you see them all?"

"No, I mean, why are you saving my brother? What the hell are you doing? Also, who is my brother?" Wei Xi said incoherently.

"He's okay, it's just a little problem with his body. I sealed the mess in his body." Baili explained briefly, but obviously didn't want to talk too much to Wei Xiyuan.

Small problems? It turns out that Baili knew that his elder brother had a physical problem? So Baili must know the solution to his elder brother's strange disease?

Wei Xiyuan was so excited that his whole body began to tremble. Although he could not understand the meaning of Baili dialect, this did not prevent him from replenishing his brain. With these two sentences alone, his brain replenished a shocking story.

Could it be that his brother is a rare special physique in a century? And Baili is a big brother who has been hidden for many years? Then he accidentally discovered that his eldest brother had a physical problem, so he deliberately came to Wei's house to help his eldest brother up close?

Wei Xiyuan felt that the credibility of this idea is very high. If Baili is really an invisible master, then maybe he can...

"Big brother!" Wei Xiyuan's eyes beamed, and his tone was excited, "Which school do you follow? What kind of skill do you practice? Do you accept apprentices?"

Baili: "..."

"Ah, forgive me for being inconvenient to disclose, but about accepting disciples..."

Before Baili finished speaking, Wei Xiyuan immediately grabbed his hand and looked at him'lovely', "Master, please choose me!"

Baili: "..."

On the floor, Wei Xichen slowly opened his eyes. Before he could think about his sudden illness, he first saw the scene of the two bear children holding hands and looking at each other affectionately.

Wei Xichen: "??.?"

Although it is very untimely, are these two stinky boys dying, letting him lie on the floor alone, and the two of them are actually...

For the first time, President Wei Da gave birth to a sense of crisis except for the company's bankruptcy, worrying life, annoying younger brother...

And more importantly...

Hasn't this little bastard Wei Xiyuan always believed that Baili was his sister-in-law? That's how the brat usually gets along with his sister-in-law?

The author has something to say:

[One hundred thousand why Weixi original version]

Wei Xiyuan: Why did my brother come to "that" again?

Wei Xiyuan: What is my brother?

    Wei Xiyuan: Big brother, why do you only care about my brother?
