Chapter 56: Cousin.

With a loud "bang", Baili doubted how much effort Wei Xichen had used.

and many more!

Baili was so shocked that Wei Xichen actually slapped this man down?

Looked down on the ground have to drop down a human form of the pit, the man put a great effort to get up from the pit, followed by general seems to be resigned to sitting on the ground, "Bale Bale, order the case."

The man apparently I didn't expect Wei Xichen's cultivation to be so diligent. It seemed that after entering the fantasy realm, what brought Wei Xichen was not suffering, but opportunity.

"So now you take the initiative to show your identity, or should I help you? But I have just recovered now, and there may be nothing in my hands. If you break you, my baby will probably be angry with me." Wei Xichen squeezed Baili's hand and said to the people on the ground.

Baili: "..." Go away.

The man sighed three times in succession, but was finally forced to dissipate the black mist that had been surrounding him in front of two people.

The person exposed after the black mist dissipated, as expected by Wei Xichen, was very familiar.

"Cousin! Why is it really you!?" Baili couldn't believe it, and even didn't want to believe that what he saw was real.

"Sorry, Baili." My cousin turned pale, wondering if he was injured internally by the slap just now, "I didn't want to be known by you, but I have nothing to do."

"Why you?" Baili still He couldn't believe it, because his cousin's concern for him had never been false, and he couldn't understand why he wanted to put Wei Xichen to death. There was nothing to do with the two.

"I'm afraid I can't tell you." The cousin sighed again and looked up at the two of them. "Bai Li, this is probably the last time I have spoken to you. Listen to me. Go back to the Baili family. It's not something you can intervene..."

The cousin was in the middle of speaking, but suddenly stopped, stretched out his hand to grasp the clothes of his heart, and looked extremely uncomfortable, "Bai Li...remember what I said..."

"Cousin!" Baili was frightened. One jump, just about to run over, Wei Xichen took a step faster.

"Interesting." Wei Xichen put his palm on his cousin's shoulder and smiled at Baili, "Don't worry, baby, I'll solve it." After

Wei Xichen finished speaking, he didn't see any movements, but the cousin suddenly felt physically unconscious. Light, the soul who has been under control can no longer feel the bondage.

"You..." The cousin looked at Wei Xichen in surprise.

"If you are not a relative of my baby, I will never intervene in this matter." Wei Xichen's tone was a little cold, and he didn't mean to explain at all. He turned to look at Baili. Go and hit him on the ground."

Baili: "..."

Although it is very out of place, Baili now especially wants to grab Wei Xichen by the collar and ask: Can you stop the baby from the left and the other right? ? !

"So what is going on? Is my cousin controlled? And you, why are you so high now?" Baili glared at him.

"This is a long story. Let's talk about it slowly after we get home. Anyway, you are always attacking me. No one will dare to bully you in the future..." Wei Xichen coaxed Baili to walk back, and didn't want to talk about it anymore. The meaning of cousin.

The cousin got up from the ground, looked at the back of the two with a complicated expression, and finally followed.


"Although it was not my intention, it was indeed me who attacked Mr. Wei before."

" I originally planned to solve this matter in a way that is less likely to be found, so I deliberately helped him get through without his knowledge. Guan Qiao, but the Yuzhen Pass was left alone. I wanted him to fend for himself, but ordinary people would only think that he died because of a heart attack."

"But I didn't expect that Mr. Wei's body seemed to be different from ordinary people, and he would be able to save himself a few times. What I did not expect was that I would suddenly meet you in t city."

"I knew that you stayed with Wei Xichen and were disrupted. I had a plan and knew that this method would not work, so I planned to do it myself. I thought that this matter would be resolved quickly after I took it myself, but I didn't expect you to perceive Wei always in danger."

"After two failed attacks, I fear that will be exposed in front of your identity, they can only use a more cumbersome way, I want to use fantasy to solve it, but as you can see, two successive failed, this is the life from me ...... "

one hundred Li quietly listened to his cousin's words, and when he finished speaking, he shook his head, "No, cousin, you never planned to kill, right?" The

cousin was taken aback and could only lower his head and smile.

"If you want to kill Wei Xichen, there are many ways, and you don't have to care about me. The reason why you are restrained is because your conscience is still there. Even if you are controlled by someone, you want to drag it until the end."

Baili bite. He gritted his teeth and said what was in his own heart, "Cousin, you can't be blamed for this matter. When you return to the family, my father will be lightened."

"It doesn't matter, it's always his life." He laughed and suddenly felt relaxed.

Baili didn't know how to comfort him, and was entangled in his heart, but he turned his head to see Wei Xichen absent-minded, and kicked it immediately.

"And you! What's the matter with you? Why will your cultivation level improve so much after leaving the illusion?"

"You really don't know?" Wei Xichen looked at Baili leisurely, "Of course it's because of the two of us during that month. Two days and nights—"

"You shut up!"

Wei Xichen was interrupted, shrugging his shoulders innocently, "Didn't you let me explain? You asked me to shut up again, baby, you are too stubborn." . " "

What's your special, people will not say, then shut up! "Barry and kicked him.

After being interrupted by Wei Xichen's nonchalant words, Baili didn't know how to proceed with the conversation, but looking at his cousin's fairly relaxed expression, Baili was also relieved.

Although he is destined to be punished after returning to the family, his cousin is controlled by others and should not be punished too severely.

"Okay, baby, it's getting late now, we've been tossing for so long, let's rest first." Wei Xichen interrupted Baili's meditation, pulled him up, and walked to the second floor.

"Wait! I haven't asked the point yet! We don't know who is behind the scenes—"

"This is not important, don't worry, I will leave it to Lao Gong."

"...Get out!" The

cousin looked at the back of the two. , Smiled helplessly, but then thought of something, but frowned again.


said to be resting, really just to rest. Wei Xichen didn't know what method was used, and he let Baili sleep until evening.

After Baili woke up, he meditated quietly for a while, and found that his cultivation level had increased again, and it seemed that he was not far away from being promoted to Yuan Ying.

This is a little weird.

The monks have not been able to step through the hurdle for decades or even hundreds of years. He is going to break through in just a few months? Obviously, he broke through the Golden Core Period only a few months ago!

This kind of weird climbing speed is simply unheard of, and he can't believe it when he speaks it out, but his body is still quite clear.

He even doubted whether the double cultivation method that Wei Xichen bought from the elder Wang was a heavenly cultivation method, but it was obviously impossible. Even if the double cultivation can improve the cultivation base, it is not so outrageous. Moreover, the dual cultivation technique is more helpful to the one with the lower cultivation base. For people like him who are already in the Golden Core stage, it is not easy to improve. Up.

So is it related to Wei Xichen?

Baili thought of Wei Xichen's strange promotion speed, and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

He had been interrupted by this person before, and he had forgotten to ask him. He didn't know what cultivation level the apprentice was now, why he couldn't even see through...

Baili was a little confused, and now Wei Xichen didn't know where he died. Just put on your clothes and went downstairs.

Cousin still living room to meditate, to see him down, eyebrow smile, "awake?"

"Ah." Barry somewhat uncomfortable, "cousin, WEI Xi Chen do?"

"General Wei to the company, and let you take at home Rest." The cousin said with a smile.

"Oh." Baili nodded, walked over and sat opposite him, hesitantly not knowing how to speak.

"Just ask what you want." The cousin sighed. After the incident was revealed, he thought Baili would not forgive himself, but he didn't expect that he didn't mean to blame himself at all, and even interceded for him.

"The one who controls you..." Baili paused, and still asked, "Wei Xichen doesn't seem to want me to know these things. Isn't it tricky?"

"It's really tricky for me, and I I really don't know the identity of the other party. I haven't even seen him except for being controlled." The cousin said helplessly, "But Mr. Wei should know something, he should have his own consideration."

"Tsk. ." Baili suddenly became a little irritable, and the feeling that this kind of thing is not under his control is really terrible.

Baili grabbed his hair and asked again, but the door of the villa was suddenly pushed open. It was Wei Xichen who had returned.

"Baby, you are awake." Wei Xichen smiled at Baili, and immediately walked over to hug the person, "Why don't you sleep a little longer, and run down without clothes."

Wei Xichen sorted out Baili's pajamas. Helped him correct the wrong button, and saw that he was still frowning, and couldn't help poking his cheek with his hand.

"Don't make trouble." Baili snapped his hand open.

"Relentless." Wei Xichen lowered his mouth, changed the hand that poked his face to hug this man's shoulder, and led him to his feet, "Lao Gong is so good to you, you can hit it whatever you want."

Baili was caught This kind of numb words was shocked, and I didn't understand what terrible switch Wei Xichen was pressed, and how he felt more and more neurotic after coming out of the illusion.

So should he contact Dr. Li to show this person?

There was a mess of things in his head, and when Baili came back to his senses, he found that Wei Xichen had taken him back to the bedroom.

The door was gently closed with a click, but Baili shuddered.

"You, what are you going to do?" It's all the

blame for staying in the illusion for too long. Now when he hears the door closing, he subconsciously thinks of bad things.
