Chapter 78

"All right now easy does it." said Aziraphale as he and Crowley helped Eden to her feet. At long last, she would finally get out of bed!

Gabriel was standing by, not too far away, the allowed distance she was allowed to walk to.

She stood, supported by her fathers' strong shoulders, she glanced down at her feet, a little nervous, she glanced at Crowley, blue serpentine eyes meeting amber.

"Whenever you're ready Queenie." said Crowley softly, he knew how much Eden needed this. This was the answer to end her restlessness. But it was also what he and Aziraphale needed; they needed their little girl to get better.

She took a glance at Aziraphale. "You can do this Eden." His heart ached for his daughter, she had been through so much, and he so desperately wished he could heal her instantly, but sadly, their miracles could only soothe her pain.

Eden then glanced at Gabriel who was waiting patiently, "You can do it." Gabriel couldn't wait to hold her in his arms.

With a deep breath, Eden took her first shaky step forward. Then another and another, she smiled, her Papa and Daddy smiled with her and encouraged her to keep going.

"Well done!" exclaimed Aziraphale.

"Atta girl!" said Crowley. Both were overjoyed to see Eden so happy. They each kissed Eden on the cheek as she continued to walk forward, getting ever closer to Gabriel.

As she got closer, Gabriel held out his arms in welcome and finally, Eden reached her destination. She practically flew out of her father's arms, landing in Gabriel's warm embrace.

Gabriel held her close, he wouldn't leave her ever again.

"I love you." Eden said as Gabriel kissed her on the forehead.

"I'm so proud of you." Gabriel whispered as he ran a hand through Eden's soft fiery hair.

Aziraphale and Crowley watched the couple hold each other and exchange kisses.

Suddenly, Eden grimaced in pain, which prompted Gabriel to gently pass her into the waiting arms of her parents, who helped her back into bed as Gabriel left to get her herbal tea ready.

Crowley changed her dressings as Aziraphale grabbed a novel from the bookshelf and began to read where they left off from the day before.

With a snap of his fingers, Eden's pain was dulled to an aching numbness, which would do the trick for a while.

When Gabriel brought her tea, she eagerly drank it and was able to listen to several chapters of Papa's reading before she finally dozed off.
