Chapter 12

Lucifer sat on his black obsidian throne, glowering at Hastur the Duke of Hell. "So you managed to get a photograph of this "Abomination"? Or do I need to send Lilith to get the job done."

He had sent Hastur to kill this Abomination years ago, but he failed. First Aamon, one of the most vicious demons in his dominion, had failed, and then Hastur failed. He should have sent Lilith; she definitely would not have failed him.

"No my Lord, I have the photograph. It's as we feared, it has reached adulthood, but it has yet to fully come into its power."

A blood red folder appeared on Satan's desk and he flipped it open with a wave of a finger.

There was a moment of silence then Lucifer burst into laughter. The sound sending shivers down the disgraced Duke's spine.

"You mean to tell me that this pathetic thing is the Abomination...the Champion that you all fear?" He held up the picture and showed it to Lilith, who shook her head in disgust.

"Pathetic! You are all pathetic! We've all gone soft, I've gone soft. Sitting behind this desk for millennia and getting told off by my own bastard son...costing us the entire War!"

He paused for a moment as Lilith asked, "Who should we send to rid ourselves of the Abomination?"

Lucifer rose from his throne and gazed at the photo. "No one."

"But Lord..." Hastur began.

"I don't want to hear a word from you tadpole!" Lucifer snapped.

Hastur flinched, wishing that a hole would open up in the floor and swallow him whole....

"I will go and see to this...Champion...myself. Lilith, revise my entire schedule! We are going forward with Phase One!"

"Right away my Lord." Lilith said as she grabbed her clipboard and feather quill,  silently leaving her Master's office.

"As for you Hastur, get the 666 Division ready. I've been keeping them waiting for long enough!" As he said this, he walked over to his silver full length mirror that hung on the obsidian wall, and he made sure he looked presentable for when he met with his troops.

"What about the Horseman my Lord? Surely you want them summoned as well?"

"No, they failed me like you, Beelzebub and Dagon did. You three will remain here at Head Office, where you belong." He snarled as he examined his corporation. "Should I grow a beard? Maybe a mustache?"

He then proceeded to comb his hair, and went as slowly as possible, enjoying the tension and fear emanating from the Duke of Hell until he eventually got bored and snarled, "Dismissed."

Hastur practically ran out of the throne room.

"If you want something done right, you do it yourself..." Lucifer said wickedly as he lit a cigarette, using its butt to set the picture of Eden Alexandria Queen Fell aflame. 
