Chapter 26

Gabriel tried everything. The heavy metal door wouldn't budge his attempts to miracle it open failed as well. That could only mean one thing; he was in Heaven's dungeon.

Heaven's dungeon was designed to neutralize celestial and even demonic powers. As long as he was in here, he was absolutely useless....right when Eden needed him the most.

He roared in fury and rage as he pounded on the door as hard as he could, but not even that left a dent.

"Please....please...let me save her...." Gabriel begged the Almighty, even though she probably couldn't hear him.

Eden woke up bright and early and gave both of her fathers' an abundant amount of hugs and kisses, helped them cook breakfast and didn't leave either of their sides. She even insisted that she tag along with them when they left to check on the shop. It was fine of course, thanks to the ward that Aziraphale had placed over it.

Eden and Lucifer had come to an agreement. A duel to the death.

In three days time, the duel would be fought between Eden and...Lucifer at the place where the first Great Battle was supposed to start, Tadfeild Airbase, where their duel would be a spectacle to be enjoyed by the armies of Heaven and Hell.

She hoped that this duel would by her fathers' some more time to figure out a plan to stop the war.

Eden new that it would be extremely unlikely that she would survive her battle with Satan so she was going to spend these last three days on Earth with her family.

"Is there any prophecy that can give us some sort of clue of how to beat Satan?" Crowley asked as he poured himself and Aziraphale a glass of wine. The family was in the family room, sitting on the couch.

"I'm afraid not, although there was one that mentioned some sort of duel and another says that the armies of Hell and Heaven will be in attendance."

"Wot sort of duel?" Crowley asked as he handed Aziraphale a glass of wine.

"I'm afraid I don't know. The ink is smudged and I couldn't make it out."

Eden wasn't really paying attention to their conversation; she was just sitting next to her Papa, not wanting to think about the duel.

Although she was relieved to hear that her Papa didn't know who would be fighting in the duel. He and Daddy would never let her go through with it.

Crowley held out a glass of wine for Eden. "Really?"

"Course, you're old enough." Crowley said with a smile as she took a sip.

"Blagh! It's awful!" Eden said as she spat out the wine. Crowley laughed, "Aziraphale, you sure she's our daughter?"

Eden set the glass on the table and pushed it away from her. "Give me Papa's cocoa any day."

Aziraphale snapped his fingers and a warm mug of cocoa appeared in Eden's hands and she drank gratefully, savoring every sip.
