Chapter 19

         "No." Crowley said. The Archangel had been staying with them these past few days and it didn't take rocket science to figure out that Crowley wanted him gone. Crowley was considering murder....maybe a hit-man...

"Crowley, please, be reasonable, it's not safe for Gabriel to be by himself and South Downs is the safest place in the world right now..." Things had seemed to calm down at the moment. The fires had stopped, and the 666 Division had seemed to pull back, where they were was anybody's guess.

Gabriel had spent the night in the guest room after he brought Eden home. Grateful beyond words, Aziraphale insisted that Gabriel stay the night to rest. He could tell that the Archangel didn't want to leave Eden and be as close to her as possible.

But now he had to convince Crowley to let the Archangel stay, Crowley had voiced his disapproval about the night before.

"He really has changed Crowley, I can sense it. Not only that, his bond with Eden is getting stronger by the day and she clearly wants him to stay."

Crowley hated to admit it, but Aziraphale was right, at least about Eden wanting the Archangel to stay. Eden had gone out of her way to make Gabriel feel welcome and it sickened him when Aziraphale did the same. As for Gabriel being a changed Archangel, Crowley had yet to be convinced.

"I still don't trust him Aziraphale, ever since he popped up everything has gone to Hell! Pun intended! And to top it all off, Lucifer himself knows about our daughter and he called her the Champion!"

Aziraphale paled for a moment. They both had been floored when Eden told them about her encounters with Lucifer. If not for Gabriel Eden would be...Aziraphale didn't dare finish the thought.

"Crowley, you heard what Eden said, the Head Offices may already know about Gabriel's time with Eden. He is in just as much danger as she is, we can protect the both of them here."

Eden was sitting on the bed in the guest room, Gabriel sitting next to her. "You think they'll let me stay?" Gabriel asked, hoping his voice didn't betray how worried he was. He didn't want to leave Eden...not when it was so dangerous....

She told him about Agnes Nutter, her prophecies, the prophecy about her. It all made his head spin.

Eden was the foretold Champion who was supposed to bring about the demise of Lucifer. He didn't even want to think about what that could mean...

"Papa will get through to Daddy. He always does, this place also has a ward over it. No one with ill intent will find us here." She scooted closer to him and he felt his face flush.

The guest room door swung open and in stepped Crowley and Aziraphale. Gabriel automatically scooted away. He couldn't afford to piss off Crowley again.

"Gabriel, dear, we would love and insist that you stay with us until this...unfortunate time is over. Isn't that right Crowley?" He turned to his husband.

"Right." Crowley mumbled.

Eden and Gabriel sighed in relief and Eden reached out and held his hand.

"Before you lot get all wishy washy, we're going to set some rules!" Crowley said gruffly, his amber eyes fixed on Gabriel. "From now on, if Eden is in a room with you, the door stays open! No more surprise sleepovers in the same room! I'm watching you Gabriel, one wrong move and I'll kick your arse straight to Hel-"

Aziraphale cut him off, "Alrighty then, now, before I get lunch started, I wanted to let you both know, Crowley and I set up a ward that borders the cottage. It's a very large portion of Epping Forest so you too can enjoy a nice walk, maybe even a picnic together, while within the safety of our protection. Crowley has etched my initials on the trees that mark the end of the borders. As long as you do not pass them, you both will be safe from both Head Offices."

Crowley glared at Aziraphale. He did not approve of his angel giving their daughter and Archangel Gabriel ideas!

Later that night, Gabriel and Eden were sitting on the grass, cushioned by a thick tartan blanket, watching the sunset.

"It's beautiful." Gabriel said in awe as the sky was aglow with a myriad of shades of orange, yellow and even some shades of pink as the bright red sun began to sink towards the other side of the world.

"This ain't nothing. Wait till you see a sunrise." Eden chuckled as she laid her head against his shoulder.

They sat in silence, drinking in each other's presence until Gabriel said, "I don't know what to do."

"About what?" Eden asked.

"Heaven, if they we're to find out about us....About you....I am a are a hybrid..."

"A dangel!" Eden corrected.

Gabriel chuckled, but then his face grew serious again. Eden didn't like it when he wasn't smiling. He had such a beautiful smile.

Eden grasped his hand and gave it a squeeze. "You know, fuck Heaven, and fuck Hell while we're at it! We are obviously together for a reason and I believe it's to change things". Gabriel met Eden's blue eyes, they were as radiant as the first time he saw them.

"I always thought that I would never find the love my father's share with one another, but I've finally found it with you." Gabriel felt his corporations...heart...that's what it was called, beating rapidly.

"Y-You l-love..?" He stammered. Eden nodded her head.

"I love you Archangel fucking Gabriel." Gabriel smiled, embarrassed, "Your never gonna let me live that down huh?"

"Nope." Eden replied with a smirk as she leaned forward. For some reason, Gabriel knew exactly what to do, he leaned forward too and his lips met hers.

It was the most amazing feeling in the world, Gabriel felt as if his chest would burst with starlight. All they could do was melt in each other's arms, their foreheads touching, holding each other close.

"Angels aren't supposed to fall in love...." Gabriel murmured, "But I love you Eden Alexandria Queen Fell....I love you...."

"No matter what happens next, I'll always be forever yours." Eden replied as their lips met again.

Gabriel, in his six thousand years of existence had never felt anything like this. He only read about this sort of thing in the pamphlets...but it was nothing like what the pamphlets said. They had said nothing about finding someone like Eden, someone who was capable of such kindness and warmth. Someone who accepted him for who he was, an angel who had fallen in love....

Aziraphale was sitting on the porch, watching over the pair from afar, and he wept tears of joy when Eden and Gabriel kissed.

Eden was all grown up.

"WAHOO!" Eden whooped as Gabriel's wings popped out.

Crowley was peering through the window, he had also been watching the pair, and he nearly broke the window when he saw the Archangel kiss his daughter.
