Chapter 41

At first, Gabriel couldn't process what he was seeing.

He saw Eden, standing right in front of the bed he was laying on, she was definitely his Eden, but she was wearing a gray robe with a gaping hole in her midsection. It was glowing a bright orange, in the exact spot where Lucifer had run her through.

"Eden?" Gabriel exclaimed as he sat up. He instinctively reached out to touch her, hold her close again...but his hand went right through her shoulder.

"What the hell?!" Eden exclaimed as she yanked herself away. "What's happening...?"

"You don't remember?" Gabriel murmured.

Eden thought for a moment. "I got stabbed.....then I fell asleep." But Eden could tell by the look on Gabriel's face that there was more to it than that.

"Eden, you...." He couldn't say it aloud.

"Hey, it's okay." Eden knelt down and Gabriel shivered when her hands touched his face. He didn't feel anything, yet she was so close.

"I'm back now. I'm sure a quick hop back into my body and everything will be tickety boo, as Papa always says! Where are they by the way? Are they safe?" Eden's voice became sharp with concern.

"They're safe Eden." Gabriel replied.

"And the War?"

"It's over. Aziraphale ended it." He could tell that Eden had more questions but she didn't want to waste anymore time. "Right then, let's get me back into my body and I can-," Eden suddenly doubled over in pain. "Aggh!"

"Eden!" Gabriel cried as he tried to reach out and catch her, but his hand went right through her again.

"What's wrong?" Gabriel asked as he knelt down next to Eden.

"I-I don't stomach is hurting..." Eden whimpered as she clutched her middle.

"I'll get Aziraphale and Crowley!" Gabriel shot to the door as he called for the angel and demon, but when he turned around to face Eden, he froze when he saw a familiar specter looming over Eden.

It was Sandalphon.

"NO!" Gabriel shouted but he was too late.

Sandalphon grabbed Eden roughly by the shoulders, the two wispy phantoms disappeared.
