Chapter 54

"There, all the soft served ice cream you can eat!" Eden said proudly as she and Freddie stared at the new ice cream parlor she had miracled into existence. She had also miracled the broken rides to brand new, she even added her own special touches, including the ice cream parlor.

She stared up at the freshly miracled Ferris wheel and her thoughts drifted back to Gabriel. He probably had never seen a Ferris wheel before...or eaten soft served ice cream...

Eden turned to Freddie, "Where's the doorway?"

"It's just beyond this place, it marks the border between this park and the wasteland. Freddie had tried to urge Eden to hurry and not dawdle but she kept stopping to miracle the park into a place that could actually bring people joy and it was beginning to take a toll on her.

The wound was becoming more painful and even now, Eden was gripping her gut tightly as she leaned against a game booth.

"Come on jitterbug, we gotta keep moving."

"O-Okay...." Freddie took her by the hand, leading her deeper into the park.

When it became clear to Gabriel that he wouldn't be able to out fly Aamon, he jumped on the wolflike demon's back and socked him in the back of the neck. Aamon grunted, throwing Gabriel off and onto the dirt path.

Gabriel braced himself as Aamon lunged at him, razor sharp fangs bared.

"We're almost there Eden." Freddie encouraged as he and Eden made their way past the House of Broken Mirrors, which was miracled into a brand new and simple House of Mirrors. "Eden, no more, you need your strength." Freddie scolded gently.

"But there's so much that still needs to be done...I forgot to miracle a sushi restaurant...." Eden rasped.

"You've done enough." Freddie led Eden to a rusty bench. "You rest for a bit jitterbug."

Eden was grateful for the break, her stomach was really hurting...

Freddie felt a chill go down his spine. Someone was coming, someone he hoped that he could spare Eden from encountering.

"On your feet jitterbug, we gotta hit the road!" He helped Eden to her feet as she protested, "But Freddie, I'm so tired..."

"I know, but we're almost there..." They both whirled around at the sound of a loud crash and Eden screamed.

Gabriel had been flung against the door of The House of Mirrors and was now slumped on the ground.

Gabriel's head swam with pain as his ears rang with the sound of an achingly familiar voice. "Gabe? Gabe! Are you okay? It's me, it's Eden!" The Archangel's forehead had a deep cut on the side with blood dripping down his face.

"E-Eden? I-Ack!" Gabriel broke off with a groan of pain. "Shit, where are you hurt? Aside from your head?" Eden quickly found the answer to her question. Gabriel's stomach was laced with claw marks, his clothes were shredded and stained with blood. "Oh my Someone, who did this to you?"

Ignoring her question, Gabriel pushed himself up, staring into her serpentine eyes. "Eden, please, go to the doorway..." He grit his teeth at the pain as Eden replied, "I'm not leaving you like this..."

"Good, I hate to work on an empty stomach." said a cold, gravelly voice.

"Eden run!" Gabriel moaned as Eden gaped at the massive beast less than a yard away from them.

"You can't run, the holy fire has weakened you." Aamon snarled as he crept closer.

Freddie stepped in front of Eden, "I'm afraid I can't let that happen Aamon."

"You dare defy me in Purgatory? My own domain? You angels get more arrogant as the centuries go by." Aamon shifted into a crouching position.

"Eden, take Gabriel and go to the doorway, I'll hold him off." Eden nodded as she helped Gabriel to his feet and he leaned against her, grateful for the support.

Quick as lightning, Aamon lunged, ready for the kill.

A black Bentley rammed into Aamon right before his claws could make contact with Freddie.

Aamon lay slumped over on his side when the Bentley came to a stop.

Someone who Eden thought she would never see again stepped out of the Bentley, "Queenie?"
