Chapter 48

Eden was running for her life. Or whatever this was. She was being chased by strange people, who tore at her gray robe as she ran throughout the torn up streets of the dystopian city.

Her wrists were still cuffed in the shackles, which were painfully tight.

One of the people lunged and grabbed her by the robe, Eden cried out as she swung her fists and the metal chains connected with his head, knocking him out. Seeing that their comrade had fallen the rest of the party finally backed off and Eden ducked into an alley, hiding behind a dumpster.

She slumped onto the cold ground and leaned against the dumpster; somewhat relieved that she didn't go through the dumpster...or the dumpster didn't go through her....she didn't know anything anymore.

She glanced down at the tear in her stomach; at least it wasn't hurting anymore....

Her heart ached....(did she even still have a heart?) for her fathers', her home and for Gabriel. She missed them all so terribly.

Eden had no idea where she was either. The things she had already seen were so strange and terrifying. She somehow was able to evade capture from the demon guards that patrolled the streets.

The worse was the people. Eden was able to determine that they we're in fact human....or they once we're.....many of them had no humanity left in them and the docile ones just walked around aimlessly.

Eden hoped she didn't come across any more hostiles.

Eden tensed when she heard footsteps coming her way.....
