Chapter 25

Eden opened the twin doors of her TARDIS and stepped through....

Her father's were fast asleep, unaware of what their daughter was getting herself into.

Lucifer was sitting on a throne made of bones; some of them still had the remnants of flesh on them. It had been a successful day of death and chaos.

Lucifer and the 666 Division had taken over the Ritz. The once beautiful hotel was now a cesspool of demonic deeds and debauchery.

Hastur had come through. Lucifer admired the flaming sword as he held it aloft; its flames as bright and as deadly as the first time he saw them all those millennia. Oh how he missed the old days, where he and War would sit back and watch the humans destroy each other with the concept of war...

He even tried it out on a few unfortunate demons that made the mistake of standing to close to Lucifer while he and Azazel were enjoying a drink.

He must have lost track of how long he had been admiring his new weapon, when he heard terrified shrieking and wailing from the 666 demons.

"My Lord!" Hastur called. "It's the Abomination! She's here!" Lucifer watched in disbelief as his fellow demons ran in all directions, some grabbing anything that could be used as a weapon, some miracled weapons on the spot, some just fled the building.

"ENOUGH!" Lucifer bellowed. The demons froze.

"You are such a sorry lot! Afraid of a child? I could kill her with a snap of my finger! Hastur, send her in, and find every demon that fled like a coward and have them castrated, regardless if they have an effort or not!"

Hastur left to do his Lord's bidding while Luficer leaned back against his thrown; he never had an opponent face him within his own domain before.

Eden wanted to cry at the sight of her beloved Ritz. The building was aflame and the air smelled of burning flesh. The place was crawling with demons. The alarm had been raised as soon as she was spotted. She knew that Lucifer wouldn't try kill her immediately, he would want to play with his prey first.

The only consolation was that most of the humans had been evacuated, so at least they couldn't see what had happened to their beautiful city.

As she approached the broken doors of the Ritz, a demon guard rushed out to meet her armed with an obsidian tipped spear. Poor thing looked terrified.

"State your business Abomination." The demon barked, his knees shaking.

"Hello, I need to speak to Satan." The demon seemed like he forgotten how his legs worked. "My name is Eden, what's yours?"

"Abraxas." The demon replied, he seemed to be able to get his legs working again as he pointed his spear towards the doors of the Ritz, signaling that she was too walk forward. She obeyed and he brought up the rear, now staring at her with bewilderment. He couldn't recall the last time someone had been polite to him...

"Eden Alexandria Queen Fell, what a surprise! What brings you here?" Lucifer said cockily as he stuck the flaming sword into the floor.

"Lucifer. I've come with a proposition." Eden said, keeping her voice even and her eyes forward, fixed straight at Lucifer's black eyes.

"And what would that be?" Lucifer leaned forward, genuinely excited to what the Champion had come to propose.

"Lucifer, I challenge you to a duel."

Eden held her breath as she waited for Satan's answer.

"HA! Now that is quite a proposition!" Lucifer howled with laughter. "I must say, I think that's a grand idea!"

Eden let out a sigh but she stiffened again when Lucifer said, "A duel? Really? You see, I am quite busy making preparations to fight Heaven, I could just kill you now and be rid of you. What are you fighting for Eden Alexandria Queen Fell?"

"For the World." Eden replied.
