Chapter 67

Gabriel was now keeping vigil over Eden. He had taken over after Crowley and Aziraphale had given her a sponge bath and fed her. Crowley had prepared dinner for the both of them and he was eager to get Aziraphale out of the room. Crowley wasn't going to let Aziraphale starve himself on his watch.

The Archangel sat quietly, watching the slow rise and fall of her chest. "Hi Eden." he began awkwardly. He had seen and heard Aziraphale and Crowley talking to her, they made it look so easy....

"I....I've been learning how to cook." Gabriel finally said. "Crowley has been teaching me, even Aziraphale, when Crowley can get him to come out."

Her once short curly hair was now almost past her shoulders, several strands of it stuck out in between the bandages, she even looked like she lost some weight.

"I've fixed everything." Gabriel continued. "The world, I mean."

"I've miracled everything back to the way it was. It's as if The War never happened...I just wish I could help you..." Gabriel hated feeling this way, he remembered reading about this feeling....helplessness.....

He hated it.

"Please Eden....please wake up...." Gabriel begged as he tried to choke back a sob.

"You gotta wake up so you can show me Paris...and tell me what a crepe is...and introduce me to all of the scrummy food there...." He rubbed his eyes. "I-I miss you."

He leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on her dry, yet still beautiful lips, he knelt at the bedside, burying his head in his arms, weeping softly.

Unbeknownst to the Archangel, Eden shifted as her eyes slowly drifted open. Her body was wracked with searing white pain. Her throat felt like sandpaper, her muscles feeling as heavy as lead.

Everything around her was blurry, but when things finally came into focus, she realized that she was in her room, safely snug in her bed....someone was crying.....

It took a lot of effort, but she was able to lift the arm that wasn't throbbing with pain and reached out....

Gabriel felt a cool hand touch the nape of his neck as a weak and beautifully familiar voice rasped, "Gabe..."
