Chapter 46

  Eden kicked and thrashed as she was yanked away from Gabriel. The familiar guest room faded away and she found herself in a white room. Sandalphon finally released her and she fell to her knees.

"Well done Sandalphon." said a voice with no emotion. Eden looked up and her eyes met the gaze of Archangel Michael.

Before Eden could say or do anything, a pair of iron shackles appeared on her wrists and she was hauled to her feet by a pair of angels that seemed to appear out of nowhere.

She was roughly led down a long white hallway, when she thought the hallway would never end, the procession stopped at a huge metal door.

Archangel Michael snapped their fingers and the door slowly creaked open, revealing nothing but darkness. "What is this?" Eden demanded. The angels didn't answer as Sandalphon shoved Eden through the doorway.

Into complete darkness.
