Chapter 57

As suddenly as it started, the wind stopped. Crowley and Aziraphale peeked out from in between their feathers and they gawked at the sight before them. "We're at the Almighty's Temple..." Aziraphale said in awe as Crowley simply said, "Ngk."

The temple was beautiful. Its walls were as white as the purest snow, surrounded by an endless garden, and a golden street leading to a vast forest.

Crowley looked around and realized that Freddie and his Bentley were gone while the four of them we're on the softest grass in had ever felt.

"Eden!" Aziraphale cried as Eden began to convulse. Crowley wrapped an arm around Aziraphale's shaking shoulders as they both watched helplessly.

"We gotta get her inside now." Gabriel said tersely when Eden was finally still again.

"Won't there be guards?" Crowley asked as he watched the Archangel scoop his daughter up into his strong arms. Aziraphale adjusted the blanket so it now covered Eden's body as it rested in Gabriel's arms.

"If there are any, they won't get in our way." Gabriel replied stiffly.

The father's followed Gabriel as he led them through the garden and when they approached the doors to the temple opened, as if it was expecting them.

"How much longer is this going to be?" Crowley said after the trio had walked for what felt like an eternity. He glanced at Eden, she was barely breathing now. "Eden isn't going to last much longer at this rate." He saw the Archangel wince at his words. Aziraphale was whispering words of comfort to their daughter, but who knows if she could hear them.

"We're almost there." Gabriel said tightly as they continued down the winding hallway. He hadn't been here in centuries and yet he still remembered the way.

He felt Eden shudder in his arms and he hugged her closer. "Almost there Eden....almost there." he whispered.

"Where the fuck is she?!" Crowley demanded when the trio finally reached the Almighty's throne room. The white pearl carved thrown was empty.

"I don't know..." Gabriel's voice cracked. "I don't understand...she never leaves the throne room..."

"You really are out of touch aren't you Messenger?" said a voice.

It was Freddie, "Unlike you lot in Heaven, she actually does her job and helps humanity when and where she can."

"Where is she?" Gabriel snapped.

"She's waiting for you outside by the pond." Freddie replied as he pointed down another hallway. Without another word, Gabriel darted down the hallway Freddie showed him and ran as fast as he could.

"Thank you!" Aziraphale called over his shoulder as he and Crowley ran after Gabriel.

Gabriel had enough of running and his wings appeared with an fwoosh, his wings flapping furiously....
