Chapter 16

The Fell family and Archangel Gabriel had just finished their meal. The two fathers' were still sitting at the table with Gabriel while Eden was taking this week's treats out to the forest animals, not at all minding if her sky blue dress would get dirty. Dinner was over!

She smiled as she filled the birdfeeders with birdseed. Gabriel had practically discorperated at the site of her walking down the stairs in her dress.

She then put chopped up pieces of fruit and vegetables on a tree stump for the squirrels.

Eden looked around, usually, her animal friends would have already been out by now to greet her and feast on the goodies. That's when she smelled something...


She then saw that it was coming from the south part of the forest, she ran towards the direction of the smoke.

She reached the clearing, one of the many clearings she would play at as a child, the clearing that had the best lighting so she could read her books in the sun.

It was completely ablaze.

Eden ran to a blazing tree and tried to use some of her powers. It didn't work no matter how hard she tried.

She must have been to close, because a tongue of flame touched her arm and she screamed in agony as she fell to the ground clutching her arm.

"Bad luck dear." said a cold voice.

Eden looked up and saw a tall, thin woman walking towards her. She was dressed in a red dress.

She felt a stab of dread in her gut as she came closer, knelt down and grabbed her roughly by her shoulder, which jarred her injured arm, her black nails digging into her shoulder.

"Agh!" Eden cried out as she tried to yank herself away, but the woman's claws dug in deeper.

The pain was so intense that she nearly passed out.

"So this is the Champion that is supposed to save this rock? And "Bring about the demise of Satan."?

"Pathetic, I can kill you with a snap of my fingers, you stupid child."

Eden closed her eyes and waited for death, but it didn't come.

"GET OFF OF HER!", shrieked a familiar voice, the woman was then yanked away from Eden by her long blond hair.

It was her Daddy! Eden slumped onto the ground and coughed as she struggled to breathe.

Crowley bared his fangs as he spat at Eden. "If you ever come near her again....I'll fucking kill you!"

"Oh Crowley, is that anyway to talk to an old friend?"

Crowley snarled at Lilith. "Bullshit. Stay away from us!" He glanced back at Eden in concern when he heard her cough and when he turned back to face Lilith, she was gone.

Eden woke up in a coughing fit, she coughed so much it made her eyes water. Someone held a glass of water to her lips and she drank gratefully.

As her gaze became focused she realized it was her Papa, who looked terrified.

"P-Papa..." she croaked.

"Shh, don't talk Little One, rest your voice."

"Is she alright?" Gabriel entered the living room, with a damp cloth. He was looking at her funny...

She looked down and realized that part of her dress was burnt away.

That could have been her as well, she thought to herself, feeling a little sick.

"My arm..." Eden realized that her arm no longer was hurting, or her shoulder.

"I healed them darling...why did you run off into the woods like that? You could have been killed!" Before she could try to rasp out an answer, Crowley came back inside reeking of smoke.

"How is the forest?" Aziraphale asked.

"I managed to put out the fire before it spread any further, and I put another ward over the cottage...." He ran to the couch when he saw that Eden was awake.

"Oh Go-, Sat-, Someone! Are you okay Queenie?" He said as he knelt down and stroked her soot covered cheek.

"I'm fine..." Eden croaked as her fathers' hugged her tightly.

Eden changed out of her burnt dress, which Crowley promised he would fix with a miracle, and back into her usual attire.

According to her Daddy, that woman was Lilith and was one of the most dangerous demons out there.

Eden shuddered as she remembered the contempt and hatred that emanated from Lilith.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Gabriel said as they sat on the porch, he had an arm wrapped around her protectively as if he was afraid that if she left his sight, she would be back in danger.

"I'm fine Gabe." Gabriel didn't seem to believe her. He had nearly lost it when he saw Crowley emerge from the blazing forest with Eden crumpled in his arms, covered in soot and blood, with the smell of burning flesh stinging his nostrils.

"Hey, don't worry, I'm fine. You can come to the bookshop now whenever you feel like it now. You'll be able to see me more often now. Although I'll be sad there won't be any more sleepovers."

Gabriel blushed again, "I'll see you tomorrow as soon as possible."

"I look forward to it!" Eden said with a smile as Gabriel flew away.

"You know, there is my old tree house....that could be an option for's a luxury one with plenty of room...for two..." Eden suggested with a grin at Gabriel's red face.

Eden couldn't sleep. She stared up at the glowing stars on her ceiling but they gave her no comfort or any sort of answers so she arose from her bed and changed into her warmest pair of pants, a Doctor Who T shirt and slipped into her brown duffle coat and then threw on her long scarf.

She went to her TARDIS. It had been built by Crowley himself, by hand. He made it out of a tree that had fallen over in a storm and carved it into the wooden TARDIS that was now in the backyard.

This TARDIS was the only thing, the only place, where Eden's powers seemed to trigger. All she had to do was think about what she wanted the inside to be, which was usually a exact replica of the inside of Tenth Doctor's TARDIS, with some extra furniture and some more homey touches.

But Eden had also discovered that she is she wanted to go to a specific location, all she had to do was step through the TARDIS's blue doors and there she would be.

She didn't want to have a short walk in the woods. It still stunk of smoke and soot. So as she reached the blue doors, she closed her eyes, thought of a location and swung the doors wide open.

Now, she wasn't concerned about not having a way home, all she had to do was fly there, she knew the way.

She stepped through and found herself standing in front of a building she had never seen before. According to the logo, it was Club49Soho. This wasn't St James....

"Excuse ma'am, you look a bit lost." said a deep, concerned voice.

Eden whirled around and she came face to face with a striking young man, he was nearly as tall as Gabriel . He was dressed in a black suit, with a blood red tie and had curly black hair as wild as a lion's mane.

"Oh I'm not lost, I was just heading to St James..."

He arched an eyebrow, "On a cold night like this? At this late hour?"

Eden shrugged, "The park is all I really know anyway."

"Well, perhaps I can tempt you to joining me with my friends inside this club? It's warm, with food and drink..." The man offered kindly.

"Oh I'm not allowed to drink..." Eden began hanging her head.

"Are you over the age of twenty one?" the man asked with infinite patience.

"Yes, of course I am!"

"Then surely one cup of wine or too won't do any harm." He took her by the hand and led her inside. She didn't resist. Honestly, she was grateful for the friendly gesture.

"What's your name?" He asked as he led her inside the warm building.

"I'm Eden."

"Nice to meet you Eden, my name is Lou."
