Chapter 66

Crowley and Aziraphale ate quietly. Crowley watched his husband poke absentmindedly at the food on his plate with his fork. Aziraphale hadn't eaten in nearly two days and it worried Crowley.

Aziraphale was staring at the empty chair, Eden's spot. "Angel, you need to eat something." Crowley said softly.

Aziraphale finally took a few bites and Crowley continued, "Hey remember our camping trip last summer, when Eden and I were fishing?"

It took Aziraphale awhile to respond but he finally replied, "The fish flew in the air and hit you right in the face." Crowley had been reeling the fish in, it must have been the biggest fish in the lake, until the tail slapped him in the face. Eden had laughed so hard that she dropped the net and the fish fell right into the boat.

Aziraphale smiled, "You then proceeded to nearly topple the boat to finish the fish off." Crowley drank in that smile, he hadn't seen Aziraphale smile in days.

Crowley had gotten so mad at the blasted fish that he tackled the bastard and tried to strangle it to death, but he only succeeded in rocking the boat until Eden finally trapped the beast in the net.

They both laughed at the memory. "Eden was so happy that day." Aziraphale murmured. Crowley nodded in agreement. He would never forget the look of pride and admiration on Eden's face. She looked at him as if he was a superhero; he loved it when she would look at him like that. She even looked at him the same way as she was dying in Aziraphale's arms. Crowley pushed away the last thought.

"Remember her first word?" Aziraphale asked.

"Yeah." Crowley replied with a soft smile. That was one of the best days of the demon's life. "Fuck." Crowley chuckled softly as he quoted Eden, who was once such a tiny little thing. Her first word had also been the first time she had ever cursed.

"Remember the skunks?" Aziraphale added. Crowley laughed at the memory. The cottage had stunk for months.

"Of all the animals she had to bring home!" Aziraphale wheezed, trying not to choke on his mouthful of food.

They both laughed as Aziraphale began to eat with more enthusiasm.

Crowley let out a sigh of relief. 
