You need to go

Serena's POV

Where am I? All I see is darkness and I can not open my eyes. Beep beep beep I heard next to me. What happened? 

"I want my children." I heard someone say and I recognised that voice even if I can't open my eyes. My heart was beating faster and all I could think of was the twins. Where are they?

"Her heartbeat is picking up!" I heard Luke say and suddenly I heard doors open "What happened?" A unknown voice asked.

Luke's POV

As the doctors stormed into the room I was just in shock, scared of loosing her again. "Well Drew said that he wanted his children and all of a sudden Serena's heart monitor went like crazy. Drew is Serena's twins' biological father." I said and they nodded.

"Sorry sir but I think its best if you leave this room." One of the doctors said and Drew stomped out of the door. Serena calmed down a bit once he left and everything went back to normal.

"Luke once he enters the room please call security to remove him." Doctor Collins said and I nodded.  Once he left, the door went open again and my mom popped her head in and the twins ran to me yelling "DADDY!!!!" "Hello there." I said while I hugged them, yes they started calling me daddy since the accident happened.

25 December 2015

It's Christmas and Serena is still in her coma, we decorated her room with a Christmas tree and there's lights with gifts under the tree. We were all here in her room talking and Drew, well he's not welcome in this room.

"I'm so happy that all of us can be-" Liam got interrupted "Liz?" Serena asked an my mom was at her side in a heartbeat.  "I'm so happy you're awake sweetie.  What's wrong do you need anything?" Mom asked "I just want to see my children please." Serena said.

I stood up and grabbed Tristan and McKenzie's little hands in mine. "Daddy?" Kenzie asked looking up at me. "Mommies awake sweetie." I saod and led them to her bed "Mommy!" They both yelled as they saw her eyes open, I quickly helped them to get on the bed and I turned to go sit down.

"Missed you." Tristan said and Kenzie nodded their  heads. "Ahww baby I missed you too, both of you." She said hugging them tight.

"Ah Serena! Its great  to see you awake." The doctor  said  as he came  into  the room. "I'm  happy  to be." Said  Serena "Well everything  seems  to be good and you can go home tomorrow." The doc said  and Serena  frowned  a bit "Why tomorrow?"

"Because  if anything  happens  during  the rest of today we would know that there is still something  wrong  but as far as i can see everything  looks great." The doctor  said  and she nodded "Merry  Christmas." He said  and left the room.

"Who's  ready to open  some presents?" I asked after a while. "We!" Kenzie and Tris yelled  at the same time, Serena helped  them of off the bed and they ran to the tree where i was currently  sat at.

"Kenzie come here quickly." I said and she came to me "Here give this to mommy." I whispered and gave her a small box wrapped in Christmas wrapping. She nodded  her head and waddled  over to her mother, she held out the box and Serena  took it. "Thank  you baby girl. But who is it from?" She asked and I shyly rised my hand.

She carefully unwrapped  the box and opened  it. "Ahww Luke its beautiful, will you help me put it on please?" She asked and I nodded. I stood up and walked over to her, she gave me the necklace and I put it around her neck "Thank you Luke." She said and hugged me.

"Serena I've been wanting to ask you this for a long time but I didn't  know when was the right time so I figured  Christmas would be. Serena Marie Jones will you please be my girlfriend?" I asked while everyone  was watching  us. "Luke, I like you for a really  long time and..." she paused for a while looking at the twins then at the boys and lastly  at my mom. "I'd  love to be your girlfriend Luke." She said and I immediately wrapped  my arms around her.

"Is that what the 'L' stands for on the necklace?" She asked while in the hug and i just nodded.

"Finally!" Calum yelled and the rest just made a happy dance.

"Now lets continue opening presents." My mom said and we all nodded.
